Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2055: Sword Slayer


A figure was beaten into the air, and a few drops of blood sprinkled in the air.

The person who was beaten up was Gu Fei. After Helianmo unlocked the first seal on his body, Helianmo recovered a trace of holy power.

Although this sacred power is less than one ten thousandth of his heyday, it is enough to make him sweep all the great quasi-sages in the world.

In the face of the true holy rank power, even if it is as strong as Gu Fei, it can't take any advantage. It is suppressed by Helian Demon, and there is almost no power to fight back.

This is the gap. If you are not sanctified, you will always be an ant. Only sanctification can become the protagonist in this world.

Gu Fei was knocked into the air again and again, but he rushed up again and again, fighting with that Helian Demon, and the power of the Eclosion Secret Art was working on his body. This magical power made his martial arts almost within a few breaths. Healed completely instantly,

Every time he was injured, the speed of repairing the wounded body increased by one point. This change made Gu Fei surprised and delighted. With this secret technique, he did not worry that he would be killed by Helian Demon. ,

Gu Fei’s martial art has reached the point where it can be reborn from a drop of blood, and he has also cultivated the heaven-defying celestial secret technique. Unless Helian demon completely unlocks all the seals on his body and restores the cultivation of the holy rank, he can use special means. Kill Gu Fei completely,

"Does this guy practice the legendary feathering secret technique?"

Helenmo felt something was wrong, and he made heavy hands again and again, and even once blasted the opponent's head, but the opponent just recovered in an instant, and his head was reborn as if he had never been injured.

All the monks who watched the battle in the distance were stunned by the powerful vitality displayed by Gu Fei, and they could be reborn if their heads were blown up. Could it be that he had completely integrated the soul with the flesh, and had no distinction between each other,

This is an ancient method of physical training. The soul and the body are completely integrated. Every drop of blood and every muscle in the body is life and soul.

At this time, Niwan Palace is no longer so important, because Divine Soul does not only exist in Niwan Palace, even Yuanshen can come and go freely, and can exist in any part of the body.

The martial artist cultivates the soul and martial body, which is the most primitive life, the most original power,


Helian Demon displayed a terrifying killing technique, a yin and yang ** rushed out from the palm of his hand, and a wave of terrifying waves of the yin and yang sprang from the yin and yang **.

Without any suspense, Gu Fei was directly hit by this monstrous force, and his body instantly turned into a blood mist, and the Dacheng Quasi-Sage level martial arts could not bear it.


Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned. This Helian Demon was really too powerful, and even Gu Fei, who was known as the invincible of the same level, was blown into a cloud of blood.

"Kill me."

The yin and yang ** in Helian Devil's hands are rotating, and the power of yin and yang is intertwined on it, forming a whirlpool, and a force of swallowing sky comes out from the whirlpool.

The blood mist in the void was immediately swallowed by the vortex evolved from Yin and Yang.


Above the sky, the middle-aged Taoist Zhuge Liang saw this. This shock was really not trivial. This Helian Demon wanted to implement extermination methods. With the Yin and Yang wheel in his hand, he would wipe out Gu Fei's life without leaving a drop of blood. ,

This method may really wipe out Gu Fei for life,

However, at the moment when the vortex on the Yin Yang wheel completely swallowed the blood mist that Gu Fei’s body turned into, a powerful breath came out from the vortex.


There was a trembling, and then the entire Yin-Yang Chakra vibrated.


A series of cracks, as thin as hair, appeared on the Yin-Yang Chakra, which made Helianmo’s eyes pop out, his expression unbelievable.

"how is this possible……"

Helenmo's voice trembled.


There are countless cracks on the Yin-Yang Chakra, which seem to be broken at any time. A powerful force wants to rush out of the Yin-Yang Chakra.

"This is an indispensable holy artifact, how could that guy not die? Could it be that quasi-sacred artifact?"

Helianmo was shocked and inexplicably shocked. He swiped his hands again and again, and a series of **** patterns appeared between his hands, and then hit the Yin Yang wheel in front of him.

He wants to use his own power to suppress the power in the Yin Yang Chakra,


Just when Helian Mo was doing his best, the Yin-Yang wheel in front of him exploded. The force in the Yin-Yang wheel broke the seal of the Yin-Yang wheel and rushed out.

Countless fragments hit Helen's body in an instant, and a little bit of blood splashed. The small fragments are very powerful and can penetrate the sacred body.


Helianmo deserves to be an ancient saint who has experienced many battles. He roared, leaving a shadow on the spot, and quickly backed away.

However, a small tripod had already followed like a shadow at this time, chasing and smashing it, and slammed it on Helianmo’s chest.


The sound of broken bones sounded, and the sternum of the Helen demon that the small tripod actually smashed was shattered, and the chest collapsed down. The small tripod directly penetrated the body of the Helian demon and flew out from behind him. Out of a large pile of broken flesh and bones,


At the moment when Xiaoding hole penetrated the body of Helianmo, a figure had already rushed in front of Helianmo. With a wave of the long sword, a purple sword light flashed by, and Helianmo's head flew.


At the moment Helenmo’s head was cut off, a divine light burst out from Helianmo’s eyebrows, instantly shattering the void and disappearing into the chaos.


Gu Fei was holding a purple sword and saw the space hole in front of him that was being repaired quickly. He couldn't help shaking his head. He was fast enough, but in the end he let the primordial spirit of Helian escape away.

However, he also saw a trace of murderous aura on the soul of Helian Demon. That was the murderous aura on the purple-gold divine sword. Even a very weak trace of murderous aura was enough for Helian Demon.

From the collapse of Helian Demon’s Yin-Yang Wheel to Gu Feijian’s slaying of Helian Demon, this series of things happened so fast. Before everyone could react, the battle situation was completely reversed.

This Gu Fei actually defeated the ancient saint who was self-sealed. This is incredible. You must know that the Eucharist is immortal, and the ordinary gods do not pose any threat to the Eucharist.

What happened just now was so fast, only a limited number of people saw a small tripod piercing Helen's sacred body, and a purple golden sword chopped off Helen's head.

At this time, Gu Fei had already put away the two extreme artifacts, the Shanhe Ding and the Purple Golden Sword.

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