Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2166: Magic change

The devil's corpse was so strange that even the Zijin Divine Sword could not be destroyed. This made Gu Fei feel incredible. You know, the Zijin Divine Sword is a supreme sword weapon.


At this moment, the ground below Gu Fei suddenly exploded, and a black shadow instantly rushed out of the ground, rushing towards him fiercely.


Gu Fei let out a cold snort, and stepped down directly, and then the first came first.


Gu Fei's right foot stomped fiercely on the face of the devil's corpse, and directly collapsed the devil's corpse's face, almost exploding the head of the devil's corpse.


The demon corpse fell heavily to the ground, and the strong impact force made the entire Demon Hall seem to shake, and there were a series of hideous cracks on the ground.

And where the demon corpse directly hit, a big hole appeared.

Gu Fei discovered that this demon corpse was actually not that strong, but it had an immortal demon nature, and it seemed that it was impossible to be cut off.


The demon corpse roared and stood up from the big hole on the ground, the collapsed and deformed face was constantly changing, the broken bones were being repaired, and the flesh was being reborn.

After just a few breaths, the demon corpse recovered.

"What power is controlling this guy."

Gu Fei couldn't help feeling a sense of powerlessness when he saw this scene. This was simply an invincible existence.


He directly swung the purple and gold divine sword in his hand, and the fierce sword aura smashed the demon corpse that rushed up into two with a sword, and there was no blood splash.

This kind of ancient demon has not known how long it has been dead. Although the demon nature in its body has not completely dissipated, the demon blood in its body is already in a semi-dried state.

Moreover, the weird immortality of the devil's corpse has bound the muscles, bones, and flesh of the devil's corpse, and everything on the devil's corpse will not be lost.

The murderous aura contained in the Zijin Divine Sword was extraordinary. After the corpse was split in half by the Zijin Divine Sword, it was unexpectedly difficult to recover for a while.

Gu Fei took advantage of this moment, holding the sword towards the apse.

When he entered the apse, the two bodies of the corpse demon barely joined together, and then gradually merged into one. Soon, the corpse demon fully recovered again, as if it had not been split from it. Same in two halves.

The corpse demon seemed to have scruples about the apse, it just wandered in the main hall, and did not enter the apse.


When Gu Fei entered the apse, the first thing he saw was a dark coffin parked in the middle of the apse. He carefully observed that the black coffin was not made of wood.

From time to time, black light circulated above the black coffin. The entire black coffin was actually excavated from a huge black rock. This kind of stone was the black magic stone.

This kind of handwriting can only be done by those who are strong in the Demon Race. Could it be that the master of the Demon Palace is really dead.

The Demon Temple was weird and mysterious. Gu Fei directly swung the purple-gold divine sword in his hand, slashing towards the black coffin in front of him. No matter what was in the black coffin, he slashed the sword first.

Although the black magic stone is a rare magic stone, it is also difficult to compete with the supreme sword.


When the sword light passed, the entire black coffin was split in half by the purple golden divine sword, and a black magic energy rushed out from the magic coffin. In the magic energy, you could vaguely see a head of evil spirits struggling. .

"this is……"

Gu Fei was taken aback. The devil qi that vented from the devil coffin was very peculiar, capable of evolving various illusions, and an aura that made his heart palpitating came out of the devil coffin.

"Could it be..."

He was shocked by what he thought of.


He punched it out, and the whole black coffin broke to pieces immediately. There was no corpse in the black coffin, and a skull fell out. It was a black and shiny skull.

Seeing this skull, Gu Fei only felt that an incomparably true portrait flashed before his eyes, and a strange wave of fluctuations appeared from the skull.

This is a kind of magic inside the skull, a kind of magic that can cause hallucinations. Even if it is as strong as Gu Fei, if you don’t hold the supreme sword in your hand, you will be affected by this magic and you will get lost in it. In the illusion.

"It can make people hallucinate, and then completely lose yourself. Could it be that this skull is the head of an illusion."

Gu Fei was talking to himself. In those ancient years, there was a terrible great demon. The cultivation base of this great demon is not necessarily so powerful, but this great demon is cultivated with a magical secret technique. It is hallucinating.

With this kind of magic, the magical demons have subdued countless powerful demons and slaughtered countless powerful human races.

In the later period of the Great Desolation, the demon disappeared. Some people said that the demon was beheaded by the human emperor in the human race, and some people said that the fierce demon hid in order to avoid the catastrophe.

Gu Fei never expected that he would actually find traces of the magic demon here, and this fierce demon seemed to be really dead.

Is it true that the legend is that this fierce demon was really beheaded by the supreme emperor in the human race.

Gu Fei thought of the middle-aged man with dead animal skins standing behind the gate of this magic hall. That man could die standing, and his body was immortal, and his face was still lifelike.

If the middle-aged man in animal skins is the emperor of the human race, then why would he die here?

All of this is a mystery. No one knows. Under the earth, there is a shocking secret, but no one knows what it is.

In the whole demon hall, apart from the bones of a dozen ancient demon in the main hall of the front hall, and the weird demon corpse, there is only the skull in the black coffin of the apse.

At this time, Gu Fei's ears suddenly rang out with demon roars, and if the sound was non-existent, there were magic patterns looming on the black and shiny skull on the ground.

Then, around the skull, there was a faint fantasy, and in the whole magic temple, it seemed that a force was awakened.


The Zijin Divine Sword in Gu Fei's hand was shaking slightly, and the Zijin Divine Sword seemed to sense the power and reacted, which was a warning to Gu Fei.

"Bury my previous life, destroy my soul in this life, and regenerate Nirvana..."

In the Demon Palace, there was a faint wave of divine consciousness.

"this is……"

Gu Fei was shocked, could it be that all this was under the control of a dark hand in the dark, someone had laid out a terrifying situation, what he wanted to plot.


At this time, the entire Demon Temple suddenly shook, and the entire Demon Temple seemed to have life suddenly, like an ancient terrifying Demon Ancestor was awakening.

Gu Fei did not hesitate, he rushed directly out of the Demon Temple.

Just when he rushed out to the main hall of the front hall, he saw that there were many magic shadows standing in the main hall, and the powerful magical aura came out of these magic shadows.


Gu Fei couldn't help being surprised when he saw this scene.

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