Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2169: Peerless King

The Demon Temple was collapsing, and the demon energy that turned into a pure and extremely pure and submerged into the phantom demon's body, even the demon qi outside the demon temple was frantically rushing towards the illusion demon.

The terrifying true demon body was constantly getting stronger, which shocked Gu Fei who had retreated into the sky. The pressure from the magic demon was too strong.

Even when demons appeared in the Northland, the Fire Demon Ancestor was nothing more than that. You must know that the Fire Demon Ancestor was an innate demon, far beyond the comparison of ordinary acquired demon heads.

But now, this phantom demon can be comparable to the innate demon, which is incredible.

Gu Fei discovered that the entire Demon Temple was turned into a magical energy, and the magical energy was absorbed by the magical demon, and the dozens of magical shadows also rushed out and forced them towards him.

"Jiang Hyun, you couldn't help me before, and it's the same now."

The magical thoughts of the magical demon spread, and there was a magical voice in Gu Fei's heart. This kind of mentality fluctuation was not specifically sent to the emperor Jiang Xuan.

"The Emperor Jiang, is it the distant ancestor of the Jiang family on the Tenglong ancestor star?"

Gu Fei was extremely shocked. Those ancient families on Tenglong Ancestor Star were a few earth-shattering characters. Otherwise, these families would not be passed down to the present.

The competition in the cultivation world has always been cruel. Some of the great sects that were once powerful in the world have now completely declined, even cut off their inheritance, and have disappeared in a long time.

However, some ancient forces have been passed down, even in the darkest years, they did not cut off the inheritance.

These forces can always exist, relying on their background.

There has been a human emperor, and even a supreme power, its depth is beyond imagination, and its ancestors will inevitably leave behind.

Just like the Zhongzhou Immortal Mansion on the ancestor star of Bu Zhou, its background is also very profound. In the ancestral garden of the gods, there is even a goddess sleeping.

If it weren't for the bad luck of Zhongzhou Xianfu and encountering Gu Fei, its profound heritage could definitely make Zhongzhou Xianfu a comeback, and even return to the ancestor of Zhou.

It's a pity that they met Gu Fei and it was only a tragedy.

Of course, this is just Gu Fei's guess. Before it is confirmed, everything is possible.

"Phantom, you were not my opponent back then, and now you are even more so."

Emperor Jiang is extremely powerful, and the power of Gu Fei's drop of undead medicine has an unimaginable miraculous effect, which completely restores the vitality in Emperor Jiang.

However, the corpse poison of the Demon Ancestor is too terrible. A strand of corpse poison can kill all creatures within a radius of 100,000 miles. The corpse poison of the Demon Ancestor in Emperor Jiang's body has not been completely resolved by the power of the undead medicine. .

Emperor Jiang still has residual poison in his body, which is difficult to dissolve. It takes time, but now there is no time for Emperor Jiang to refine the residual poison in his body.


Without hesitation, Emperor Jiang directly used the power comparable to the Supreme Emperor, the powerful force crushed the void of heaven and earth, and the endless demonic energy was dispelled.

However, when the Emperor Jiang was using the power of the Emperor, an extremely terrifying force came down from the depths of the endless sky.


A series of terrifying lightning flashed from the sky, and the lightnings intertwined into a huge power grid, shrouded towards the Emperor Jiang.

"what happened."

Even the phantom was taken aback, and quickly retreated to the distance.

The wave of volatility in the depths of the sky made the magic demon feel heart palpitations. This was a terrifying force that could not be countered, and he felt dangerous.

"Asshole, they really did it."

Emperor Jiang raised his head and looked up at the sky, his eyes seemed to have the sun, moon, and stars floating and sinking, and a peculiar and powerful human emperor aura came from him.


Gu Fei sensed the strong fluctuations between the heavens and the earth, and couldn't help changing his color. Then, without thinking about it, he retreated further away. This kind of power could definitely kill the saint.

Not even the saint could resist this force, let alone Gu Fei.

However, this kind of destructive power that made the saints feared fell on Jiang Renhuang, but it could not hurt him at all.

"Really did it, this is against the sky."

Jiang Renhuang seemed to know something, and he was shocked.


Nine Dao patterns that glowed with divine light rushed out from the body of Emperor Jiang. This is the Nine Dao patterns of Human Emperor, a kind of nine Dao patterns that are infinitely close to perfection.

The Nine Dao patterns of the Emperor of Humanity seal the Quartet. Born around the body of Emperor Jiang, he opened up a world of emptiness, and the other side only belongs to Emperor Jiang.

In this world, Emperor Jiang is the absolute ruler. Even the strongest power in the depths of the sky can hardly sense the presence of Emperor Jiang.


Seeing this scene, Gu Fei was shocked. How could it be possible that Emperor Jiang could use this method to seal himself, so that the power in the depths of the sky could not sense its existence.


After using the human emperor's nine lines to open up the world and seal his own breath, Jiang Renhuang directly killed the illusion demon, and the powerful power of the human emperor came out, shattering the world and the void.


The surprise of Phantom Demon was really not trivial. The Emperor Jiang could use the nine imperial patterns to seal Zhou Xukong, making it difficult for the mighty power to come down from the sky, but he did not have this method.


There is no choice, the magic demon can only escape. He has just succeeded in Nirvana, and it is impossible to compete with the peerless powerhouse like the Emperor. Once the Emperor Jiang gets serious, he will be unlucky.


Outside the void that Jiang Renhuang sealed with nine lines, billions of destroying electric lights flickered, that is the destructive power that came down from the sky, this power, even if the Saint King arrives, it can only have one end, that is, being bombed. The form and spirit are all destroyed.

Endless demon energy converged toward the magic demon, the huge demon energy pillar that rushed out from the depths of the earth was rapidly shrinking, and bodies floating in the demon energy fell from the sky.

It is hard to imagine how many people have been lured into this magical energy by this illusion in these endless years, and they have lost their lives.

The corpses of countless creatures fell from the sky, as if it were raining. Among them, the corpses of the human race were the most, and there were some huge and incomparable alien corpses.

"Damn it."

Seeing this scene, Emperor Jiang was furious. This phantom demon had killed countless creatures, and even if he killed it 10,000 times, he would not understand his hatred.

The Emperor Jiang directly chased him down, driving hundreds of millions of destroying electric lights. This scene shocked Gu Fei to the extreme. It was the first time that he saw the existence of fearless heaven's power above the avenue of heaven and earth.

Human Sovereign, infinitely close to the Supreme, stronger than the Xianzun, this kind of supreme existence method is unimaginable by others, which gave Gu Fei a great inspiration and let him see the hope of sanctification.

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