Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2101: Human emperor suit

The golden giant is a step taller than the mountain, and takes a thousand miles full of golden light, which illuminates the whole world and the terrifying power makes the creatures within a radius of 100,000 miles shudder.

"A small Zhongzhou fairy house can't deal with Huang Tian. That kid is really a waste."

The huge voice sounded. The golden giant opened and spoke. The voice shook the world and even the white-haired ancient demon and others had to move. This giant is very strong and definitely stronger than Huang Tian, ​​the fierce man of the golden family.

And this golden giant actually called Huang Tian a kid, could it be that this person has a higher seniority in the golden family than that Huang Tian

Soon everyone discovered that this golden giant was not a real flesh and blood person but a very real phantom.

Everyone was shocked. This is a phantom composed of the golden power of a silver-haired young man. The silver-haired young man walked step by step and soon came to Zhongzhou Xianfu.

"The Chaos Enchantment actually wants to escape"

The silver-haired youth can see at a glance that the ancestral court of Zhongzhou Xianfu wants to escape into the chaos. This is not a good thing. If the ancestral court of Zhongzhou Xianfu escapes, it must be a big problem.

We must know that the foundation of Zhongzhou Xianfu is in its ancestral court. No one knows whether they can return if they escaped into the chaos. Once they return, it will inevitably be a great threat to the major forces on the entire ancestral star.


Endless golden light rushed out from the right hand extended by the silver-haired young man. A big golden hand covered the sky and the ground was directly to the chaotic sky in the depths of the Zhongzhou Xian Mansion. It was actually trying to capture the entire sky.


Everyone was taken aback. This person’s appetite was too strong. To the extreme, he wanted to take the entire Zhongzhou Xianfu ancestral court. Is it possible?

"Huh, life and death"

The old palace lord of Zhongzhou sneered. At this time, he had already separated from the old monk Meng that day. He watched this scene coldly and he did not stop it.


Just when the big golden hand saw that it was about to catch the chaotic sky, nine chaotic divine swords rushed out from the chaotic sky and slashed towards the big golden hand.

The power of chaos is mighty. The nine swords of chaos contain powerful avenue power. Each of these swords can split the void and slash everything, showing great power.

The nine-handled Chaos Divine Sword instantly slashed on the big golden hand clangingly, and it actually forced the big golden hand back.


The silver-haired young man was very surprised when he saw this. He couldn't think that this chaos enchantment actually had such power. Could it be that this chaos enchantment was actually laid by the supreme existence of the human emperor.

"Let me lose"

At this moment, there was a loud drink from Yuankongzhi, a big hand shot a white figure from the sky, and a little blood fell from the sky.


Everyone was shocked. At this time, the battle between the mysterious man and the white-clothed old man had already been determined. The mysterious man was so powerful that he showed the strongest combat power and defeated the white-clothed old man holding the human emperor's army.

"how is this possible……"

The old palace lord of Zhongzhou was directly dumbfounded. He knew very well that the white-clothed old man was so powerful. Even if he was not an opponent, even if he was not an opponent, the first person in Zhongzhou Immortal Mansion was actually defeated by a mysterious man.

The old man in white fell from the air and hit the ground directly in dust

He was defeated very thoroughly. The opponent is almost a human being, the Emperor God Soldier can hardly be injured by any killing technique. With the power of the flesh, he constantly regrets the gods in his hands.

The opponent can actually turn the human emperor's magic weapon into the body. It is a perverted white-clothed old man's magical mace that was robbed by the opponent. Without the magical mace, he is like a beast with no teeth.

"nothing is impossible"

The mysterious man stepped forward and came directly to the chaotic sky


The old palace lord of Zhongzhou was anxious that the opponent defeated the white-clothed old man holding the human emperor soldier, so this mysterious person is likely to break through the chaos barrier


Just as the old palace lord of Zhongzhou screamed, the nine pillars of fire around Zhongzhou Xianfu shook the endless holy way. The power of the nine pillars of fire rose up into the sky and turned into a true dragon of nine flames and charged towards the mysterious people.

This is not a phantom, but a real earth-fire dragon. The nine pillars of divine fire have turned into a tangible and qualitative dragon. On each of the great dragons, a mighty divine fire looms over the other three powerhouses.

"This guy is crazy with one enemy four"

The white-haired ancient demon yelled. This move of the old palace lord of Zhongzhou was really crazy, and he wanted to use his own power to fight the four powerhouses who are not weaker than him.

But the moment the nine blazing dragons rushed forward, the mysterious figure enveloped in black and white yin and yang had disappeared.


Seeing this scene, the old palace lord Zhongzhou's eyes were red. He clearly saw that the mysterious man broke a hole in the chaotic sky and entered the chaotic sky.

"how can that be……"

The three powerful men also noticed this scene, especially the silver-haired young man who had just arrived, and was even more surprised that someone stronger than him could easily break through this chaotic barrier.


The figure of the silver-haired youth directly disappeared into the void. The next moment he appeared in the place where the mysterious man disappeared. The speed was shocking.

"what happened"

The silver-haired young man was surprised to find that the crack opened by the mysterious man had disappeared. The speed of repairing this chaotic sky was amazing.


At this time, the dragon shook the sky and the nine dragons collided, but the target of the nine fiery dragons has become a silver-haired youth.


The silver-haired youth burst into a golden light from him

The nine blazing fire dragons collided on the golden light, and were stunned by the powerful force erupted by the golden light. This scene is really shocking.


The silver-haired young man's body constantly heard the sound of gold and iron trembling. A golden light flew out of his body and then turned into pieces of golden armor covering the silver-haired young man.

Soon a set of golden battle clothes appeared on the silver-haired young man, and a breath that was so powerful that it was heartbreaking came out of the silver-haired young man.


The silver-haired young man looked up to the sky and roared a huge golden figure from his body, showing that the emperor and the gods were majestic.

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