Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2228: Behead the first god

At this moment, nothing seemed to be able to stop Gu Fei. His Chaos Martial Body was extremely powerful, and with just one punch, the giant staggered and almost fell.


Above the distant sky, many old antiques felt chilled when they saw this scene. What a tremendous power this is.

Especially the first divine general was even more frightened and inexplicable. What he cultivated was the power of earth movement. As long as his feet were on the ground, his vitality was endless.

The earth movement power in the earth can continuously provide him with essence, so that his true essence will not be exhausted.


After standing firm, the earth-yellow giant stepped directly towards Gu Fei. The powerful force caused the surrounding world to vibrate, continuously cracking into pitch-black space cracks.


Gu Fei rose directly into the sky.


With a punch, he directly pierced the big feet of the earth-yellow giant, and came to the giant's body, and then waved his hands, and the shocking chaotic sword light rushed out of his hand.


The chaotic sword light vibrated, although it was not a true peerless magic weapon, it was even more powerful than those peerless magic weapon, and every sword light tore the world apart.


When the sword light passed, a huge arm fell off, and the left arm of the khaki giant was cut off by the chaotic sword light emitted by Gu Fei.

The arm formed by the condensed earth movement force dissipated in the void and turned into earth movement essence again.

"How could it be so strong..."

The First God General was shocked, and the chaotic sword light that Gu Fei cleaved had an invincible aura, which gave birth to an unstoppable idea.

This is the invincible fighting spirit.

Without any suspense, the first **** would collapse the ocher giant condensed with the supreme great art, and a figure fell out of the void.

This person is the first god.


Gu Fei's figure disappeared in an instant, and when he reappeared in the next moment, he had already pushed to the front of the first **** general, and then stretched out his right hand, with five fingers open, and grabbed it towards the top of the first **** general's head.

"So fast."

The first **** will shake his heart, and the opponent's speed is at least twice as fast as before. This is definitely an astonishing speed, even the first **** who has experienced many battles will also change color.

The First God General retreated back for the first time. When he retreated, he only felt a pain on his face, and five blood stains appeared on his face.


The first **** will roar, for so many years, he no longer remembers when he shed blood last time, and today, he was scratched.

This is absolutely a shame and shame for the First God General.

The first **** will go crazy, he desperately urges the immortal power in his body, the nine lines are intertwined, and a peerless and powerful force burst out.

However, no matter how he urged the power of the Nine Dao Runes, it was nothing but futile. He was strong, Gu Fei was stronger than him, Gu Fei punched out, kicked out, both have great power.

The ocher giant collapsed, and the first **** would fall out of the void.


Gu Fei sneered, directly showing the eight-step extreme speed, rushing towards the true body of the first **** general.


Gu Fei punched the bridge of the first **** general's nose, and a string of blood immediately flew out of the first **** general's nose, and he flew upside down.


The First God was almost going crazy, this nasty guy hit him on the bridge of the nose with a punch, it was really **** a hundred times, a hundred times.

Gu Fei rushed up instantly, grabbed the calf of the left leg of the First God General, and then moved the First God General as a humanoid soldier.


With a loud noise, the first **** will be smashed to the ground by Gu Fei, and the earth is immediately dusty, and a human-shaped pit appears.

"It's not dead."

Gu Fei sensed the breath of the first **** general.


Gu Fei swooped down directly from the sky to the bottom, as if he had transformed into an ancient supreme beast, a white tiger, fearlessly, rushing directly into the depths of the earth, fighting endless battles with the first god.

In the end, the depths of the earth gradually calmed down, and a figure slowly walked out of the depths of the earth, with a head in his hand.


When everyone saw the person's face, they were shocked to the extreme, because this person was Gu Fei, and the head held by Gu Fei was the first god.

"The first **** will die."

Above the sky, that terrestrial fairy was really shocked, not only the terrestrial fairy, but also the old antiques who knew the first genius were stunned and unbelievable.

That was the number one **** general in the Antarctic Immortal Mansion, who was actually beheaded by Gu Fei. All of this seemed so unreal, like a dream.

At this time, the iron-blooded Taoist fought with more than a dozen strong men led by the kendo strong man, and the powerful fluctuations spread wildly, and the surrounding mountains continued to crumble into dust.


The sword light of the strong swordsman is unmatched, and with every sword cut, some incomprehensible power seems to be revealed from the divine sword in the hands of the strong swordsman.

The strong swordsman is the main force, and the dozen or so strong are assisting the strong swordsman.


The blood suddenly appeared, and another sword mark was added to the iron-blooded Daoist. At the middle of the sword, there was a great power attached to it. In this way, the sword mark on the iron-blooded Daoist was not easy to get better.

"Winning by more is nothing."

Although the Jie Xue Daoist has cultivated the Immortal Bird profound arts and his vitality is extremely strong, the swordsman is not a vegetarian, and the divine sword in his hand is enough to threaten him.


Void shook, the dozen or so strong men laid a killing array, trapping the Jagged Daoist in the big array, but the kendo master continued to attack the Jagged Daoist.

"Town seal."

The dozen or so powerful men shot together, and the mighty killing array produced a terrible sealing power, and the void shrouded by the killing array immediately became like a piece of iron.

The Jagged Taoist felt his body tightened, and his movements immediately slowed down.

But the movement of the kendo expert was not affected at all, the sword light flashed, and a divine sword that exuded the aura of the avenue pierced directly at the eyebrows of the iron-blooded Daoist.


The Jagged Taoist roared, he didn't want to die like this.

Just at the moment of this critical moment, suddenly something flew over from a distance and hit the head of the kendo master directly.


The kendo expert was taken aback. He never thought that someone would attack him at this time.

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