Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2214: First god

A large number of masters sent by the Antarctic Xianfu have arrived at the third level of the ancient human road. The land immortal has greatly increased his strength. He is not afraid of anyone, and directly wants to take the iron blood Taoist sword.


A sacred island floats and sinks above the sky, with thousands of auras and celestial light lingering, just like the palace of the ancient immortal, there are divine sounds of great avenues.

This divine island is very extraordinary. It was originally a residence of the Antarctic Immortal, but now it is given to the Land Immortal.


There was a cold killing sound in the **** island, Lu Xianweng did not come forward, he sits on the **** island, and only controls everything behind, and the person who really came out was the first **** general under the command of the Antarctic Xianzun.

The first **** general, that is an old antique that has been sanctified in the ancient years. Some people say that the Antarctic Immortal Venerable may be a true ancient Immortal Venerable.

You know, even in the Zhongzhou Xianfu that has passed on for endless years, there is also a fairy sitting in town. Although Zhongzhou Xianfu was destroyed by the major forces in the end, one of the gods was turned into ruins, but it also shows that Zhongzhou Xianfu's How deep the background is.

If the Antarctic Immortal Venerable is really an ancient Immortal Venerable, it does not seem to be a strange thing.


At this time, the first **** standing on a mountain peak outside the valley raised his arms, and those strong men who surrounded the valley immediately began to operate the killing formation.


The sky and the earth shook, and countless array patterns appeared in the void around the valley. The array patterns were intertwined, motivating the aura from all directions to converge.


A sound like the sound of a **** soldier unsheathing came from the killing array, and then, Sen Han's sword aura broke out, and nine brilliant sword lights rushed out of the killing array.

"Nine Sword Killing Array."

Over the valley, seeing this scene, the Jagged Taoist was extremely shocked. He knew that this was a lore array in the Antarctic Immortal Mansion, possessing the mighty power to kill everything.

It seems that this terrestrial immortal is bent on killing himself.

Although the Jie Xue Daoist was frightened, he was not chaotic. He still had a back hand, and at the worst, he could hide in the inner world and avoid the disaster.


The iron-blooded Taoist snorted coldly, and flipped his right hand, and a magical soldier full of fire appeared in his hand immediately. This unusual magical soldier was shaped like a cross and extended in four directions. Representing the four poles of the sky and the earth, the front and back of these four poles are each branded with a Dao pattern left by the Phoenix Nirvana.

Adding the four-pole Dao pattern and the central Dao pattern, there are nine phoenixes and nine dao patterns on this magic weapon, which represents the ultimate power of the phoenix.

This divine weapon was only after the iron-blooded Taoist refined the Phoenix Nest before he obtained the Phoenix Divine Weapon Phoenix Tribulation.


The phoenix calamity in the hands of the iron-blooded Daoist in one swoop, the eight fierce flames rushed out of the phoenix robbery, turned into eight phoenix shadows, and rushed in all directions.


The nine divine swords shook, emitting a peerless sword light, and the void was cut off, but the phoenix transformed into the eight phoenix patterns blocked the nine sword light.

"what is that……"

Those strong men who smashed into the valley were all shocked to the extreme, and they felt a hot breath coming down from the sky.

This breath made them feel hot and uncomfortable as if the blood in their bodies was about to be ignited.

"It's the legendary soldier."

In the divine island above the sky, such words were heard. On a pavilion in the divine island, there was an old man with a childish face.

"That iron-blooded Taoist is not easy, it seems to have been inherited from the ancient immortal Taoist. Would you like me to help you."

Beside Lu Xianweng, there was a figure that glowed with purple light, which was as difficult to look at directly as the purple sun.

"There is no need for Xiongtai to take action. If I can't even deal with this iron-blooded Taoist, how will I take charge of the Antarctic Immortal Mansion in the future."

Lu Xianweng said disapprovingly.

Hearing this, the man said nothing more.

"Phoenix robbery?"

The first **** will see this scene, his pupils can't help but shrink, he became enlightened in the ancient years, naturally he heard of the prestige of this **** soldier.

This divine weapon was the treasure of the Phoenix family. It was taken by the undead Taoist. After the undead Taoist fell, this divine weapon was gone.

In that era, even if they were as strong as saints, they were in danger of falling. Some innate beasts were extremely powerful and definitely not weaker than saints.

Some people say that the immortal Taoist is itself a human body transformed into a phoenix who gains Taoism.

The Phoenix Tribulation blocked the Nine Sword Killing Array, and everyone in the valley breathed a sigh of relief. This Antarctic Immortal Mansion was really hateful, and it even shot at them.

"If Master is here, where is the turn of this land old ghost to be rampant."

Gu Zhong said fiercely, his body was stained with blood, a sword mark on his shoulder was shocking, blood soaked half of his clothes, and even bones were exposed from the wound.

He encountered a swordsman semi-sage whose cultivation base and realm were far above him. If it weren't for his incomparable martial arts, the opponent could split himself in half with a single sword.

Among the twelve bandits, some were severely injured. Fortunately, the Jagged Daoist took action in time. Although some of them were seriously injured, none of them fell.

Even Yaoyue and Zhong Limeng were splashed with a little blood.

The old Jiao was also slashed by the sword master, and a dragon claw was almost cut off.

"The foundation of the Antarctic Fairy House is really terrifying."

Zhuge Liang, the boss of the twelve bandits, said that his Taoist robe had been torn in half, revealing the soft armor inside. There were five finger marks on the soft armor.

If he was wearing a treasure armor, he would have been torn to pieces by the man who shot him. It was a guy who was as fierce as a beast.

"We have to settle this account with the Antarctic Immortal Mansion sooner or later. After all, the old land ghost will regret what he did today."

Gu Zhong said in a deep voice.

He is very clear about his master's temperament, these dare to attack him, the master will never let it go.

At this time, sword light emerged from the periphery of the entire valley, an earth-shattering destructive force was eroding towards the valley, and the void was annihilated.


Over the valley, the iron-blooded Taoist roared, and he fully drove the Phoenix Tribulation in his hand. The ninth Taoist pattern revealed divine light, and within the Phoenix Tribulation, it was like a supreme beast gradually awakening.

However, the Jagged Daoist is not a saint in the end, and it is difficult to truly exert the power of this divine weapon. The ninth Dao pattern on the Phoenix Tribulation could not be formed in the end.

"Don't struggle to death."

At this time, the voice of the First God General sounded, and then, a figure wearing a battle armor came in directly from outside the valley, pressing his big hand towards the iron-blooded Taoist.

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