Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2111: Population of Renzu Gulu

A stone gate, shattered into the void, fell from the sky and landed on the ruins of Zhongzhou Xianfu. The entire ground shook and the dust rushed thousands of feet high.

"what happened!"

"what's going on!"

Someone exclaimed that eighteen years ago, a world-shattering battle broke out in Zhongzhou Xianfu. It was in ruins and a territory was completely destroyed.

At this time, in the depths of the ruins on that side, there was an extremely powerful wave, and the monks in the nearby area rushed over.

"this is……"

I saw a half-open stone gate standing in the ruins. Although it was only about a hundred meters high, it gave people the same feeling as facing an ancient sacred mountain.

Behind the half-opened stone gate, it was pitch black. Even if a cultivator became a cultivator, it was difficult to see what was behind the stone gate.

"What is this."

Someone was watching from a distance, but no one dared to approach it easily, no one knew what was behind the stone gate, and the breath from behind the stone gate was disturbing.

"Could it be the entrance to the ancient human road in Zhongzhou Xianfu?"

A cultivator of the older generation hesitantly said that since the ancestors of the Zhongzhou Xianfu ancestors have escaped, the Bu Zhou Zuxing cultivation world no longer expects the entrance of the ancient human race to reappear.

Unless those who fled from Zhongzhou Xianfu think that they can contend with the entire Bu Zhou Ancestral Cultivation World, then they will return to Bu Zhou Ancestral Star.

But is it possible?

Not Zhou Zuxing, but there are two supreme inheritances, the Golden Family and Ziyun Family are even deeper than Zhongzhou Xianfu, even if it is one of the two big families, Zhongzhou Xianfu dare not say for sure. Is its opponent.

But now, the stone gate, the entrance of the suspected ancient human road, was broken into the void and fell from the sky. This is incredible to everyone. How could such a thing happen?

The ancient human road is extremely important to the entire Buzhou Ancestral Star cultivation world. This is a road to sanctification. Anyone who walks on this ancient road will become a world-famous person as long as they come back alive.

"It's really the entrance to the ancient human road..."

A gray-haired old man appeared on the ruins of the Zhongzhou Xianfu. He was extremely excited. Back then, he was fortunate to set foot on this ancient road, but in the end he was seriously injured and almost died. He had to retreat from the ancient road. .

"That's an elder of the Helian family. Is this Shimen really the entrance to the ancient human road?"

Someone recognized the gray-haired old man.

Soon, the news of the mysterious Shimen appearing on the ruins of Zhongzhou Xianfu was spread. The superpowers shook, and some masters could not sit still. They put everything down for the first time and moved towards the area where the Zhongzhou Xianfu ruins were located. Come.

"It's really an ancient human road..."

Half an hour later, a woman with a golden mask on her face came to the vicinity of Shimen. She stared at the half-open Shimen and said such words.

"It is the golden goddess of the golden family, she is here too."

Someone recognized this woman with a golden mask on her face, the name of the Golden Goddess, which had been spread throughout the entire ancestral star in the past eighteen years.

The Golden Goddess is the most outstanding rising star in the Golden Family, even if it is the strongest of the older generation, not many people are her opponents.

Some people say that this golden goddess has already had the cultivation base and strength to attack the holy rank, but this time to attack the holy rank is still not the safest time.

The more sure the person is to attack the holy rank, the more cautious, after all, no one wants to end up with a dead end, this needs time to prepare.

Once fully prepared, these people will begin to attack the holy steps.

Just a while after the golden goddess came to the ruins of the Zhongzhou Xianfu, a purple qi came from the south, reflecting half of the sky into a purple.

"Ziqi is coming south. Could it be that the brother and sister of the Ziyun family are here?"

Someone exclaimed.


The Golden Goddess glanced at the southern sky, snorted coldly, and then ignored it. The Ziyun family's movements were really fast, and someone came so soon.

"Why does this ancient human road suddenly appear?"

The golden goddess stared at the half-open stone door in front, and started to ponder.

At this time, two figures appeared above the southern sky, and the two people stepped on the purple qi, as if the immortal on the nine heavens were traveling.

"It's really those brothers and sisters."

When someone saw the two figures, they couldn't help being shocked. The people who came were actually the Ziyunxiao brothers and sisters in the Ziyun family who are now in full swing.

These brothers and sisters are extremely powerful. Together, even if they are self-sealed saints, they have to deal with them seriously. Dacheng's quasi saints are not rivals.

"Unexpectedly, you came earlier than us."

Brother Ziyunxiao landed in front of Shimen from the sky, and they naturally saw the golden goddess.

"You guys are not slow!"

The golden goddess glanced at Zi Yunxiao brother and sister, and said lightly.

No one knows her current face, what kind of face behind the mask, I believe many people want to know, but since the golden goddess debut, no one has seen her true face.

"The entrance to Human Race Ancient Road appears here. Could it be that person did it?"

The golden goddess no longer cared about Ziyunxiao brothers and sisters, she was talking to herself that the battle that night eighteen years ago was planned by her alone.

She invited many people from the world and successfully destroyed Zhongzhou Xianfu, but one of the people she invited was missing.

She even suspected that the mysterious person who broke into the ancestral court of Zhongzhou Xianfu in the mouth of the ancestor was the missing figure.

"Miss Sister knows who moved this ancient human road entrance here?"

Said Zi Yun'er, Zi Yunxiao's sister.

"I know, but I won't tell you."

Said the golden goddess.

"If the goddess knows anything, it's okay to tell us!"

Zi Yunxiao said.


The golden goddess snorted coldly, but she didn't speak any more.


At this moment, a loud laugh came from behind Shimen.

"Master, those people seem to know it's you!"

A voice rang behind the stone gate.

"Okay, let's go!"

A voice sounded, and then, a strong wave came out from behind the stone gate, and then the stone gate began to move, and it was slowly closing.

"It's his voice..."

Zi Yun'er yelled.

"Sure enough it is him..."

The golden goddess and Ziyunxiao both changed colors, and that person was about to embark on the ancient human race road.

"Where to go!"

Seeing that the Shimen was closing, Zi Yunxiao hurriedly rushed into the Shimen.

Seeing her brother rushing into the Shimen, Zi Yuner hurriedly chased after her. She was afraid that her brother would suffer a loss. You know, that person is not recognized by the Zhou Zuxing cultivation world as a ruthless person!

"The entrance to the ancient human road is going to be closed."

The golden goddess hesitated for a while, then turned into a golden rainbow and rushed into the stone gate.

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