Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2041: The poor

Gu Fei hit the old veteran general Feihuo with a palm, and severely injured the commander of the 100,000 soldiers, which caused a commotion in the battle of Vulcan.

After flying the old **** general, Gu Fei smashed the chariot of the old **** general with another fist, smashing the chariot to pieces.

"Haha, old man Huo, you also have today."

The City Lord Wuji, who was trapped in the battle formation of Vulcan, couldn't help laughing when he saw this scene, but at the same time he was also secretly shocked. Gu Fei’s combat power was too amazing.

Huo Zun old **** general is different from ordinary **** generals. This is an old antique, and his cultivation base is earth-shattering. Even if the Promise City Lord confronts this old **** general, he dare not say that he will be defeated.

However, Gu Fei didn't seem to expend much effort, so he flew the old **** Huo Zun general, and even the chariot of the old **** Huo Zun was smashed to pieces.

The old God Huo Zun was hit hard, which surprised Ziyun Long who was fighting with the Jagged Daoist. Although he often held up against the old Huo Zun, the old Huo Zun was not inferior to himself. ,

Since Gu Fei can defeat the old man Huo Zun, he is probably not this guy’s opponent either.


Ziyunlong was very unwilling. He never expected that he would be defeated by the joint efforts of the 13th Bandits and the Promise City Lord. This was the first battle of the Ziyun family’s attack on Zhongzhou, but he was messed up by himself.

Back to the Ziyun family, those in charge of the family, I’m afraid they won’t let themselves go so easily.

Thinking of the consequences of the defeat in this battle, Ziyunlong's face became more gloomy, and punishment was inevitable. However, Huo Zun was defeated and he was unable to support it alone. Now he retreats, I am afraid that he will confess his life here.


There was no choice but to retreat, Ziyunlong decisively ordered the Vulcan soldiers.




A loud shout rang out from the Vulcan battle formation. The Vulcan battle formation was evolving rapidly, retreating neatly, and the battle formation was still running. The shocking murderous aura made everyone worried.

Although it was frustrated, the battle formation composed of countless Vulcan soldiers still showed great power. Even if Dacheng Quasi-Sage broke in, I am afraid there is a danger of falling.


In the battle of Vulcan, there was an old voice,

Then, in the direction where the Phoenix Nest was, dozens of fire lights rose into the sky, flying towards the retreating Vulcan battle formation, and submerged in the Vulcan battle formation.

"this is……"

Everyone was taken aback. They could sense the terrifying waves from dozens of fire lights, and each fire light was wrapped in a big flag.

"The flag of the Great Fire Golden Crow Array."

The face of the Promise City Lord became extremely solemn, and the other party took back the flag of the Fiery Golden Crow Array, which is definitely not a good thing for them.

At this time, Ziyunlong forced the iron-blooded Taoist back and rushed into the Vulcan battle formation.

"Where to go."

The Jagged Daoist doesn’t want to let Ziyun Dragon go just like that. You know, these guys ruined the Phoenix Nest and don’t kill these bastards, how can you swallow this breath?

"Don't chase."

The Jagged Taoist wanted to catch up, but was stopped by Gu Fei.

In the Vulcan battle formation, a horrible aura permeated. Gu Feixiu had martial arts eyes. The formation flags wrapped in the firelight that flew into the Vulcan battle formation just now were extraordinary. If You guessed it right, it should be the flag of the big formation that trapped the Phoenix Nest Forbidden Land.

That is a large formation of holy ranks, even Gu Fei himself can not necessarily deal with this kind of large formation of holy ranks, let alone an iron-blooded Taoist.

Although the Jagged Taoist didn't want to let Ziyunlong and the others go like this, he didn't dare not listen to Gu Fei's words. You know, now he has followed Gu Fei.

The Promise City Lord didn’t chase, because he knew better than Gu Fei the power of the fiery golden crow formation. The formation flag was taken back by Huo Zun Lao Er. If he catches up, he will inevitably suffer a big loss.


The Promise City Lord sighed and calculated it by himself, and calculated everything, but he failed to defeat the 100,000 Vulcan war soldiers.

Although Huo Zun Lao'er was defeated, the 100,000 Vulcan soldiers under Huo Zun's command were still a powerful force and were not maimed by them.

In the mountains below, there was a pungent smell of blood. In the forest, shattered soldiers and flesh and blood were scattered, like a Shura field, bloody.

"Ziyunlong is there, I want your life."

Just when the Vulcan battle formation composed of 100,000 Vulcan soldiers was protecting the Ziyun Dragon and the old Venerable Venerable God about to disappear at the end of the sky, a loud shout came from the direction of the Phoenix Nest.

Then, a group of people rushed from the direction of the Phoenix Nest, and everyone was murderous, wishing to eat people.

"Boss Jagged, you are finally back."

Twelve powerful men, full of evil spirits, led thousands of soldiers wearing black iron armor, holding various magic weapons and magic weapons, rushed over,

The first twelve fierce and wicked fellows are the twelve great bandits, one of them is the middle-aged Taoist who is dressed in Qingyi and swayed the colorful feather fan in his hands.

"Those turtle grandsons want to escape, brothers, come on, kill them all."

The man with cheeks roared and was about to chase and kill Ziyunlong and others with the thousands of soldiers behind him.

"Old twelve, don't be impulsive."

The middle-aged Taoist quickly stopped the man with cheeks,

"Meet Mr. Gu."

The middle-aged Taoist immediately said to the ancient flying ceremony,

Gu Fei nodded to the middle-aged Taoist and didn't say anything. Gu Fei's attention was on the bodies of City Lord Promise and the three thousand silver armored soldiers.

"A big handwriting."

Gu Fei thought to himself that those silver armored soldiers were actually immortal emperor-level existences. This is really unimaginable. You know, he has never encountered so many immortal emperor army.

Even in the heavens, there were not so many immortal emperors under the Eastern Territory Immortal Emperor.

"The Daoist is Gu Fei who defeated Ziyunxiao ten years ago, Brother Gu."

City Lord Wuji walked over to Gu Fei, and then said to Gu Fei,

"Presumably you are the Promise City Lord of Xianzun City."

Gu Fei nodded, and then uttered such words. This Promise City Master was really careful. If he didn't make the move first, this guy might still be waiting.

The Promise City Lord didn’t know that Gu Fei would peep at his movements in secret,


Gu Fei and City Lord Wuji were both looking at each other, and then they suddenly laughed.

"Brother Gu, I have something to do. I'll be out of company first. If Brother Gu is free, he can go to Xianzun City. We can get close to relatives."

The Promise Lord said,

"Okay, I must visit Xianzun City."

Gu Fei nodded and said,

Then, City Lord Wuji took his silver armored city guard and left. In this battle, he lost hundreds of immortal emperor-level city guards, which made him very painful.

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