Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2165: evil Dead

A magic temple made of black magic stones floated and sinked in the monstrous magic energy. Gu Fei, holding a purple sword, fearlessly, came directly to the magic temple, and then opened the stone door.

However, the moment he opened the stone gate, he saw a figure standing silently behind the stone gate, looking at himself.


Gu Fei's surprise was really extraordinary. He never thought that there was someone behind Shimen, his whole body was erected, and he was about to make a move.

However, at this moment, he suddenly realized that the person standing behind the stone gate did not reveal any breath of life.

"A dead man."

Gu Fei took a closer look at this person, and saw that the person standing behind the stone gate was a middle-aged man wearing animal skins, which seemed to be a human race in the wild period.

The middle-aged man is not tall, his eyes are open, but his eyes are a dead gray, without a trace of divine light.

"What's the matter, why did you die here."

Gu Fei was surprised, but the purple gold divine sword in his hand did not show any abnormal fluctuations. He pondered for a moment, then bypassed the animal skin man and walked into the hall.


When Gu Fei entered the hall, he was immediately taken aback by what he saw in front of him. He saw that the back of the stone gate was actually covered with bones. In the middle of the bones, there was a path made of skulls, thinking about the extension of the hall. Away.

Gu Fei was shocked and angry, because this was a trail paved with human bones, and the crystal-clear skulls still had the brilliance of divinity circulating.

"It's really unreasonable."

Gu Fei gritted his teeth and his eyes were red. You must know that being able to maintain the divine nature in such a place shrouded by the devilish aura is enough to show that these skulls are extraordinary.

Each skull represents a strong man in the human race. I don’t know how many skulls paved this trail. Obviously, countless human strong men died in the master of this magic temple. Hands.

"Hmph, crazy enough, I want to see what the demon is so crazy, dare to use the head of a strong human to pave the way."

Gu Fei was murderous and dared to treat Human Race in this way. Even if the owner of this Demon Temple died thousands of times, it was not enough to offset his sins.

He didn't hesitate, and walked forward directly with the sword. Instead of walking on the road paved with the skulls of the strong human race, he stepped in the air.

A cold murderous aura spread from his body.

At this time, the magic temple was still silent, without any aura, like a magic temple that had been abandoned for endless years.

There was a strange magical aura in the Demon Palace, but there was no strong man among the Demon Race entrenched in it, which made Gu Fei feel a little uneasy.

Everything here is too calm, it seems a bit abnormal.

When Gu Fei entered the main hall, he saw that there were many bones lying downside down in the main hall. The devilish aura of these bones had not yet dissipated.

"After the endless years of death, the demon nature still exists. It seems that these demon heads were some great men in their lifetime."

After Gu Fei approached, he discovered that all these demon heads had been smashed into pieces by their lives and killed directly. It seemed that there was no resistance.

"The master of this magic temple is dead."

Gu Fei was surprised. It was not an easy task to kill such a group of extremely powerful monsters, but the existence that killed these monsters did it.

He found that some demon heads seemed to react very quickly. The magic weapon was already in his hand, but his head was smashed before he had time to shoot.

Gu Fei took a closer look, and he was surprised to find that the owner of this demon temple did not seem to have been killed, because the demon nature of the dozen demon heads was similar.

In other words, the cultivation bases of these ancient demons are similar, even if some ancient demons are stronger than ordinary ancient demons, they are definitely not much stronger.

There is no overwhelming power to deter this group of ancient demons. This group of ancient demons will never surrender to any strong person in the demons, that is to say, the master of this demon temple possesses peerless and powerful power.

However, Gu Fei carefully searched, and in this hall, apart from the bones of a dozen ancient demons, there were no powerful demonic corpses.

"That way is behind."

Gu Fei was about to walk to the apse, and at this moment, the corpse of an ancient demon behind him suddenly stood up from the ground silently.

Just when the ancient demon corpse stood up, the broken head of the ancient demon corpse was repaired quickly, but in an instant, a middle-aged ancient demon appeared on the gloomy hall. .

Gu Fei was taking a step, and just at this moment, his steps stopped in the air, the hairs all over his body stood upright, and a breath of coldness spread from behind him.

"The demon corpse that has been dead for endless years has undergone a corpse change."

Gu Fei's right foot lightly stepped onto the ground, and the moment his right foot hit the ground, he suddenly turned around.

I saw a demon shadow standing less than ten feet behind him, but this demon shadow could not reach the ground. The whole person's toes were down, floating in the void that was only half a foot high from the ground.


The ancient demon corpse moved and floated towards Gu Fei directly, his body stiffened, and a powerful suction force came out of the devil's corpse, trying to pull Gu Fei over.

"What the hell."

Gu Fei shook the purple golden sword in his hand.


With a sound of a sword sound, the ancient demon corpse seemed to be afraid of the Zijin Divine Sword, so it didn't dare to step forward, but it didn't retreat either.


Gu Fei took out the sword directly, and a purple-gold sword light rushed out of his hand, and instantly drew across the waist of the ancient demon corpse, and the upper body of the ancient demon corpse immediately fell.

With a soft puff, the upper body of the ancient demon corpse cut by Gu Fei broke through the ground and escaped into the ground when it fell to the ground.

The lower body of the ancient demon corpse also escaped into the ground.


Seeing this, Gu Fei quickly jumped up, suspended in the void.


When Gu Fei stood up, the place where he was standing suddenly collapsed, and a magical shadow broke through the ground and rushed out of the ground.

"It was okay to be slashed by the Zijin Divine Sword."

Gu Fei couldn't help being shocked. This ancient demon corpse was very weird. You know, let alone a demon corpse, even if this demon corpse possessed the powerful cultivation base in his lifetime, he would definitely not be able to withstand the sword of the purple golden sword.

There is some kind of power controlling this ancient demon corpse, which can make this ancient demon corpse immortal, which makes Gu Fei have to take it seriously. The enemy in the dark is the most terrifying enemy.

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