Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2054: Last hole card

Although Gu Fei's primordial spirit is still undergoing transformation, he can mobilize a part of the primordial spirit's power to display one of the nine secrets of immortality, the sword of the primordial spirit.

The Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao are worthy of the Supreme Immortal Dao Divine Art, which contains the Supreme Dao. As soon as the Dao Sword came out, it immediately opened the chest of Helian Demon, leaving a blood trough nearly a foot long on his chest.

And what shocked Helian Mo to the extreme was that in the blood trough on his chest, there was a crystal clear body and blood, how could this be possible.

This little guy actually caused his sacrament to bleed. This was unprecedented, and he was injured by a great quasi-sage.

Helian Mo could feel that on the wound on his chest, there was an immortal power attached to it. This immortal power could prevent the rebirth of flesh and blood, making it difficult to heal the wound.

"Could it be in the legend..."

Helian Mo quickly backed away, because at this time, the purple sword light strangled him again. It was not a true peerless fairy sword, but a great great sword condensed by the power of the soul.

Only this kind of power can hurt him.

At this moment, Helianmo didn't dare to be careless. He opened his mouth and spouted a yin and yang divine light. A small sword was wrapped in the divine light. The small sword quickly grew in size and turned into a bright black and white sword light, strangling toward it. And the Yuanshen Dao sword slashed away.

Helian Demon is a sword sage, and he repairs a killing sword. The killing power on the Yin-Yang Divine Sword makes the heavens look pale. This is an indispensable holy sword.

However, the Yuanshen Dao sword **** is unpredictable, the purple sword light sometimes condenses like a real peerless sword, sometimes like an invisible and imaginary sword shadow.

The murderous black and white sword light flashed past, and it actually passed through the purple Yuanshen Dao sword, like a sword smashed into the air.


Helianmo was taken aback. At this moment, the Yuanshen Dao Sword strangled in front of him in an instant, and the cold sword aura made him stand up.


The purple sword light flashed by, the speed was too fast, even with the cultivation base of Helian Demon, the strength of the Holy Physique, it could not completely escape the sword.

On his shoulder, a shocking blood trough appeared, and the skin and flesh of the wound turned over, so that even the bones under the flesh could be seen.

The wound on the chest was still well gone, now the right shoulder was slashed again, and the blood of the Holy Physique poured out, and then dripped. Helian Demon couldn't take back the holy blood that leaked from the wound.

The essence and blood of the saints are extremely precious, to a certain extent, more precious than those rare magical medicines, so it was wasted in vain, which made the older generation of characters who knew the identity of Helian very painful.


Helian demon roared again and again, the yin and yang divine light on his body was rising, and the power of the lunar yin and the sun in his body was immense, trying his best to expel the immortal power attached to the wound.

With this full force, the wounds on Helianmo's chest and right shoulder healed immediately at the speed of the naked eye, and the immortal power attached to the wound was gradually driven away.

"Good guy!"

Gu Fei couldn't help being shocked when he saw this scene. The Saint-Order physical body was really too powerful, and even the power of the supreme divine art created by the Supreme could not really hurt this Helian Demon's vitality!

If you change to a general Dacheng quasi-sage and get the Yuanshen Dao sword, I am afraid that the wound will not get better in your life, unless there is some adventure that can get rid of the immortal power attached to the wound.

"You younger generation, the Eucharist is immortal, not just talking, you are still very tender."

The sword wound on Helenmo’s body was healed. He seemed to be like an ancient **** who had come from the ancient times, pushing towards Gu Fei. There seemed to be something broken in his body, and a powerful force waved from him. Spread out.

"How dare you unlock the seal?"

Gu Fei sensed the powerful and heart-trembling power that erupted from Helian Demon, and couldn't help being shocked to the extreme. This power absolutely exceeded the scope of the Dacheng Quasi-Sage.


Just as Helianmo unlocked the seal, there was a faint thunder from above the sky, as if the world felt the feeling, which made Helianmo's face changed.

"Just unlocked the first seal, this world..."

Helian Demon had a frightened feeling, as if as long as he unlocked the second seal on his body, terrible things would happen.


Helian Mo instantly disappeared in place.


Gu Fei flew upside down, and a figure appeared where Gu Fei had stood before, but this figure was blurred for a while and disappeared again.


Gu Fei was hit hard again, he was slammed by Helian Mo, and he stepped directly down from the sky. The powerful force made Gu Fei almost fall apart. Hit hard.

"Too strong..., is this the real strength of these old antiques?"

It has to be said that the Helian Demon who unlocked the first seal was unimaginably powerful and easily suppressed Gu Fei, making Gu Fei almost unable to fight back.


Gu Fei rushed up from the ground, his eyebrows rushed out of purple light, each purple light was a purple divine sword, full of hundreds of yuan divine sword, and walked toward the Helian Demon Cave.

Desperate, it won't work if you don't work hard, Gu Fei no longer retains full power to run the Immortal Dao Secret Art, to fight against Helian Demon, Helian Demon's great-great-grandson was killed by him, Helian Demon will never let him go.

There is no room for this kind of life and death feud.


Facing the hundreds of yuan Shendao sword that was lasing, Helianmo stretched out his big hand, and a yin and yang wheel emerged from the palm of his hand. All the Yuanshen Dao Swords that had arrived were swallowed into the whirlpool.

"Helian Demon unlocked the first seal, the Lord is not an opponent at all!"

At this time, a layer of cold sweat appeared on the forehead of the middle-aged Taoist Zhuge Liang. If Gu Fei loses, then it will be their turn to be unlucky.

The thirteen bandits were able to survive in the gap between the Central State and the southern region because the saints who did not seal themselves attacked them.

A self-sealed saint from the Zhongzhou and Ziyun families can sweep the thirteen bandits, but the self-sealed saint disdains to deal with the thirteen bandits.

But now it's different. Gu Fei killed the great-great-grandson of Helian Mo. In any case, after Helian Mo has cleaned up Gu Fei, he will definitely take action against the twelve great bandits.

"Ada, let's withdraw, now we go, maybe there is still a way out."

Yumian Langjun among the twelve bandits said to Ada Zhuge Liang via voice transmission.

"Huh! Flee? Where can we escape? Don't forget, the master is a person who has cultivated the inner world, this demon may not be able to kill the master."

Zhuge Liang said.

In Zhugeliang's view, Inner World is Gu Fei's greatest support. It's already this time. Can he still not use this hole card?

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