Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2209: Sanctification

"How is it possible, is it really going against the sky."

Seeing that Gu Fei could contend with the incarnation of Heaven, everyone was stunned and became holy with strength. I don't know how long such a saint has not appeared.

However, although the situation is very favorable to Gu Fei, some people do not want to see Gu Fei become a holy.


Just when Gu Feili pressed the incarnation of Heavenly Dao, a powerful sage breath suddenly appeared on the high sky thousands of miles away, and the pressure of the saints swept the world.

"Those guys..."

Heitian had been worried all the time, and what he was worried about finally happened.

Gu Fei had a lot of enemies on Tenglong Ancestral Star. The last thing these people wanted to see was Gu Fei becoming a holy. Once Gu Fei became holy, then they would have no way to survive.

With Gu Fei's temperament, once he returns to Tenglong Ancestral Star after being sanctified, he must clear up his previous grievances, and more people will die by that time.

The saint thousands of miles away made a move, and a divine stone that radiated a monstrous chaotic light flew up, and then hit Gu Fei, who was fighting the incarnation of Heavenly Dao endlessly.

That stone is not simple, it is a holy stone, but a saint.

"Despicable and shameless guy."

Heitian was frightened and angry, and he watched this scene nervously.

The sacred stone hit directly into the robbery, and when he saw that it was about to fall on Gu Fei's head, the middle-aged man who was fighting with Gu Fei suddenly turned around and punched it out.


The middle-aged man's punch directly hit the holy stone, which actually blasted the holy stone away.


The saint who shot at Gu Fei thousands of miles away opened his mouth and vomited a mouthful of blood. The sacred stone was full of cracks, the light was dim, and it was almost shattered by the middle-aged man.

The saint didn't dare to stay, so he put away the holy stone and quickly retreated.


Gu Fei saw that the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao actually hit a strong punch, almost smashing the sacred stone sacrificed by the saint. This shock was really extraordinary.

If that punch hits him, I am afraid that he would have been blasted to scum.

However, when the avatar of Heaven turned around and attacked Gu Fei, Gu Fei found that the power of the avatar of Heaven was far less than the punch just now.

"Could it be that the power of the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao varies from person to person."

Gu Fei quickly understood.

No one dared to make another move, the backlash of Heaven's Tribulation was a joke.

Even those who don't want to see Gu Fei become a saint, they can't do much at this time, Gu Fei's robbery is already irreversible.

At this time, Gu Fei had no distractions, and he was full of tribulations. He could sense that his strength was constantly improving, and the great road he had realized was constantly melting into his life.

Only when the body is in harmony with the Tao can true eternity be realized.

Of course, this is relatively speaking, there is no absolute in the world, even the invincible supreme of the Three Realms and Six Paths may fall, let alone a saint.

In the end, even Gu Fei's martial art was shattered several times, and Gu Fei's martial art finally completed its transformation and became the Holy Physique.

Under the attack of the three heavenly incarnations, Gu Fei almost died, but he carried it over, and then counterattacked. In the end, the nine patterns were formed and successfully melted into Gu Fei's life.

Although the three major incarnations of Heavenly Dao were powerful, they were eventually scattered by Gu Fei and returned to Heavenly Dao.


Gu Fei looked up to the sky and roared, and the terrifying sound waves spread from far away. The Nine Heavens Star Sword in his hand also shook, and a vitality was bred in the divine sword.

Everyone changed color, and an unimaginably powerful saint appeared between the heavens and the earth, and there was a certain kind of vibration in the heavens. At this moment, all those who entered the Chaos Divine Land were dumbfounded.

"how is this possible……"

The robbery faded, and the power of terror returned to the way of heaven.


At the moment when Gu Fei became a holy, far in the depths of the Chaos Divine Sea, the voice of the Great Dao sounded, and the power of the holy ranks fluctuated wildly.

The two became holy almost at the same time, which makes everyone unbelievable. Isn't there only one saint in a lifetime, why two saints appeared today.

"How is it possible, this is unreasonable."

Someone said such words.

"Haha, Gu Fei, your death date has come."

In the depths of the Chaos God Sea, there was a crazy laughter.

"Those who dare to kill my gods beyond the sky must have the consciousness of death."

From the depths of the Chaos and Divine Sea, a blood-haired youth walked out. Nine primitive Dao patterns loomed on his body, intertwined with a wave of holy orders.


Just when the blood-haired young man wanted to leave the Chaos Divine Sea, a roar came, and a fierce beast that looked like a hill rushed out of the sea, and opened his mouth and ate towards the blood-haired young man.

"act recklessly."

The blood-haired young man waved his hand directly, and the fierce beast flew up, hitting it more than a dozen miles away, "touch." With a sound, the fierce beast's body exploded, turned into a blood mist, and dissipated in the sky and the sky. Among.

"Human, how dare you kill my subordinates."

A wave of divine thought came, and then, a middle-aged man wearing a golden armor with a trident walked out from the depths of the Chaos Shenhai.

"Kill and kill, where is so much nonsense."

The blood-haired youth said disdainfully.

"Suffer to death."

The middle-aged man holding the trident directly killed him. With a wave of the spear in his hand, the Chaos Divine Sea immediately set off a huge wave.

Without any extra words, the blood-haired young man fought against the middle-aged man.

This is a duel of the holy ranks, the power of terror fluctuated vigorously, and there was a great chaos in the chaotic sea of ​​gods, and many chaotic relics lurking in the sea of ​​chaos rushed to escape.

Although the blood-haired young man has just successfully overcome the calamity, he is unmatched, his combat power is shocking, and the pressure of the saint is suffocating, and the man-shaped overlord of the sea can hardly gain any advantage for a while.

Just when the blood-haired young man from Shenshan outside the sky was fighting with the overlord of the sea, two figures were blocking Gu Fei's path.


Without any words, the two saints directly attacked Gu Fei.


Just when Gu Fei was about to fight, a loud shout came from a distance, and then the two saints who shot to Gu Fei really rolled up in the void, until they disappeared into Gu Fei’s sight. .


Gu Fei was shocked. He never expected that there would be such a fierce person, and the saint would be as weak as an ant in the eyes of this person.

He quickly looked in the direction of the sound, and saw a middle-aged man wearing animal skins and holding a stone rod walking towards him above the distance.

"The Emperor."

Seeing this man, Gu Fei was surprised and delighted. The fierce man who drank away the two saints was the invincible Jiang Renhuang who was chasing the magic demon.

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