Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2112: Embark on the ancient road


The stone gate is slowly closing, everyone is uncertain. Some people want to rush in, but they are hesitating. You know, this is the entrance to the ancient human road.

The ancient human road is extremely dangerous, and not everyone can set foot on this ancient road.

"It turned out to be closed."

Some people couldn't sit still, a few gray-haired old people rushed over, entered the stone gate directly, and disappeared into the void behind the stone gate.


Just when Shimen was about to close, a roar came from the north, the sound was like rolling thunder, which shook everyone’s ears.

A golden figure rushed to the front of the stone gate, and then used a great technique to reopen the closed stone gate.

The mysterious golden Dao pattern rushed out of this person’s hands and branded towards the stone gate in front. The powerful force came out with great strength, and the closing stone gate actually stopped.

"It's him, the ancestor of the Golden Family."

I saw the man with silver hair and wearing a gold battle suit. It was the silver-haired ancestor of the Golden Family who killed the two self-sealed saints of Zhongzhou Xianfu eighteen years ago.

Seeing that it was the silver-haired ancestor who took the shot, everyone couldn't help retreating to the distance.

This silver-haired ancestor is a ruthless man. In these eighteen years, he has fought all over the world and laid a huge territory for the Golden Family.

Even a Buddhism ancestor in the Donglai Holy Land was wearing a Buddha's robes to fight, and he could not take any advantage, so he had to return to the Donglai Holy Land.

"This Shimen belongs to my golden family."

The silver-haired ancestor directly declared the ownership of this stone gate to everyone. With his strength, everyone present dare not have any objections.

In the cultivation world, strength is paramount. As long as you have absolutely powerful strength, you can deter everyone and get whatever you want.

Because the strong can’t make sense, the strong will already make sense.

"Hmph, Wujue, you want to swallow Shimen alone, have you ever asked me."

Just when the silver-haired ancestor announced the ownership of Shimen, a sneer came from the southern sky, and then a figure appeared above the sky.

"It's you."

After seeing that person, the silver-haired ancestor’s pupils shrank a bit.

A young Taoist man wearing a Taoist robe, wearing a purple gold Taoist crown, and carrying a divine sword on his back, walks in the void, step by step, seeming to walk in a leisurely courtyard, but the speed is fast to the extreme, just a few steps Stepping out, I came to the vicinity of Shimen,

"Antarctic Immortal Venerable."

The silver-haired ancestor stared at the young Taoist opposite and said in a deep voice,

"What, that Taoist is actually Antarctic Immortal Venerable."

In the distance, everyone could not help being shocked when they heard the words. This shameless Taoist was actually Antarctica Xianzun, the owner of the mysterious Antarctic Immortal Mansion.

Nan Zun Bei Emperor, but the two strongest on Zhou Zu Xing actually met,

The silver-haired ancestor is the northern war emperor Wujue. This Wujue is an ancestor-level figure in the golden family. With a man's emperor's suit, he is almost invincible in the world.

However, the owner of the Antarctic Immortal Mansion is not a fuel-efficient lamp. This is an existence that dares to call the Antarctic Immortal Venerable. You must know that the name of Immortal Venerable Antarctica is not something that can be called casually.

To dare to call the Immortal Venerable is enough to prove the power of this Antarctic Immortal Venerable.

"what do you want."

The Emperor Wujuezhan stared at the young Taoist opposite, and said coldly, the human emperor's suit on his body shook slightly, and a human emperor aura lingered on it.

"I don't want to do anything, but your golden family can't monopolize this Shimen."

Antarctic Xianzun said indifferently, his whole person gave people a kind of fairy wind, it seemed that he could fly away by the wind at any time, and it seemed that he should not appear in the world at all.


The Emperor Wujuezhan said, his tone was extremely strong, and there was no room for negotiation.

"The Immeasurable Buddha..."

At this moment, an old voice suddenly came from the east, and an old monk walked over from the east sky in a sloppy robes.

"It's you big bald head again."

When the Emperor Wujue Zhan saw this old monk, he couldn't help frowning. This old monk looked thin, but his background was very big. This old monk was one of the disciples of the Buddha sitting down.

In other words, the eternal Buddha is the master of this old monk,

The sloppy robes worn by the old monk also have a big background. It is one of the magic weapons left by the Buddha when he was in Nirvana, and it is the most precious treasure in the holy realm of the east.

With the arrival of the Antarctic Immortal Venerable and the ancestors of the Eastern Holy Realm, even the powerful as the emperor of the infinite war, also felt great pressure.

"Wujue, it is impossible for you to monopolize Shimen alone."

The old monk folded his hands and said,

"Unreasonable, you guys..."

The face of Emperor Wujuezhan became hard to look at. Whether it is the Antarctic Immortal Venerable or this old monk, they have a cultivation base and combat power that are not weaker than their own.

If these two people join forces, I might not necessarily be the opponent of these two people.

"Why, Wujue, you haven't thought about it yet."

Antarctic Immortal Venerable said, his voice is still calm, but a powerful immortal aura appeared on his body, like a real Immortal Venerable descended to the world.


Just when the three powerful men were confronting each other, a dull sound came from behind the stone gate, and it seemed that someone could be heard exclaiming in a vague manner.

At this time, in the dark void behind the stone gate, a dazzling purple divine light appeared. This divine light dispelled the darkness and illuminated the void.

Behind the stone gate, there were bones everywhere, a road paved with bones stretched forward,

At the end of the bone road, a group of golden light is flickering, and the power of the golden line is mighty. The golden goddess seems to be in trouble and is fighting with some powerful existence.

"what is that……"

A group of purple light enveloped two figures, those brothers and sisters of Ziyunxiao,

"It seems to be a dark creature."

Zi Yunxiao said, he never expected that he had just entered the ancient road of the human race and encountered a powerful existence, surrounded by gloom and horror, with death lingering.

I don’t know how many creatures have fallen here. The road here is actually paved with white bones. This makes people feel very lame, with a tingling scalp.


In the darkness in the distance, there was the roar of unknown creatures. Dried blood stains appeared in some places on the bone path. Obviously, someone was injured here not long ago, or by the unknown The creatures are hunted,

No one would have imagined that the ancient human road is so dangerous. They have just set foot on the ancient road and have to face unknown dangerous creatures. This is not a good thing for everyone who steps on this ancient road.

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