Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2236: Entering the mountain

The mighty pressure of the holy rank spreads, and the whole world is shaking. If it is not in the chaotic divine soil, but in the human world, I am afraid that the void of the world will be crushed by this pressure.

"too strong."

Gu Zhong and others were shocked to the extreme. The sacred artifacts in the hands of him and the Jagged Taoist were almost completely awakened, and the voice of the Great Dao sounded from the Thunder Spear and Phoenix Tribulation.

Above the Thunder God’s Spear and Phoenix Tribulation, a group of divine light rushed out and enveloped everyone. Under the protection of the sacred artifact, everyone was still like a lone boat in the ocean, and could be affected by that boundless at any time. The golden ocean swallowed.

"Also fierce."

A voice sounded, and then, the terrifying coercion of the mighty one hundred thousand miles retreated like the tide, and in the big hole smashed by the golden bird, there was a figure standing in the golden light, letting the golden bird's No matter how strong the power is, it is difficult to shake this figure.

The divine power of the holy way faded, and Gu Zhong and others immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

The golden bird is still resisting. It is the relic of the chaos, with the blood of the chaotic beast, the Golden-winged Roc bird, how can it be willing to succumb to the feet of a human race.


The Golden Bird was fierce and desperately desperate, countless golden Dao patterns rushed out of its body, turning into a golden storm of extinction, and wanted to strangle Gu Fei directly.

"I can't see the coffin without tears."

Gu Fei directly stretched out his right hand and pressed forward. The devastating storm that rushed out of the golden bird was immediately blocked. Then, Gu Fei's right hand shook lightly, and the golden torrent of Dao pattern was immediately It broke apart.


The Golden Bird was taken aback. It never thought that the other party was so powerful, and it broke its own ultimate move by raising its hands. How could this be possible.

This divine bird is very confident, because in this area of ​​millions of miles, no chaos relic is its opponent, and it is precisely because of this that this divine bird can occupy a spiritual mountain for cultivation.


At this time, Gu Fei took a step, and instantly appeared beside Jinniao, and stepped down towards Jinniao.


Gu Fei stepped directly on Jinniao's body.

This golden bird had already been smashed by Gu Fei and suffered heavy injuries. Now that it was stepped on by Gu Fei, it was even more injured, vomiting blood.

It was this divine bird that deserved it, and even dared to swallow Gu Fei into his stomach, so it was a tragedy. Gu Feisheng broke his stomach open and rushed out.

Of course, with the golden bird's cultivation base, the severe damage to the body cannot endanger its life, as long as its soul is not destroyed, it can recover.

However, this is a major injury after all, and it is somewhat difficult to heal. At this time, golden blood has flowed all over the place in the big pit.

"Human race, you are too much, you know, I am a sacred beast high above."

The Golden Bird was clamoring and was stepped on by a human race, which made it almost crazy, and it couldn't accept this fact.

"What about the sacred beast, I have not eaten the sacred beast yet, or if you boil it, a pot of golden bird soup seems good."

Gu Fei touched his chin and said.

He was really excited. You must know that although this golden bird is not a real golden-winged roc, but its blood is flowing with the golden-winged roc.

The bloodline of the Dapeng Golden Winged Bird contains inheritance power. If this power is dissolved and then absorbed, even a saint will have great benefits.

"I want to die with you."

The golden bird was extremely proud, and a destructive force burst out from its body. In its body, the nine golden Dao patterns began to collapse, and it was about to destroy the original nine Dao patterns.

The original Nine Dao Patterns condensed the most powerful power of the Golden Bird. If the Nine Dao Patterns collapse, the Golden Bird will be destroyed in form and spirit, and Gu Fei may also be hit hard.


Gu Fei yelled and pressed his right palm downwards, nine chaotic lines appeared in his palm, and the chaotic energy lingered in his palm, as if a chaotic world was evolving in his palm.

The nine chaotic lines rushed out of Gu Fei's palm and were directly branded into the golden bird's body.

The chaotic Dao pattern directly suppressed the original nine Dao patterns that were about to collapse in the Golden Bird's body, and at the same time sealed all the Golden Bird's power.


Jinniao sensed the changes in his body. This shock was really extraordinary. The other party's methods were really clever, and now he couldn't even die.


Gu Fei directly hit the head of the golden bird with a fist, knocking the divine bird out.

The battle ended, without any suspense, as powerful as a golden bird and not Gu Fei's opponent. Gu Fei and the others successfully captured this sacred mountain.

The spiritual energy of the sacred mountain is surrounded, and there is a place where the spiritual energy gathers in the underground. This is a treasure land that monks dream of. Cultivating here can achieve a multiplier effect with half the effort.

Especially in the Chaos Divine Land, it is not easy to find such a place.

Gu Fei and the others settled on the sacred mountain, and then he arranged a little on the sacred mountain, and then sat cross-legged on the top of the sacred mountain and sat down in person.

That golden bird was really unlucky. Gu Fei didn't cook the golden bird, but suppressed it in the mountains and rivers. It was a pity that a holy beast of holy rank was killed.

If this sacred bird can return, this must be a great help from Gu Fei, because this sacred bird has the most powerful technique of the Dapeng Golden Wing Bird, and it also has extreme speed. With a flap of its wings, it can fly instantly. Ten thousand miles away.

The speed of the Golden Bird is definitely not below Gu Fei's eight-step extreme speed.

Amidst the mountains and rivers, in a void, a big golden bird glowed with brilliant golden light all over, like a round of golden sun. The divine cable formed by nine chaos and magnums stretched out of the void, The divine bird became entangled.

"Human, let me go out quickly."

The golden bird was roaring. At this time, it was really scared. It never expected that the other party would possess the ultimate sacred artifact, the breath of the ultimate sacred artifact, which made its heart palpitations.

However, no matter how the Golden Bird cursed, Gu Fei didn't bother to pay attention.

At this time, the Jagged Taoist retreat, his cultivation level has reached the bottleneck long ago, it is time to make the final sprint, once the sprint is successful, a saint will be born in this world.

Gu Zhong and the others were not idle either. They were all working hard to cultivate and wanted to improve their cultivation and strength. At this time, they were desperate to gain powerful strength.

When Gu Fei surrendered to the Golden Bird and entered the sacred mountain, Heitian was also heading toward the depths of the chaotic sacred soil.

"this is……"

He was very careful. After wandering around the center of Chaos Divine Land for a few days, he walked into the area ahead, and soon he discovered the hidden mark left by Gu Fei.

Following the mark left by Gu Fei, Hei Tian looked for the sacred mountain where Gu Fei and the others were located. What Hei Tian didn't know was that a mysterious person was behind him.

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