Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2229: Sweep

The sword masters under the First God General are extremely powerful. With the help of more than a dozen powerful masters, they have almost imprisoned the iron-blooded Taoists.


The iron-blooded Taoist roared. His movements became slower. Although he didn't really confine him. But this was enough for the kendo master.


The sword of the kendo master turned into a dazzling sword light. Dao patterns lingered, pierced through the void, and directly pierced the iron-blooded Taoist's eyebrows.

This is the power of the Great Dao. As long as the divine sword pierces the center of the eyebrows and destroys the Niwan Palace, you can kill the Jagged Taoist. You know, the Jagged Taoist is just a great quasi-sage.

Stabbed by a holy sword, even Dacheng Quasi-sage will be wiped out.

A blazing fire divine phoenix emerged from the iron-blooded Taoist. It struggled violently. Endless Dao patterns were looming. It wanted to get out of the trap. The entire killing array was shaking. It seemed that it might collapse at any time.


The heavens and the earth trembled. The Divine Phoenix wanted to rise to the sky. Seeing it, he was about to succeed.

However, at this time, the peerless divine sword also stabbed. The shocking sword aura irritated the iron-blooded Taoist's face for a while, and a little blood was leaking on the skin.

Just at the moment of the moment, something came out of the sky. It smashed towards the master swordsman. It was almost to the extreme.

The kendo master was taken aback. To some extent, the faster the speed, the greater the power. This thing came out of nowhere, making him feel dangerous.

The kendo master had to retreat, and the invincible sword power immediately slowed down.


It was this slowness. The iron-blooded Taoist had already raised the Phoenix Tribulation in his hand and blocked it in front of his eyebrows. That shocking sword pierced the Phoenix Tribulation.

The iron-blooded Taoist felt a sudden shock in his hand, and the tiger's mouth was in pain. The Phoenix Tribulation that was tightly held in his hand almost took off and flew out.

He couldn't help being taken aback. The power of the opponent's sword was too strong. It was beyond his own estimate. If it was a middle and upper sword, I am afraid that the true saint would not be able to eat it.

"This sword is good."

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded beside the iron-blooded Taoist. Then, a hand stretched out from the side, completely ignoring the sharp sword light from the holy sword, and grabbed the divine sword.

"this is……"

At this time, the kendo master discovered that the thing that smashed at him was actually a head. It was the head of the first **** general. This made him horrified.

As some of the most powerful warriors under the command of the first **** general, this kendo master naturally knows the terrible first **** general. This is an ancient sage.

That Gu Fei was so strong that he could kill Old Sage.

The kendo master was very decisive. He turned around and left at the first time. He didn't even need his divine sword. In his opinion, nothing is more important than his own life.

At this moment, a dazzling bright light suddenly burst from the sky. The incarnation of the Antarctic Immortal Venerable finally couldn't hold it. His whole body was blooming with the divine light of the Immortal Dao, like a round of divine sun.

He burned the last immortal power in his body, pushing the power of the ancient road map to a peak state. The power of the ancient formation map finally exceeded the limit of the world.


Above the nine heavens, thunder was heard immediately, purple lightning flashed, and bombarded from the depths of the sky, bringing a terrifying extinction power.

The power in the depths of the sky was finally attracted. It showed the wrath of thunder. It wanted to destroy all existence that dared to challenge the limits of the world.

"Haha. I can take you to the funeral. It's worth it."

The avatar of Antarctica Immortal Venerable laughed, and then, a purple thunder and lightning fell from the sky, directly blasting the avatar of Antarctic Immortal Venerable into ashes.

It was like a round of divine sun that was emitting endless divine radiance suddenly disappeared above the sky, and the dazzling divine light disappeared in an instant.


Everyone was stunned by this scene.

This is the price of daring to challenge the extreme limit of the world. Even if it is as powerful as the incarnation of the Antarctic Immortal Venerable, it is difficult to compete with this kind of power that can kill the holy.

Gu Fei’s sacred body of the Immortal Venerable did not surpass that limit. The horrible purple thunder and lightning did not go at him. However, the incarnation of the Antarctic Immortal Venerable had already sublimated to the extreme before being blasted into ashes by the purple thunder. The strength of the strongest was poured into the ancient formation map.

The ancient formation map is not something with life. The purple **** thunder did not land, but it did not dissipate. The desperate pressure made all living beings in the world feel that their souls are trembling.

"What happened in the ancient years? There is such a power to appear. Is it the shocking handwriting of those people?"

There is the ancient sage talking to himself. The ancient sage is shattered. The great change that swept the entire sacred land caused countless powerful beings to fall. However, some ancient sages still survived.

However, although these ancient sages have survived, they have to pay a great price. They have to proclaim themselves, and seal their own holy rank cultivation and combat power before they can appear in the human world.

Of course. At the beginning, there were people who didn't believe in evil. And these people who didn't believe in evil were destined to be very miserable, and they ended up with a result that was completely destroyed.

Therefore, those ancient sages who survived the catastrophe became honest.

"Big Brother..."

Seeing the incarnation of the Antarctic Immortal Venerable was blasted into ashes by the purple thunder, Land Immortal Weng was shocked to the extent that he couldn't add it. He didn't say much, and he rushed towards the direction of Chaos Well.

If you don't leave, you may not be able to leave.

The Ziyang Sanren had the same idea as the Land Immortal Weng. They rushed towards the Chaos Well at the same time as Land Immortal Weng. They wanted to enter the Chaos Divine Land.

"Want to escape."

Hei Tian chased him down the first time.


At this time, there was a loud noise from the ground. Numerous formation patterns were dissipating. Gu Fei's deity broke the killing formation that trapped the iron-blooded Taoist with his hands up.

In the killing array, the dozens of strong men exploded into a cloud of blood, and their bodies and spirits were destroyed. They were backlashed by the power of the killing array, and they all fell.


High in the sky. Gu Fei’s Immortal Venerable Holy Body was roaring. He shot with all his strength. The power of the Immortal Dao in his body was mighty. The void around his body continued to burst into dark space cracks.

However, all this seemed very weak. Gu Fei's Immortal Venerable Saint Body was held down by the mighty force that emerged from that ancient formation. That ancient formation actually wanted to swallow him.


Seeing this scene, Gu Fei immediately rose up into the sky. Then he slammed his fist towards the ancient formation map. A powerful chaotic force erupted from his fist. He slammed into the ancient formation map fiercely.

The power of the Chaos Martial Body erupted, and the ancient formation was violently shaken by Gu Fei's punch.

Gu Fei's Immortal Venerable Saint Body only felt that the power that imprisoned him was weak. He immediately caught this flaw, tore the void, and rushed out.

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