Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2230: Invincible

"What about the ancient road map."

Gu Fei's fighting spirit was endless. He and the Immortal Venerable Saint Body shot together, and the powerful force shook the sky and the earth, turning the emptiness of the heaven and the earth into nothingness.

However, that ancient Taoist picture seemed to have immortal power. Although it was repeatedly shaken by Gu Fei and his Immortal Venerable Eucharist, there was no sign of dissipating.

"Two Gu Fei, that is the real body."

At this time, some cultivators who knew Gu Fei who watched the battle from afar were shocked to the extreme.

"what happened……"

On the far sky clouds, a white tiger was looming. This was an old man, from the demon clan that was not Zhou, with the blood of the white tiger flowing in his body, extremely powerful.

"Both are real bodies, it's impossible..."

Some ancient sages felt something was wrong, and Gu Fei, who was surrounded by immortal Dao aura, seemed not as simple as a clone, which made everyone stunned.

The vitality is extremely strong, and there are primitive Nine Dao patterns conceived in the body. Obviously, this is an immortal saint who has attained the Tao, and it is not comparable to a clone.


Gu Fei's deity couldn't help frowning, this ancient road map was really strong, and if he used the ultimate holy soldiers, he would naturally be able to kill it easily.

However, Gu Fei didn't want to do this. He had to rely on his own strength to fight, and he didn't want to use external forces. He wanted to completely get rid of the dependence on the extreme saints.

"One gas turns into three clears."

Gu Fei and his Immortal Venerable Eucharist yelled at the same time, and a powerful wave of power emerged from their bodies. Then, the two figures suddenly became blurred, and the three divine lights rushed from their heavenly spirits. After coming out, it turned into three Dao bodies.


All the spectators in the distance were shocked when they saw Gu Fei's use of this great technique. At this time, there were eight extremely powerful figures in the sky.

Gu Fei and his Immortal Venerable Saint Body each evolved three Dao Bodies, plus their true bodies, eight Gu Fei actually appeared in the sky.


Void shook, and above the eight powerful figures, all revealed a shocking power, like eight supreme war gods appeared in the world.

The terrible coercion spread, and countless creatures were trembling.


Everyone was dumbfounded, which was too shocking.

"He has actually cultivated the One Qi Transformation Three Cleansing Technique."

An ancient sage exclaimed, this is the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao. In those ancient years, this type of mystery was regarded as the invincible divine technique in the Immortal Dao, possessing supreme power.

"Break it for me."

Eight Gu Fei screamed at the same time, and then shot, and the voice of the Great Dao sounded from the eight figures, and a dark vortex emerged among the eight.

In the whirlpool, a force of swallowing the sky was born, trying to take that ancient road map in and swallow it.


The void vibrated, although the ancient Taoist map lost control and floated in the void, but it revealed a force that surpassed the limit of the world.

The pitch-black whirlpool was also difficult to swallow for a while.

"Return to the truth."

Eight Gu Fei simultaneously performed one of the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao's Return to True Secret Art, and the vast power of the eight strands gathered together, and the combined strength of Return to True was unimaginable.

At this time, the ancient formation pattern condensed by the original nine lines was shining a little bit of aura, the power of returning to the truth was obliterating the ancient formation map, and countless auras rushed out from the ancient formation map and dissipated between the heaven and the earth.

The ancient formation map gradually became dimmed, and the Secret Returning Technique possessed unpredictable power, which could dissipate all the power in the world.


At this time, the Jagged Dao who had escaped from the dead breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's coming to an end."

There is the ancient sage talking to himself, they are not leaving, but watching carefully, the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao can meet and cannot be sought, they use their hearts to sense this power.

However, no one can perceive the profound meaning of this secret technique.

Without any suspense, the ending was doomed. After an hour, the ancient formation was finally swallowed by the dark vortex in the sky.

The terrifying coercion that came out from the ancient formation map disappeared.


The six Taoist bodies that Gu Fei and Xianzun's sacred body evolved re-transformed into six clear auras, submerged in their heavenly spirits, and then he took the Xianzun's sacred body into the inner world.


Seeing that Gu Fei took back the Taoist body that had been transformed into a Qi and Sanqing, and then took the Immortal Venerable Saint Body into the inner world, the Jagged Taoist hurriedly walked over and bowed to Gu Fei.

"Go, enter the Chaos Divine Land."

Gu Fei took the iron-blooded Taoist directly, and flew towards Yukong where the Chaos Well was.

Some ancient sages knew that this Chaos Well was the entrance to the Chaos Divine Land. This secret was actually an open secret among the ancient sages.

The so-called great world on earth actually refers to the time when the Chaos Divine Land appeared.

The chaotic sacred soil on that side will appear once every ten thousand years, and all the major life ancestors have the entrance to the chaotic sacred soil. Through the chaotic entrance, you can enter the legendary sacred soil.

In the chaotic sacred soil, the extinct power that can kill the sage is difficult to reach. This is the only place that can impact the sacred order among the three realms and six paths.

Sanctification is something that every monk dreams of, but in the human world, no real saints are allowed. This is the essence of the human world.

The so-called opportunity for sanctification is that sanctification can be achieved in the chaotic divine soil.

Gu Fei didn't want to let go of the abominable land immortal, and once again entered the Chaos Divine Land to hunt down this guy, no matter who he was, as long as he provokes him, he can't kill him.

"Unexpectedly, he became holy."

After the war ended, after Gu Fei left, several figures appeared on the battlefield, but these people only wandered for a while before leaving.

The news of Gu Fei’s sanctification spread. Some people are happy and some are worried. You know, Gu Fei has many enemies on Bu Zhou Zuxing. After hearing Gu Fei’s sanctification, these people immediately turned back from the ancient road of human race. Came back.

Some people are afraid of meeting Gu Fei on the ancient road of the human race. If they encounter this murderous god, they will be unlucky.

"Damn it."

At this time, in the depths of a mountain in the Chaos Divine Land, Land Immortal Weng gritted his teeth. He suffered a big loss this time. This was the most miserable defeat in his life.

This time, in addition to taking back a divine island, the hundreds of powerful men sent by the Antarctic Immortal Venerable, together with the first **** generals under the Antarctic Immortal Venerable, were all buried in the third level of the human race.

"I remember this hatred."

Lu Xianweng said bitterly.

He had separated from the Ziyang, because there was a killer behind them chasing and killing them, they had to escape separately.

"Huh, I'm afraid you have no chance."

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded, and the terrified Land Immortal almost jumped from the ground.

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