Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2167: Guards

Above the main hall of the Demon Palace, there were more than a dozen demon shadows standing silently, and on the hall surrounded by demon qi, it looked extremely strange and terrifying.

"how come……"

Gu Fei was shocked. He quickly glanced at the ground and saw that the ground was empty, where there were those bones from when he first entered.

Needless to say, those corpses that had fallen on the ground have stood up, and the demon corpses that have died for endless years can still survive.

When encountering such a thing, even if Gu Fei is bold enough to be a master, he can't help but feel frustrated, everything here seems to be unexplainable.

No one knows what back then the magic demon has left. Is this demon really going to rebirth against the sky?

This kind of thing has not happened before. Among the yin and yang jade pendant that Gu Fei got under the clear water and cold pool back then, some people condensed the endless aura of heaven and earth, and were reborn against the sky.

This person who walked out of the yin and yang jade pendant was the powerful man who suppressed the Northern Demon Cave with his own power.

Now that there is a precedent, it seems that it is possible for the phantom to want Nirvana to rebirth. This is definitely not a miracle. Although it takes a lot of risk, it also has a chance of success.

Thinking of this, Gu Fei's hand holding the sword couldn't help tightening.


The Zijin Divine Sword was still shaking slightly, this supreme sword weapon had already been psychic, had it not been for the soul of the Divine Sword that was still sleeping, this Divine Sword would have long since turned into a sword light and flew out.

Just when Gu Fei wanted to go around the dozens of demon corpses in the main hall, the dozens of demon shadows suddenly looked at him, and dozens of **** evil lights lit up on the dim hall. .

"The dust returns to the dust, the soil returns to the earth, since you die, then rest in peace."

Gu Fei immediately walked forward as he spoke, a supreme aura from the purple gold divine sword in his hand, which enveloped him.

The magical aura on the Demon Hall that could lead people into the environment was blocked by the aura on the Divine Sword, and could not affect Gu Fei at all.

But this time, these demon corpses no longer feared the Supreme Divine Sword in Gu Fei's hand, and flew straight up, and then rushed towards Gu Fei.


Without hesitation, Gu Fei directly swung the divine sword in his hand, and the two demon corpses that came first were swept by the sword light and fell from the air.

Gu Fei used eight wild steps and moved quickly across the hall. With every sword cut, a demon corpse was split into two and fell to the ground.

However, Gu Fei was surprised to find that as soon as the corpses of these demon corpses touched the ground, they would immediately reconnect and fuse together, then rose up into the sky and continued to rush towards him.


Although these demon corpses were not strong, their immortal characteristics made Gu Fei's heart palpitations. These demon corpses were like monsters that were difficult to destroy. Whoever encountered such a monster would get hairy.


The entire Demon Temple vibrated more and more severely, and there seemed to be an extremely powerful life in the Demon Temple that had awakened from its deep sleep.

"Reverse life and death, the true demon returns."

In the void, this kind of divine consciousness fluctuation appeared.

The endless demonic energy is vast and terrifying outside the magic hall, and a corpse is floating and sinking in the demonic energy. I don't know how many creatures have fallen in this endless demonic energy.


Gu Fei was fierce, and the divine sword in his hand shot out more than ten feet of sword light, sweeping everything, directly twisting the three demon corpses in front of him into dust, and then rushed past, rushing from the hall. Came out.

The path paved with crystal clear skulls stretched towards the entrance of the main hall. At the end of this white bone road, stood a figure dressed in animal skins.

When Gu Fei saw that figure, he couldn't help being shocked to the extreme. He remembered that when he entered the Demon Temple, the man with animal skins was facing outside, but now, this man with animal skins was standing facing the inside of the Demon Temple.

"what happened."

This place is very weird, it seems that everything can happen, Gu Fei did not stop, stepped forward, he wanted to leave this magic temple as soon as possible.

Just as he came to the gate of the Demon Hall, a cold light flashed across the gray eyes of the middle-aged man with animal skins, and then the middle-aged man with animal skins moved.

The middle-aged man with animal skins was holding a stone rod in his hand, and the vitality of his body was flowing with divine luster, and a vitality emerged in the middle-aged man.

"not dead."

Gu Fei's eyeballs almost fell to the ground. The middle-aged man in animal skins was not dead. How could it be possible, but the reappearance of life was not an illusion.

This is definitely not an illusion. You must know that even if the ancient magic demon is powerful, it cannot be compared to the supreme. The power of the magic demon cannot break through the divine aura emanating from the purple golden sword and affect Gu Fei's mentality.


The middle-aged man in the animal skin breathed a long breath, and then stretched out. There were bursts of popping sound from his body, and the bones were making tremors.


The man discovered the existence of Gu Fei, and immediately glanced at Gu Fei with a stern look.

"I have seen seniors."

Gu Fei bowed his hand to the middle-aged man with animal skins. This middle-aged man exuded a sacred aura, definitely not a demon.

This was a strong existence that made Gu Fei's heart palpitations. It was like facing a supreme human emperor. Even facing the human emperor **** soldier, there was no such great pressure.

"you are……"

The body of the man in the animal skin showed a strong wave of divine consciousness, which rushed towards Gu Fei's eyebrows, trying to forcibly read his memory.

Gu Fei never imagined that this middle-aged man with animal skins was so direct that he wanted to read his own memories, even if he was as powerful as him, he could not stop him.

However, just when the spirit of the middle-aged man with animal skins was about to enter Gu Fei's Niwan Palace, the purple golden sword in Gu Fei's hand shook.

The spirit of the middle-aged man in animal skin stopped immediately.

"Supreme sword."

The middle-aged man in animal skin seemed to be surprised. He stared at the purple golden divine sword in Gu Fei's hand for a long time before looking up at Gu Fei.

"The magical demon will be resurrected. This is already unstoppable. There will be a catastrophe in the world."

The middle-aged man in animal skins said such words.


The entire hall began to collapse, and a strong magical aura spread from the hall, and then a huge magical shadow emerged from the hall.

"So what happened."

Gu Fei asked.

"The phantom demon wants to become an immortal demon ancestor. He wants to rebirth and transform into a real demon body. This demon is really good. If I hadn't discovered it in time, he would have succeeded in the ancient years."

The middle-aged man said.

"Good guy."

Gu Fei was also shocked when he heard this. He understood that the magic demon wanted to fade away from the acquired demon body and transform into a true demon bred from heaven and earth.

The demon who dared to take this step is absolutely terrifying. You must know that once it fails, it will be completely destroyed in form and spirit, and disappear completely in this world. However, once it succeeds, the demon will become comparable to chaos. The true demon bred in it became an invincible existence at the Demon Ancestor level.

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