Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2170: The arrival of Zhu Qiang

The phantom demon has a very good ability to escape, because he is a phantom demon, can evolve countless clones, it is difficult to distinguish true from false.

The endless devil energy was retreating, and in the devil energy, there were countless demon shadows, and every demon shadow revealed a powerful and incomparable demon aura.


Hundreds of thousands of thunder and lightning are raging, and every lightning bolt is as big as a mountain, which can tear the void. When the lightning passes, a dark space must be left in the void.

At the center of the endless lightning, there are nine pierced and powerful Dao patterns imprinted in the void, sealing a small world. In that small world, there is a middle-aged man in animal skins holding a stone rod.

The Peerless Human Sovereign was extremely powerful and directly chased down the phantom demon. With a wave of the stone stick in his hand, countless demon shadows dissipated in the void, and large swaths of demon energy were directly dispersed.

In an instant, the two powerhouses disappeared in the depths of the earth.

Gu Fei wanted to catch up, but in the end he stopped. The battle between the powerhouses of this series is full of variables. If you are not careful, you may be affected.

You know, whether it's Phantom Demon or Jiang Renhuang, their speed is too fast.

"Forget it, the harvest this time is not small."

Gu Fei was talking to himself. He watched Jiang Renhuang's nine lines and suddenly realized something. If he can understand, he can try to attack the holy order.

He had already touched that level, but he didn't dare to try to impact easily, because the power in the dark was too powerful and terrifying.

But today, he saw the supreme existence of fearless power for the first time. The nine lines are mysterious and mysterious. The heaven and earth principles contained therein can absolutely contend with that power.

The dozen or so demon corpses also retreated as the phantom demon left.

Gu Fei rushed out from the depths of the earth, then opened the inner world and released the iron-blooded Daoist. At this time, the palpitating devilish aura between the world and the earth was almost completely dissipated.

"this is……"

When the Jagged Taoist saw the corpses all over the ground, they were shocked to the extreme. These corpses have one characteristic, that is, all their essence has been lost and turned into a weird mummy.

All the spirits and spirits were swallowed, and there was only one consequence, that is, the soul flew away. These creatures were already dead and could no longer die, and there was still devilish energy on their bodies.

"Go, go back first."

Gu Fei walked toward the ruins of the ancient city.

Although the Jagged Taoist wanted to know what happened, but at this time he didn't have time to ask, because Gu Fei had already gone.

He hurried to catch up.

Soon, they returned to the ruins of the ancient city, and at this time, what Gu Fei could not imagine was that there were outsiders in the ruins of the ancient city.

"It's you."

Next to the teleportation platform in the ruins of the ancient city, there was actually a woman sitting cross-legged with a golden mask on her face. This person was the golden goddess.

Unexpectedly to Gu Fei, the Golden Goddess went all the way down.

"The devilish energy over there is so powerful, but now it has calmed down. What happened?"

The golden goddess opened her eyes, two golden divine lights came out from behind the golden mask, and a faint golden light flowed through her body.

"Why should I tell you."

Gu Fei smiled and said.


The golden goddess couldn't help being stunned, she changed her mind to think, too, why did the other party tell herself.

"Hehe, you want to know what happened, but it's actually not a difficult thing."

Gu Fei took a deep look at the Goddess of Gold and said.

"Go ahead, what do you want."

The golden goddess is very simple, there is nothing in the world for nothing. If you want to know what you want, you have to pay the price you want.

"It's very simple, as long as you take off the mask on your face."

Gu Fei said.

The golden mask worn by the Golden Goddess is very extraordinary, even if Gu Feixiu has martial arts eyes, he can't see through it, it is difficult to see the face of the Golden Goddess.


The golden goddess was obviously taken aback, then she fell silent, and then stopped talking.

"Hey, my master just wants to see your true face, you take off the mask and let my master take a look."

Gu Zhong said with a smile.


The golden goddess snorted when she heard the words, and still didn't say anything.

"Could it be that the face of the goddess is inlaid with gold."

Someone among the twelve bandits said.

"court death."

The golden goddess waved her hand, and a golden light immediately rushed out and swept towards the twelve great bandits.

The twelve great bandits were taken aback. They never thought that the golden goddess dared to make a move in front of Gu Fei. Just when they wanted to escape, a figure was already standing in front of them.

A bird chirping sounded, a fire bird emerged from the person, and a hand shot out from the sacred fire, directly blocking the golden light.

"Why the goddess should have general knowledge with them."

The voice sounded, and I saw that the person who took the move of the Golden Goddess was a middle-aged person wearing a Taoist robe, and this person was an iron-blooded Taoist person.

The golden goddess snorted coldly and stopped making moves.

"Okay, you guys are safe, I'm going to retreat."

Gu Fei said to the twelve bandits.

"Master is going to retreat."

"Does the master's cultivation base break through again."

Everyone could not help being taken aback when they heard this. They knew very well that Gu Fei had already touched that level, wouldn't it be necessary for Gu Fei's cultivation to break through again?

"You unexpectedly..."

At this time, the golden goddess couldn't keep calm.

Gu Fei ignored the Golden Goddess, but directly opened the Inner Heaven and Earth, and entered the inner world with a group of disciples and disciples. Soon, among the ruins of the ancient city, the Golden Goddess was left alone.

"This **** guy..."

Seeing that Gu Fei hadn't invited herself into her inner world, the golden goddess couldn't help being very angry. Then, she left the ruins of the ancient city and headed in the direction of the devilish energy before.

Just when the figure of the Golden Goddess disappeared into the sky, the teleportation platform in the ruins of the ancient city suddenly lit up, and the void above the platform was blurred, and the two figures appeared as if through a layer of transparent water waves. On the teleportation stage.

"here is……"

The two people who appeared on the battlefield were a man and a woman, and purple qi lingered around the man and woman. These two people were the most outstanding two of the Ziyun family on the Star of Uncle Zhou.

Ziyunxiao and Ziyun'er brothers and sisters finally came to the third level of the ancient human road.

"The third level of the human race recorded in the ancient books of the race."

Zi Yuner looked around like a curious baby.

"The third level of Human Race turned out to be like this."

Zi Yunxiao's brows frowned. The third level of the human race was once incomparably prosperous, but that was in the past, and now, all that is left here is a huge ruin.

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