Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2210: Eternal Secret

No one thought that a human emperor actually appeared in the chaotic divine soil. This was an invincible existence other than the supreme. Even if it was a fairy, it was not necessarily an opponent of the human emperor.

To some extent, the emperor is supreme.

Gu Fei had just been sanctified, and many people wanted to take action against him, but with a loud shout, the emperor shook the two great saints flying out of nowhere.

Those who wanted to take action against Gu Fei had to retreat at this time. With the emperor, even the Supreme would have to hesitate to move Gu Fei.

"I have met Senior Human Sovereign."

Gu Fei hurriedly saluted the Emperor Jiang. This is an old antique of the ancient Jiang family. Enlightened in the ancient years, he was the last enlightened emperor of the ancient times.

Since the Emperor Jiang, no one can cultivate the fruit of the emperor.

"No need to be polite, speaking of which, I would like to thank you too much. If it weren't for your drop of undead liquid, the corpse poison in my body would not be melted so quickly."

Emperor Jiang Ren came to Gu Fei, patted his shoulder and said.

"It is an honor for the younger generation to be able to help the Master Emperor."

Gu Fei said respectfully.

The human emperor who once appeared in the human race are all worthy of respect. This Jiang human emperor has calmed down a great turmoil in the late ancient period.

The ancient magical chaos was definitely a catastrophe for the human race. I don't know how many masters in the human race were hunted down by this demon, and then swallowed its essence.

If it weren't for Jiang Renhuang's action, the magic demon might really break through the shackles and become the demon ancestor.

"Who is that person, Emperor Human."

Above the sky, there is an ancient sage whispering.

"It looks familiar, it seems to be..."

Someone seemed to recognize Emperor Jiang.

The appearance of Emperor Jiang Ren is a bit special. He is dressed in animal skins and holds a stone rod, just like an uncivilized human coming out of a primitive mountain.

"It wouldn't be him."

There was an ancient sage who was in the same era as Emperor Jiang. After seeing Emperor Jiang, he was shocked to the extreme, unbelievable, like seeing the most incredible thing in the world.

The emperor is invincible, it is not a legend, it is definitely the sorrow of these ancient sages to live in the same era with the emperor.


Just as Emperor Jiang Ren was talking with Gu Fei, in a valley ten thousand miles away, there were waves of magical howls, and a magical shadow appeared in the valley.

"Jiang Xuan, I won't repay this enmity, and I will swear not to be a demon."

Vicious words came out in the valley.


Just as the demon in the valley was cursing Emperor Jiang Ren, Emperor Jiang Ren seemed to have a sense of feeling, his eyes burst out, and he suddenly turned and looked in the direction of the valley where the magic demon was.

"what happened."

Gu Fei couldn't help being surprised when he saw that there was war intent on Jiang Renhuang's body.

"Hmph, it's okay, that demon has also come here, really knowing how to live and die."

Jiang Renhuang didn't say much, and then took a step forward, and a road intertwined with Dao patterns appeared immediately under his feet, extending into the distance.

Before Gu Fei came back to his senses, Emperor Jiang Ren had gone away in an instant.

The birth of the Emperor of Humanity was absolutely a shocking event. Soon, the news came out, and all the forces that entered the Chaos Divine Land were shocked.

Especially the people of the Huanggu Jiang family were extremely excited.

The disappearance of Emperor Jiang Ren had a major impact on the ancient Jiang family. It is rumored that Emperor Jiang had fallen during a battle with the illusion.

However, the people of the Huanggu Jiang family didn't believe that the human emperor would not even be able to clean up a phantom demon, and no one had ever seen the human emperor's body.

However, the emperor did not return to the Jiang family for tens of thousands of years, which made the ancient Jiang family's opponents ready to move.

One of the dead opponents of the ancient Jiang family even attacked the Jiang family first, and that opponent finally united all the Jiang family's dead places and smashed into the Jiang family's ancestral court.

Had it not been for Emperor Jiang Ren to leave behind, the Huanggu Jiang family would have been destroyed long ago.

"The return of the ancestors, my Jiang family can finally win the world again."

The clan elders of the ancient Jiang family are shouting.

"See who dares to deceive my Jiang family."

The Jiang family all have a feeling of exhaling and raising their eyebrows. Over the years, they have tolerated it for too long. Today the ancestors return, they can finally exhale the suffocation in their chests.

However, there are also many people who are unwilling to see the return of Emperor Jiang, especially those superpowers who have great enmity with the ancient Jiang family.

Many ancient sages left the Chaos Divine Land for the first time after hearing the news of Jiang Renhuang's return. These people wanted to enter the Chaos Divine Land to intercept the geniuses of the ancient Jiang family.

However, at this time, they only seek self-protection. If they meet the Emperor, no matter how many people are dead, even the ancestors of the Immortal Venerable level have to retreat.

This is the emperor of men, the emperor of men.


At this time, the Illusory Demon hiding in the valley to heal his wounds had already felt that Emperor Jiang was approaching quickly, and he immediately split into countless clones and rushed in all directions.

I have to say that the illusion technique of the phantom demon is really good, even if it is as powerful as the Emperor Jiang, it is impossible to find the true body of this peerless demon for a while.


Emperor Jiang Ren came to the sky above the valley in an instant, and then directly waved the stone stick in his hand and smashed it down.


The whole world was shaking, even if it was as solid as the Chaos Divine Land, great turbulence took place. Human Emperor Prestige spread throughout the entire Chaos Divine Land, shocking all creatures with panic.

"How many years have passed, and there has been such a supreme existence again."

In the depths of the Chaos Divine Land, an old voice came out.

At this time, the stone rod fell, and the hundreds of millions of incarnations of the phantom demon were all blasted away by the mighty human emperor power on the stone rod, but the true body of the phantom demon disappeared.

"What a cunning demon."

Emperor Jiang Ren took back the stone rod, then took a look at the depths of the Chaos Divine Earth, and then disappeared directly into the void. He sensed the breath of the magical demon and directly chased it down.

"Really..., how could it be..."

Although Renhuangwei was only a shock, it was enough to shock the world. All the ancient sages no longer doubted that the Jiang Family's Human Emperor was still alive.

"The Three Realms and Six Paths will be in chaos. The Skynet laid by those old guys is about to collapse. You must improve your cultivation as soon as possible to deal with the coming troubled times."

At this time, the voice of Emperor Jiang Ren sounded in Gu Fei's heart.

Gu Fei was shocked to the extreme, because what Jiang Renhuang said was too terrifying. The Three Realms and Six Paths will be in chaos, and what Skynet is there, this is definitely the secret of the ages.

Could it be that with his current cultivation base, he can't cope with this chaos yet.

Gu Feiyue felt more frightened.

"Gu Fei, it really is you."

Just when Gu Fei was shocked by Jiang Renhuang's words, a loud shout came from far away, and a figure broke through the haze of chaos, and walked towards Gu Fei with murderous aura.

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