Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2203: The most complete transformation


Seeing that bald-headed little monk had escaped directly under his nose, Heitian's shock was really extraordinary, how could this be possible.

You must know that you have already sealed the sky and the void of one side, and all the magical powers and the shape-shifting techniques have lost their effect, and no one can escape.

But now, facts speak louder than words.

"How did he do that."

Hei Tian put away the top ten killing formations. He couldn't understand why the other party could escape under this situation. Could it be that Buddhism's escape method was even more powerful than other escape methods.

This is definitely not a good thing for Hei Tian, ​​this bald little monk was included in the list of dangerous people by him.


At this time, there were tremors in the distance, like the roar of muffled thunder, the battle between the fierce Jiao and the two saints continued.

This was a battle of the holy ranks, which attracted everyone's attention, but Hei Tian didn't dare to stay and flee straight away.

If the fierce flooder knew that he had stolen the blood flat peach, it would be a big deal. The blood flat peach is a life-saving medicine, and Hei Tian wouldn't eat the blood flat peach now.

Because of that **** peach, he waited if he had an extra life.

Hei Tian's figure quickly disappeared into the dim world.

Just after Heitian left, at the position where the bald-headed little monk disappeared, the void on that side suddenly trembled like water waves.


A figure directly walked out of the void, this person was actually the bald-headed little monk.

"Cut, what an idiot, I can be fooled by this."

The bald-headed monk looked in the direction where Heitian was leaving, and said to himself, there was a faint light of Buddha lingering around him, and the whole person was like a Buddha out of dust.

It turned out that the bald-headed little monk didn't escape just now. He just used the magical powers of the Buddhist kingdom in the palm of the Buddhism and escaped into the inner world that he opened up.

He deceived Heitian by this means, which surprised the little monk.

In fact, Hei Tian was really careless this time. Of course, he had something in his heart and didn't want to stay for long, he wanted to stay away from that fierce flood.

The bald-headed monk suddenly disappeared into the void, and Hei Tian subconsciously thought that the bald-headed monk had just escaped by some secret method.

If he were to know that the bald-headed monk had just entered his own inner world and deceived himself with this simple method, he would surely vomit blood with anger.

The bald-headed monk did not stay, and soon left this place.

The saint-level battle continued, and the two human saints joined forces to fight the fierce Jiao. For a while, it was difficult to truly distinguish the victory or defeat. You know, the Nine Sword Emperor is a ruthless character.

Moreover, the human saint who teamed up with the Nine Swords Emperor had received the inheritance of the ancient Thunder God, and a Thor's hammer was used to unfold it.

If that fierce flood could really kill these two saints easily, then this fierce flood would really be against the sky.

One day and one night later, the battle ended. No one knew the result of the battle. The fierce flood did not fall and was seriously wounded and left, and the two saints were not well.

Some people have speculated that the two great saints and the fierce flood may have suffered both.

After the news that the Fierce Flood Dragon was injured spread, other saints in the human race began to dispatch, and some people wanted to take advantage of the Fierce Flood Dragon's injury and eradicate it.

Especially the forces whose geniuses were killed by the fierce flood, even more wishing to smash the fierce flood.

However, that fierce Jiao was very careful, he wanted to hide, even if he was as powerful as a human saint, it was difficult to catch him and kill him for a while.


Just when the human saints were all over the world looking for the fierce flood, in a bottomless abyss deep in the chaotic divine soil, a silver flood dragon was soaking in a pool of black water.

That black water is not simple, the pool is not big, but the inner spiritual energy is huge to the extreme, that black water is definitely a kind of divine liquid.

Fierce Jiao hid in the bottomless abyss, and was recuperating with the help of black water. The wounds on his body were gradually healing, and his body became vigorous again.

Just when Fierce Jiao hid to heal his wounds, the voice of the Great Dao came from the valley where Gu Fei was. He took the Hedao Fruit as if he had merged with the Heavenly Dao and had forgotten everything.

The sound of the Great Dao divine voice came from his body, as if there was a supreme supreme preaching, nine kinds of Dao patterns appeared on his body and gradually became clear.

Every Dao pattern seems to contain a place of heaven and earth.

At the same time, the inner world in Gu Fei's body was also changing. As the cultivation level improved, the inner world was also expanding, especially the inner world in the Niwan Palace at the center of his forehead.


In the Niwan Palace, the chaotic energy is surging, the world is evolving, the void and the earth are constantly growing, and the world is devouring the chaotic energy.

The four primitive forces of earth, water, wind and fire raged in this place where heaven and earth contact chaos.

At this time, at the position of his heart, a **** orb of the origin of heaven and earth was shaking. It was the origin of heaven and earth of Hell Dao. At this time, the wind and clouds of Hell Dao changed color, and the sun and moon were dark.

But this **** path is after all one of the six paths refined by the legendary priest of the ancient Buddha, just like a real big world.

With the improvement of Gu Fei's cultivation level, it was still difficult for him to take away such a world. However, even if it was difficult to take away this world, he caused all kinds of terrifying celestial phenomena in the **** road.

In the divine soil on the side of his dantian, countless creatures were terrified. No one knew when it happened. The divine soil was shaking, as if the world was dying.

"what's going on."

In the place where the Meng family lived together, the old patriarch said such words.

"Does the Lord go to him."

The place where the undead clans gathered, the three undead emperors were extremely nervous, they vaguely guessed something.

"Is it really going to be sanctified."

Outside the valley where Gu Fei was located, Ji Changkong was muttering to himself, the aura of the great avenue emerging from the valley was getting stronger and stronger. Vaguely, he seemed to hear a certain dao sound.

At this time, in the valley, Gu Fei's body was full of the divine light, his bones were glowing, his five internal organs were trembling, and his flesh and blood were shaking.

This was an extremely important transformation. From the outside to the inside, Gu Fei was full of divine light, and his huge essence was washing his martial arts.

The nine primitive Dao patterns were imprinted on Gu Fei's body, imprinted into the flesh and blood of his martial body, and the entire martial body was undergoing qualitative transformation.

The flesh, muscles and bones continued to shatter and then reorganized. Gu Fei's whole person finally turned into a blood cocoon. In the blood cocoon, it seemed as if a congenital chaotic beast was bred, and the powerful aura emanating from inside made the nearby void rippling. , Cracking.

After breaking and standing, Gu Fei finally shattered the martial arts directly.

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