Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2202: The best little monk

"Good fellow, another little bald head who pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger."

Hei Tian was taken aback. He never thought that the other party would take his own blow so easily. You know, this Holy Emperor Golden Dragon Sword is not an ordinary holy weapon.

This is a sacred tool refined by the holy emperor among the demon race. It is much stronger than ordinary holy tools. The demon tribe’s holy emperor is comparable to the human immortal.

Human Race Immortal Venerable is the supreme existence under Extreme Dao Supreme, and only the existence of Human Emperor level can suppress it. One can imagine how powerful the Demon Race Saint Emperor is.

"Could it be that the bowl is actually a Buddha treasure left by a Buddhist monk."

Hei Tian was talking to himself. He stared at the little bald monk in front of him and his eyes lit up. No wonder this little bald head could survive the chase and kill of the fierce flood.

With the Buddha's treasure body of the Buddhist monk, it is not easy for that fierce dragon to kill this little bald head.

"Handing over something like that, we might still be able to make friends."

The little bald monk held a purple golden bowl in his hand and said to Heitian with a smile. There was Buddha's light circulating on his face, which gave people a sense of peace and quiet.

"Hey, you kid is really interesting, you dare to do this in front of your grandpa."

Hei Tian smiled. He wouldn’t believe every word the little bald head said. He said to make friends. If the little bald head’s cultivation was above himself, the little bald head would have killed himself as soon as he came up. .

"Hehe, it seems that I have met someone in the same way."

The little bald monk smiled embarrassedly, and then said.

"Ghosts are like you."

Hei Tian said, when he debuted, this guy didn't know where he was, and only the old turtle who was still in the heavens was his comrade.

"Then I have nothing to say, let's fight."

The bald-headed little monk directly stretched out his big hand, using the supernatural powers of Buddhism, and directly grabbed it toward Heitian with his right hand. His palm instantly became infinitely larger, covering the space in front of him.

This is the Buddha's hand, like the real Buddha's hand, the powerful Buddha's power leaped from the golden hand.

In the middle of the palm of the big hand, there is a phantom of the Buddha with a thousand characters.

"Boy, you are still too tender."

When Hei Tian said this, his body shook, and countless formations immediately rushed out of his body, imprinting into the void around him.


The void vibrated, and countless array patterns appeared in the void, and the array patterns were intertwined to form a large array. This is a great technique for the void to form an array.

This is a great magical power that only the master of the formation can display.


Seeing this scene, the bald-headed little monk was really surprised. He never thought that the other party was actually a master of formation.


In the large formation, a horrible sword light rushed out, and each sword light contained terrifying destructive power, directly soaring into the sky, and greeted the sky buddha's hand that was captured from the sky.

Hei Tian is extremely powerful. Standing in the big formation, he drew the aura from all directions to gather together, and the human formation was united, showing the most powerful power of the big formation.

The big golden hand grabbed from the sky was directly penetrated by the destroying sword light, and then dissipated into the void.


Destroying the sword light shook, after it penetrated the big Buddha's hand, the sword light did not disappear, but continued to penetrate towards the bald monk.

Seeing this, the bald-headed little monk directly shot the purple gold bowl in his hand, and the power of swallowing the sky came out from the bowl, and all the dozens of destroying sword lights were collected into the bowl.


Just when the bald monk dissolved Heitian's sword light, the surrounding sky and earth shook, and then countless formation patterns continuously rushed out of Heitian's body.

Array patterns are intertwined in the void, forming a large array with terrifying waves.


The bald-headed little monk surrounded by large arrays had no choice but to move. The opponent's method of array formation was so clever that he could form an array with his thoughts.

This method is too amazing. The little bald monk senses that every large formation around him is full of murderous aura.

There were ten killing formations trapping the little bald monk, Yin Yang formation, seven killing formations, Zhutian formation, etc., each killing formation was not simple, it was dangerous.

"Playing with me, you are not qualified, unless it is the little monk Fanxiu who comes here."

Hei Tian said proudly that his attainments in the formation have reached the peak, even if the young monk Fan Xiu is here, he is confident that he can fight against him.

"Little Monk Fanxiu."

The little bald monk who was trapped in the ten killing formations couldn't help but startled. As far as he knew, there was absolutely no little monk named Fan Xiu in the Eastern Holy Realm.

To make this guy scrupulous, that little monk Fanxiu must be no ordinary person.

"It's useless to talk more, hand over everything on you, and get out."

Hei Tian didn't say much to this bald-headed monk. He had already taken a fancy to the Buddha treasure in this little bald-headed hand. The Buddha treasure left by the Buddhist monk is absolutely priceless.

"You thought you would eat me."

The bald-headed little monk trapped by the Ten Great Killing Array was still very calm, the purple golden bowl in his hand glowed with Buddha's light and enveloped him.

Although the Ten Great Killing Array was powerful, it was difficult to hurt this bald monk for a while.

Of course, Hei Tian hadn't launched the ten killer formations, but trapped the pesky bald little monk with the killing formations, and did not really kill him.

The little monk's pink face flushed, his face was innocent.

Heitian knew that this was just the appearance of the little monk. This guy was definitely an old monster, just like the little monk Fanxiu, unfathomable.

However, he is not afraid of this little monk, as long as the opponent is not a saint, he has the ability to fight.

"Hey, I don't eat little monks, I will only smash their bare heads."

Hei Tian said with a grinning grin, with a vicious look. Because of the young monk Fanxiu, he didn't have a good impression of Buddhism.

"I'm here today, I won't be so lucky next time I meet you."

The little bald monk trapped in the top ten killing array said such words.


Hei Tian couldn't help laughing when he heard this, as if he heard the funniest joke in the world.

Is this guy crazy? It seems that he is the one who has the upper hand, and he is trapped by him.

"Look at it if you don't look good, you really don't know whose fist is hard."

Heitian is about to do it.

However, at this moment, the little bald monk trapped in the Ten Great Killing Array suddenly burst into countless Buddha patterns, and a cloud of Buddha light instantly enveloped him.


The void trembled like a water wave, and then, the Buddha light disappeared, and the bald-headed little monk fled away in an instant.

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