Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2053: Yuan Shinto Sword Wound Eucharist

Ten times the power of ascension to the sky increased Gu Fei’s combat power by a dozen times. A punch can make a big hole even in the void, but such a punch hits Helian Mo’s body, but even the opponent’s The skin can’t be scratched, let alone beat the opponent’s muscles and fractures.

Even the Dacheng quasi-sage could not bear Gu Fei’s punch. If he was beaten to the upper body by this punch, it would definitely be the end of his body.

"This Eucharist..."

Gu Fei looked at his fist and was shocked in his heart. Just now, he punched Helianmo's body, and even his fist was trapped in Helianmo's body. However, he felt that his fist was like this. Just like hitting cotton, there is a feeling of inattention,

"You junior, I want you to know how terrible the Eucharist is."

Helianmo took one step and disappeared instantly in place,


Gu Fei felt the danger coming in an instant, he instinctively took a step to the side, and moved tens of feet in an instant.

At this moment, a big hand hit directly out of the void, blasting a large chaotic hole where he was originally, and even the chaotic energy was beaten out.

"So fast."

Gu Fei was taken aback. Helianmo didn't use magical powers. This old antique even put away the Yin and Yang sword. It was actually so powerful with the power of the flesh.


Helenmo grinned, turned his head and looked at Gu Fei, his eyes flickered with cold.


Helianmo disappeared again, he still did not use magical powers and great arts, but his power and speed were amazing, and he could smash the void of heaven and earth by raising his hand.


This time, Gu Fei did not retreat, but punched it out, colliding fiercely with a palm from the void.


Two powerful forces exploded, and the void burst out with a tremor, and then a transparent ripple visible to the naked eye spread from the place where the fist hit.

Gu Fei and Helianmo flew out at the same time,

"Good guy."

Helianmo was secretly shocked, how could this junior’s physical strength be so powerful that he could actually block his own blow, and it didn’t seem to be a disadvantage.



After Gu Fei and Helianmo stopped their retreat, they rushed up for the first time. The two powerful men were fighting each other with physical strength, fighting in close quarters.


Gu Fei slashed his hand knife on Helianmo’s neck. Helianmo just bends his neck and completely removed the power of Gu Fei’s hand knife.

At the same time, Gu Fei only felt a pain in his waist, and Helenmo’s right leg was swept on his waist and eyes, and the powerful force shook Gu Fei to the side.

He hadn't stood still, his right foot was tight, and the Helian Demon grabbed his right leg to move around, and then slammed it on the ground.


Gu Fei was like a meteorite falling from the sky, hitting the ground, and a cloud of dust rushed up from the ground, which was more than ten feet high.


Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked. Such a fight is extremely dangerous. As long as being caught by the other party, it will be a life of nine deaths.

Normal monks will not be approached by monks with strong physical bodies, because once they get close, their lives are in danger.

Especially martial artists, they are killing gods who fight close to each other. Even in the ancient years, those strong men with great supernatural powers did not dare to let the successful martial artists come close.

Relying on the power of the Eucharist, Helian dared to fight Gu Fei in close quarters. This is absolutely an exception. Only the self-sealed saints have such combat power.


With a roar, Gu Fei broke out of the ground and rose to the sky. He stretched out his big hand and grabbed it directly at Helian Mo. He wanted to use his own way to treat his body.

However, Hellen Demon’s Eucharist was too powerful. He easily escaped Gu Fei’s catch, and then he got behind Gu Fei and hit Gu Fei’s vest with a punch.


A mouthful of blood spurted out of Gu Fei’s mouth. With this punch, Helianmo almost displaced his internal organs, and his martial body was severely injured.


Gu Feishen could not let the Lord fly forward,

At the same time, that Helian Mo instantly chased up and came to the sky above Gu Fei, and then stepped down, stepping heavily on Gu Fei’s head, and stepping Gu Fei down from the sky.

Helenmo's kick almost fainted Gu Feida. The strong shock made his eyes black, and the soul seemed to be about to collapse.


Seeing the scene that fell on this side, everyone thought that Gu Fei was going to be abused to death by this Helian Demon, and Helian Demon’s Eucharist was truly incredibly powerful.

"Twenty times the power of ascension."

Gu Fei, who had fallen from the sky, shouted in his heart, and a breath of dominance burst out from his body. Twenty times the power of ascending to heaven increased his combat power to an incredible level.


Gu Fei, who fell from the sky again, supported his feet on the ground, and rose into the sky.

"I want to torture you to death."

Relying on the power of the Eucharist, Helian demon didn't need to defend at all. He directly rushed towards the Gu Fei rising into the sky, holding Gu Fei in his arms, and slammed into a distant mountain.


The two smashed into the mountain directly, and then rushed out from the other half of the mountain. Then, Demon Helian let go of Gu Fei. At this time, Gu Fei was ragged and unkempt, with a trace of blood on his mouth.

Obviously, in the impact just now, he was not lightly injured.

"Twenty times the power of ascension can't hold it."

At this time, Gu Fei was shocked. Twenty times the power to ascend to heaven was already his limit, but even so, he was still suppressed by people.

Although the Eclosion Secret Art can instantly heal Gu Fei's martial arts, it is not a good thing to be passively beaten.


With a roar, Gu Fei directly hit the sky-shielding hand, the big hand covered the sky, and the mighty wave of horror, where the big hand was directed, the sky and the earth shook.


Na Helian demon directly used the power of the sacramental body to pierce the sky-covering hand, and then approached in an instant. With a big hand stretched out, the five fingers were opened, and it was snapped on Gu Fei's sky-spirit cover.

Gu Fei only felt that his head was tight, as if he was being held by an iron hoop.

The difference between strength and weakness is too great. The Eucharist is really terrifying. No wonder the self-sealed saints are the protagonists in this world. Unsanctified, they are always ants.

Once sanctified, even if only the power of the Eucharist can be exerted, it will be enough to sweep the so-called Dacheng Quasi-sages on the entire Fuzhou Ancestral Star.


Just when Helian devil held Gu Fei’s Sky Spirit Cap with his five fingers, a purple divine mark appeared on Gu Fei’s eyebrows. Then, a purple gold divine light rushed out of his Niwan Palace and turned into a handle. Dao sword strangled Helian Mo in an instant,

The distance between Helian Mo and Gu Fei was too close, and the speed of the Yuanshen Dao sword was reaching the extreme, even Helian Mo could not avoid this sword.

Yuan Shen Dao Sword possesses unpredictable power. It is the supreme divine art created by the Supreme Dao Ancestor. When the sword light passed, a hideous blood trough appeared on Helian Demon’s chest. There was divine blood from there. Seeping from the blood tank,


Helen Demon’s surprise was truly extraordinary. His so-called indestructible Eucharist was finally injured.

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