Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2102: Invincible


The silver-haired young man’s body of gold and iron screamed endlessly, and a piece of gold battle clothing was quickly reorganized on his body. Soon, a shock of weather appeared between the world.

"Human emperor's suit."

A vast and boundless aura of the emperor emanated from the dazzling golden battle clothes. At this moment, the creatures in the ten directions of heaven and earth trembled.

The entire land of Zhongzhou, it is as if there is really an ancient human emperor coming, even in the other four regions of Zhou Zuxing, there are strong feelings.

"Good guys, those people really dare to do it."

Some people were amazed, and there were some peerless powerhouses who walked directly out of the place of cultivating and went to Zhongzhou. The entire Bu Zhou Zuxing was shocked. I don’t know how many super old antiques awakened from their deep sleep at this moment.

"The chaos, the opportunity for sanctification..."

Someone sighed,


In front of the chaotic sky, the old palace lord of Zhongzhou made an all-out effort, and the nine earth fire dragon spirits among the nine pillars of fire were fully recovered in an instant.


It is as if nine true dragons of the earth and fire appeared in the heaven and earth, the dragon might be tens of thousands of miles, and countless creatures are trembling and terrified. This is the fear from the depths of the soul.

"It's just nine loaches, and dare to play majestic in front of me."

The silver-haired young man was extremely strong. Before the nine true dragons launched an offensive, he had already stepped forward, soaring into the sky, and loaded directly into Kowloon.


With just one punch, a big dragon was blown up by the violent force, turned into a light, and sank into one of the nine pillars of fire.


The old palace lord of Zhongzhou squirted out a violent blood, and the soul of the nine real dragons was broken up, causing him to be greatly impacted.

This Nine Dragon God Fire Pillar has merged with his spirit and spirit. The Nine Dragon God Fire Pillar will be impacted, and it will also affect the old palace lord of Zhongzhou.

The silver-haired young man showed great power, and saw that he grabbed the tail of a big dragon with both hands, directly moved the big dragon, and then smashed it towards the ground.


The earth shook, the dust rushed to the sky, and the huge impact caused the ground to collapse continuously, forming a huge bottomless pit.


With a wave of the right hand of the silver-haired young man, a golden crescent-shaped light blade rushed out of his hand when it stood up, slashing towards the big dragon that was rushing out of the big hole on the ground.


The meniscus-shaped light blade slammed into the dragon's head directly, splitting the whole dragon's head in half.


The dragon soul of the great dragon let out an unwilling roar, and it turned into a blazing light. It sank into a pillar of fire of the heavenly god, and the dragon soul was hit hard.

The dragon was beaten back to its original shape, and the old palace lord of Zhongzhou spewed out blood again, and his expression was lost.

Next is the time for the silver-haired youth to perform. The remaining seven dragons were all beaten back to their original form by him. There is no suspense. He is invincible in the armor of the Emperor.

Even the Tianmeng old monk from the Eastern Holy Realm, as well as the ancient demon among the impoverished demon clan, could not help retreating to the distance. This silver-haired young man was really terrifying.

The human emperor's battle clothes seem to have really recovered from this silver-haired young man, because the human emperor's aura from this human emperor's uniform is better than the human emperor's aura from the divine mace of the white-clothed old man. Much stronger,

The golden family is really not simple, there is such a treasure,

Really hit the small one, jumped out of the big one, the old man Huang Tian, ​​a fierce man of the Golden Family, was beaten away, and now there is another guy who is so perverted.

It seems that the Golden Family is determined to destroy Zhongzhou Xianfu.

In the area where Zhongzhou Xianfu is located, there are many powerful figures walking around, but no one dared to approach Zhongzhou Xianfu. The aura of the emperor on the silver-haired youth shocked everyone.


The silver-haired young man blasted the old man of Zhongzhou with just one punch. The powerful force directly shook the body of the old man of Zhongzhou into a cloud of blood.

There is no suspense, the old palace masters are not the opponents of the silver-haired youth at all.


When the old man in white saw this scene, his eyes were red, but he knew that even if he had a magical mace in his hand, he might not be the opponent of this person. What's more, his magical mace had been taken away by the mysterious man.


The white-clothed old man rose into the sky, and then directly tore through the void. He wanted to escape. This person is very dangerous. If he doesn't escape, I am afraid he will fall here.

"Hmph, can you escape."

The silver-haired young man sneered, then stretched out his right hand, and volleyed it towards the white-clothed old man who had already escaped half of his body into the void.


The void in front of his palm shook abruptly, and then the white-clothed old man fell out of the void, just like the old palace lord of Zhongzhou, the white-clothed old man who fell out of the void couldn't bear the power of the emperor. It was shaken into a cloud of blood, and everything was gone,

The powerful Eucharist cannot withstand the human emperor’s power at all. The difference is too great. You must know that the ancient human emperor wanted to kill the saint, but it was like pinching an ant to death.

After the silver-haired young man killed the old palace lord of Zhongzhou and the white-clothed old man, he glanced at the high sky, the old monk of the sky and the ancient demon saints who were not Zhou, and once again came to the chaotic sky that enveloped the ancestral court of Zhongzhou Xianfu.


At this moment, the chaotic sky suddenly shook, and then with a sound of "huh.", the huge chaotic sky suddenly disappeared.

On the earth, only a huge circular hole was left,


Seeing this scene, everyone was dumbfounded, even the silver-haired young man was also startled, he did not expect this chaotic sky to disappear suddenly at this time.

"Could it be that someone in this enchantment can't control it."

The complexion of the silver-haired youth is very ugly. The disappearance of the chaotic sky means that the plan they have prepared for so long has not succeeded. The ancestral court of Zhongzhou Xianfu will not be destroyed, and Zhongzhou Xianfu will not be considered as destroyed.

This is not a trivial matter. The foundation of Zhongzhou Xianfu is still there, and they will come back sooner or later.

Just when everyone was shocked by the sudden disappearance of the ancestral court of Zhongzhou Xianfu, in the ancestral court of Zhongzhou Xianfu, there was already a mess.

In the ancestral court of Zhongzhou Xianfu, black and white yin and yang are vigorous, and the mysterious person who entered the ancestral court of Zhongzhou Xianfu is fighting against the masters of the ancestor of Zhongzhou Xianfu.

"Hurry up and start the killing array and punish this person."

Someone is yelling, white figures are moving fast,


The sky and the earth shook violently, and endless Dao patterns appeared in the ancestral courtyard of the Zhongzhou Xian Mansion. An incredible force immobilized the whole world.

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