Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2213: Siege

Without any extra words, the black-clothed old man directly killed the bald old man with a murderous look, wishing to tear him apart instantly.

"You are crazy, do you really want to betray."

The bald old man was frightened and angry. He and this black-clothed old man were originally the same brothers, and their feelings were pretty good, but now, the other party wanted to kill himself in order to survive.

"I want to live."

The black-clothed old man roared and shot, a string of bone beads on his wrist flew up, turned into nine groups of divine light, and smashed at the bald old man.

No one wants to die, the old man in black seems to really just want to live.


The bald old man's divine sword was shaking, Senhan sword aura spread away, causing the surrounding temperature to drop rapidly, and the divine sword sent terrible fluctuations, strangling towards the black-clothed old man.


The nine groups of divine light formed from the bone beads collided with the sword light of the bald old man, screaming.


The force of destruction spread violently, and the entire void of heaven and earth was rippling like a transparent wave.

The ancient half-sages are much stronger than the general half-sages, especially those ancient half-sages who have debuted in the ancient times and have lived until the present.

After waiting for a long time, although these ancient half-sages cannot break through the shackles and become saints, their understanding and perception of the Dao are not comparable to ordinary people.

The bald old man and the black-clothed old man are definitely strong among the ancient half-sages. Such an old antique has empty eyelashes and is extremely shrewd.


Just when the two of them seemed to be desperate, the black-clothed old man and the bald old man each offered a **** picture, and the two similar forces collided together.


The sky and the earth shook, two divine pictures were blooming with immeasurable divine light, and a spatial channel appeared in the void.

Without any hesitation, the two of them withdrew the magic weapon for the first time, then rushed into the space channel and disappeared directly inside.

"Want to escape."

Gu Fei had been watching this scene with cold eyes, and seeing that these two ancient half-sages wanted to escape, he took one step directly, breaking in before the spatial passage had completely disappeared.


The world shook, and Gu Fei broke into a small world, and the mighty saint's coercion spread over it, almost causing the small world to collapse.


The bald old man and the black-clothed old man were dumbfounded, and they found that they had underestimated this Gu Fei, and they had just become holy, and they had this method.

This Xiaotiandi is a special place. Although Xiaotiandi is not big, it is like a fairyland. Many of the most outstanding geniuses among the gods outside the heavens are here at this time.

At this time, Gu Fei stopped the space channel.


"Go together, kill him for me regardless of the cost."

The bald old man was roaring.


The sword sounded, and the bald old man's divine sword turned into a light that looked like a horse, strangling towards Gu Fei.


Gu Fei punched out randomly, and directly smashed the divine sword that had strangled it into thousands of pieces, and countless fragments flew back towards the bald old man.

At this time, everyone in Xiaotiandi knew that a powerful enemy had come, and this person was actually a saint. This was definitely a disaster for everyone in Xiaotiandi.

From time to time, powerful fluctuations erupted, and all the people cultivating in this small world walked out, and then directly shot at Gu Fei.

"Hmph, the little ants dare to challenge the dragon, they really do not live or die."

Gu Fei sneered, and then waved his big hand. All the artifacts smashed at him were all shaken away, and some artifacts were broken into tens of millions while still in the air.

Some artifacts are extraordinary and have not been broken on the spot, but these artifacts are also covered with cracks, as if they could be broken at any time.

This was a battle without any suspense. Gu Fei shot one after another, beheading the two ancient half-sages on the spot, and then killed all the disciples of Shenshan outside the sky in Xiaotiandi.

Since he had completely offended this super power, Gu Fei would not keep his hands.

Afterwards, Gu Fei directly took away this small world, and he planned to merge this small world into his inner world.

After coming out of the space channel, Gu Fei saw Heitian greet him.

At this time, Hei Tian had already dealt with the saint corpse, and all the things on the hapless red-haired young man were found by Hei Tian, ​​even the corpse Hei Tian did not let go.

This is the saint body of the holy rank, even if it has died, the power in its body will not dissipate.

There are treasures all over the body, especially its blood, which is the source of strength, a kind of great treasure medicine, comparable to the magic medicine, and can improve the cultivation of monks.


Hei Tian couldn't help being extremely excited when he saw Gu Fei again.

"Well, yes, you have also touched that level."

Gu Fei saw Heitian's current cultivation status at a glance, and Heitian actually had the capital to attack the Saint-Step realm.

"Boss, you are not here, we have had a frightening life on the Dragon Star."

Hei Tian knew that many people on Tenglong Ancestor Star were going to be unlucky. Once Gu Fei returned to Tenglong, he must liquidate these wicked guys.

"It's such an exaggeration, you guy will never let yourself suffer."

Gu Fei smiled and said, he knows Heitian very well, this guy is a perfect match with the old tortoise in the heavens, they are both the ancestors of black hands and clinging to the board.

"Boss, where is Gu Zhong."

Heitian asked.

"Well, I'm going to get them back."

When Gu Fei entered the Chaos Well, he left Gu Zhong and the others on the third level of Human Race, and he didn't know how Gu Zhong and them were doing now.

He didn't hesitate, and went straight back to the chaotic passage.

"Unexpectedly, you have embarked on the ancient human race road in the legend."

Heitian was surprised. He knew some things Gu Fei had experienced from Gu Fei's mouth. He was shocked. The Human Race Ancient Road was just a legend, but the legend turned out to be true.

Gu Fei has become a holy. At this time, he wants to seal his body with nine primitive Dao patterns, and this will bring Hei Tian into the chaotic passage.

At the third pass of the ancient road of the human race, in a valley in the great wilderness, many people are fighting. Outside the valley, you can see corpses lying down among the rocks and mountains.

At this time, hundreds of people were surrounding a group of people in the valley.

"Lu Xianweng, what do you mean, are you really going to fight us hard?"

A middle-aged man stood above the valley, staring at a divine island suspended in the sky and shouted loudly.

"Kill, don't let one go."

In the island of God, such words came out with an extremely cold tone.

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