Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2052: The Eucharist is immortal?

Gu Fei and Helen demon fought in the mountains, shaking all directions, and terrifying fluctuations swept thousands of miles. The monks in the area near the city of Xianzun were all disturbed.

The yin and yang energy rises on Helen's body, and the black and white divine light is beating like a flame, which is very eye-catching.

"That is the ancestor of the Helian family, Helian Demon."

Some people of the older generation recognized Hellen, and everyone was shocked. The prestige of Hellen was very resounding among the older generation.

This is a existence that is not a demon, but is more terrifying than the real demon. It has lived for endless years, woke up from a deep sleep ten thousand years ago, and was born again,

The Helian family, which has been declining, has revived because of the birth of Helian Demon, becoming the second largest power in Zhongzhou that can compete with Zhongzhou Xianfu.

It is said that, thousands of years ago, Helian Demon once fought a battle with the old palace lord of Zhongzhou Immortal Mansion. No one knew the result of that battle. However, Helian Demon survived.

After that, Zhongzhou Xianfu did not take action to suppress the Helian family and let it develop.

It can be seen how powerful this Helian Demon is. With its own power, he frightened Zhongzhou and made the Helian family the second largest superpower in Zhongzhou.

And now, this Helian Demon actually appeared here, how could it not shock the older generation of characters?

"This guy is a killer."

Thinking of the various actions of this Helian Devil, the older generation of monks felt chilled.

"Who is that person, dare to challenge Hellen."

Those who knew the identity of Helianmo were shocked to the point where it could not be added. What is the origin of the person who has been fighting with Helianmo? When did such a figure appear in the area near Xianzun City?

In the eyes of the older generation of cultivators, those who can fight endlessly with Hellen must be peerless powerhouses with the same strength as Hellen. How could such a person be unknown?

Soon, Gu Fei’s identity spread,

"That person is Gu Fei who defeated the genius Ziyunxiao of the Ziyun family ten years ago."

After knowing the identity of Gu Fei, all the monks who watched the battle were shocked again. They were able to defeat Ziyunxiao ten years ago. After that ten years, wouldn’t this person’s cultivation base become stronger?

And at this time, the most nervous person is the middle-aged Taoist Zhuge Liang. If Gu Fei is defeated by the Helian Demon, they will be unlucky.

"Ada, can the master win."

The second jade face Langjun among the twelve bandits said that although he has decided to follow Gu Fei, it does not mean that he is willing to die with Gu Fei.

"Calm down, we are also people who have seen wind and waves anyway."

Zhuge Liang shook the folding fan with a calm face, but it was all pretending. In fact, his heart was more nervous than anyone else, but now he can’t pretend.

If even he, Ada, was panicked, wouldn't the morale of his men disappear?

Now that they have become their elder brother, then they can’t mess around. Moreover, the Helian demon may not be able to defeat the Lord. Otherwise, the Helian demon will destroy the Lord as soon as he comes up. How can he wait until now? ,


Just when the twelve big bandits were uneasy, the battle ahead had already changed.

A group of yin and yang divine light exploded like a round of divine yang, the power of horror to the extreme shook the sky and the sky, and a figure flew out.

"Good old antique."

Gu Fei was bombarded for more than a dozen miles, and he spits out a mouthful of blood. The sleeves on his arms have been exploded, and blood grooves have been cracked on his arms, and his flesh was turned over.

"Haha, what a sword."

At this moment, Helian Demon laughed loudly. He knocked off Gu Fei and snatched the Nine Sky Stars Sword in Gu Fei's hand.

The immortal **** iron makes Helian Demon even jealous,


Gu Fei roared, he ran the Eclosion Secret Art, a powerful life force surged from his body, and the blood troughs on his arms began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just a few breaths, Gu Fei’s arms were completely healed, as if he had never been injured.

"Ten times the power of ascension."

Gu Fei roared, his body shook, and a shocking wave immediately erupted from his body, and terrifying coercion swept all directions.

Everyone in the appearance battle for hundreds of miles was shocked. At this moment, they felt as if they were crushed by a mountain.

Without any hesitation, all those who watched the game retreated far away for the first time. The coercion that spread from Gu Fei was too strong.

Even the middle-aged Taoist Zhuge Liang felt this coercion and had a suppressed urge to vomit blood.

"Is this the real strength of the Lord?"

Zhuge Liang was also unable to maintain his composure at this time. The coercion that erupted from Gu Fei's body was too amazing. He had never seen such a powerful Dacheng quasi-sage.

Even a Jagged Taoist, I’m afraid they don’t have such strength.


Helianmo was also taken aback when he sensed the aura erupting from Gu Fei.

Just as Helianmo’s mind was different, he only felt a sudden shock in his hand, and the Nine Sky Star Sword in his hand had already taken off and flew out.


Helian Mo was taken aback, and quickly tried to capture the Nine Sky Stars Sword that flew away.

However, at this moment, a figure has instantly approached the Helianmo, and once again punched out. The easiest and direct attack is often the most powerful.

"Damn it."

Helianmo only felt it was difficult to breathe for a while. It seemed that the surrounding air was dissipated by the power erupting from the opponent's fist, as if a vacuum had formed around his body.

"This guy……"

Helenmo's eyebrows twitched, and the power of the yin and the sun immediately emerged from him, and a picture of yin and yang appeared in front of him.


A fist slammed on the Yin-Yang map in front of Helian Demon. The power of Yin and Yang was running. Helian Demon wanted to move this power away.


In an instant, Helianmo suddenly felt a chill from the bottom of his heart, his pores shrank, and his hair straightened up. This is a natural reaction of the Eucharist when he encounters a big danger.

Hellen's heart shook,

At this moment, a fist had penetrated the yin and yang picture in front of Helian Demon, and hit Helian Demon's body with a fierce punch. The fist plunged directly into Helian Demon’s chest.


The power of this punch is definitely more than ten times that of the previous punch. How can a person’s strength be increased ten times in an instant?

However, even if the power is increased tenfold, the Eucharist is immortal.

The violent boxing force erupted, and Helian Mo was once again hit by Gu Fei and flew upside down. However, Gu Fei was not happy because he saw Helian at the moment he beat Helian Mo. A sneer appeared at the corner of the devil's mouth.

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