Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2056: Storms are rising, chaos appears!

Helian Mo was defeated, only the soul was left to break through the void and escape into the chaos.

Moreover, it is not certain whether Helian Mo’s primordial spirit can survive. You have to know that the murderous aura above the purple-gold divine sword is extraordinary.

The murderous aura on the Zijin Divine Sword is deadly even to the saints. There is a very weak murderous aura attached to the soul of Helian Demon.

Whether his soul can survive or not depends on his luck.

Gu Fei took away the sacred body of Helian Demon, and then joined the twelve great bandits, and left this area. When countless spectators returned to God, Gu Fei and them had already disappeared.

"This Gu Fei..."

City Lord Wuji saw Gu Fei and the others leave, but he did not stop him. This is a killing **** who is not even an opponent of a self-sealed saint.

The news of Helian's defeat quickly spread, shaking the entire Buzhou Ancestral Star cultivation world. This is simply a miracle, a great quasi-sage who defeated a self-sealed ancient saint.

"How could it be, how could he be so strong."

Among the Ziyun family, on top of a bare mountain, a purple-clothed young monk sat on a big rock in front of a cave.

He muttered to himself, he couldn't believe the content on the communication talisman he had just received. Gu Fei actually defeated the Helian Demon, that was Helian Demon.

Helian Demon is one of the ancestors of the Helian family in Zhongzhou. He is an ancient saint who has self-sealed a holy-level cultivation base. A self-sealed saint is not comparable to the Dacheng Quasi-Saint, because there is simply Not in the same series,

The purple-clothed young monk sitting on the big rock at the entrance of the cave was the Ziyun Dragon. When the 100,000 Vulcan soldiers led by him were conquering the thirteen great bandits, Gu Fei and the city lord of the Promise jointly beat him into the water.

As a pioneer, Ziyun Dragon was defeated in the first battle. After he returned to the Ziyun family, he was punished heavily. He was punished on this bare mountain and thought about it.

Except for a cave, there is nothing on this mountain. The cave is also empty, not even a futon.

"My hatred seems to be unrequited."

Ziyunlong shook his head, his expression was a little lonely, Gu Fei's strength was unexpected, he knew the strength and fear of the self-sealed saint.

In front of these old antiques, Dacheng Quasi-sage is as weak as an ant,

"Hmph, that annoying guy actually defeated Hellen Demon, probably by some despicable means."

In the ancestral court of the Ziyun family, in a mountain like a fairyland, on the top of a mountain, there is a pavilion. On the pavilion, a man and a woman are talking.

This man and woman are brothers and sisters of Ziyunxiao,

"Then Gu Fei is really that strong."

Zi Yunxiao couldn't believe it. The news that Gu Fei had defeated Herlian Demon immediately spread to the Ziyun family, which shocked all the senior members of the Ziyun family.

Originally, the Ziyun family wanted to continue to send troops to attack Zhongzhou, but now there is a variable like Gu Fei. The plan to attack Zhongzhou has been temporarily terminated.

The people who got the news of Gu Fei’s defeat of Helian Mo in the first time were the high-level leaders of the super powers on Zuxing Zhou. The news of these super powers has always been very well informed.

In the north, in the ancestral court of the Golden Family, a woman with a golden mask on her face is holding a propaganda amulet.

"Gu Fei..."

The golden goddess closed her five fingers and smashed the jade charm into dust directly.


At the same time, there was a long sigh from the old mansion of Zhongzhou Xianfu.

At this time, the Helian family had already become a mess, and the Helian demon was defeated by others. Only the soul escaped into the chaos.

This news, like a thunder, exploded in the ancestral court of the Helian family. Everyone could not believe that the ancestor was defeated.

The defeat of Helian Demon, and the death of Na Helian Lengyue, is definitely an unbearable heavy blow to the Helian family.

You know, Helian Demon is one of the powerful existences in the Helian family that can deter the Quartet. With Helian Demon, it can deter other forces.

However, now, Helian Demon has been defeated, and the primordial spirit has escaped into the chaos. The Helian family has no power to deter all parties, so it is strange not to panic.

"At all costs, I want this Gu Fei to die."

The angry roar of the Patriarch of the Helian family echoed in the ancestral court of the Helian family, and all the core children of the Helian family were shocked.

The family has issued a killing order, this kind of thing has not happened in many years,

"The wind and the clouds, the world is chaotic..."

In the ancestral courtyard of the Helian family, an old man sweeping the floor suddenly stopped, looked up at the sky, and muttered to himself.

Just when all parties were shocked, Gu Fei had already taken the twelve great bandits into his inner world. At this time, the iron-blooded Taoist was still offering sacrifices to the forbidden land of the Phoenix Nest, and he had not succeeded in taking the Phoenix Nest. The forbidden ground is practiced into his body and turned into his own inner world,

The chaos in the ancestors of the Zhou ancestors has started, and there are people in the southern region, the northern region, the central state, and the eastern region.

However, all of this has nothing to do with Gu Fei for the time being. What he has to do now is to collect the spoils belonging to the victors.

However, after Gu Fei carefully checked the holy body of Helianmo he put away, he was a little disappointed. Helianmo didn't even have an imaginary thing in him.

That indispensable sacred weapon of Yin and Yang divine sword had already protected the soul of Helian Mo, and disappeared into the chaos together.

Helian Demon is an ancient saint, self-proclaimed a holy level cultivation base and stayed in the world. In such a long time, Helian Demon’s collection is absolutely amazing.

However, it is impossible for an existence like Helian Demon to bring all his collections with him. The ancient saints can definitely open up the inner world.

However, if the soul of Hellen is still there, his inner world will not collapse.

In the end, Gu Fei only got this sacred body of Helian Demon. This sacred body contains vast vitality, but the vitality of the sacred body is being eroded by the murderous aura on the purple golden sword.

Gu Fei had to take out the Zijin Divine Sword and channel the murderous aura in the Saint Body. If the murderous aura that invaded the Saint Body was not channeled out, within a few days, the essence of the Saint Body would be completely eroded by the murderous aura. , Lose the immortal divinity,

The Eucharist that has lost its immortal divinity is like a normal corpse, without any value, and will gradually decay over time.

To a certain extent, this sacred body of Helian Demon was already equivalent to a **** hiding to Gu Fei. This celestial body of the immortal will be of great use.

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