Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2237: Gu Fei's whereabouts

Gu Fei left a secret note. Heitian followed the secret note. He went all the way to the sacred mountain. But what Heitian didn't know was that a mysterious person followed him.

"That guy is sanctified. How is it possible."

When Heitian was heading towards the sacred mountain where Gu Fei was located, in another area of ​​the Chaos Divine Land, a sacred ape stood on top of a rocky mountain and said such words.

"That man is truly sanctified."

There are also people talking to themselves in other regions.

The Chaos Divine Land is very vast. It is not smaller than a big world. Moreover, this Divine Land has entrances to manifest in all the great life ancestors. People from all life ancestors can enter this world.

Therefore, according to the old legend, Chaos Divine Land can communicate with the Three Realms and the Six Paths. This is definitely not a legend.


In the depths of the Chaos and Divine Sea. Above a continent, a golden ape is roaring up to the sky. The terrifying sacred beast is overwhelming in all directions. The golden light from the divine ape swept across the sky. The nearby 100,000 All the anger in the area was dispersed.

"The previous Sage Jie was not caused by my old brother, right?"

The golden sacred ape is ten feet tall. The whole body is full of golden light. The whole body is like a cast of peerless sacred gold. It gives people an extremely powerful sense of oppression.

Above the chaotic divine soil, among the endless chaotic energy, there is a temple floating and sinking.

At this time, a divine light broke through the chaotic energy, landed in the palace, and quickly walked into the largest temple in the palace.


With a flag on his back, the big demon wearing silver armor rushed into the hall, and then knelt under a throne in the middle of the hall.

On both sides of the hall, there are still many warriors standing.


Right above the throne, a majestic voice sounded.

"Report to the Patriarch. That person has appeared."

The big demon who bowed down under the throne quickly said.

"Found that person."

Above the throne, a figure stood up fiercely. This person has a special power of the great avenue lingering. No one can see his true face.

That figure gave people a very vague feeling. Even if they used their divine eyes, they couldn't see clearly.

"There is news from Big Brother."

Below the throne, a young man wearing a purple armor standing on the right said excitedly.

"Say it."

On the throne, the voice of that figure was obviously excited.

"Yes. That person once appeared in the third level of the ancient human road. Now he has entered the chaotic world. But the place where the person is has not been found yet."

The big demon who spread the letter said.

"A bunch of trash. Don't check it out for me yet. What are you waiting for. Get out."

Roared the man on the throne.


The great demon who spread the letter hurriedly ran out.

"Patriarch. Image. Pay attention to your image."

Next to the throne, stood a white hair and white eyebrows. But he loved the fat little old man. Among the little old man's white hair, two short purple gods horns were looming.

"An image ass. Lao Tzu's temperament is like this. As long as Lao Tzu's fists are hard enough, those guys can't make any waves."

The man on the throne said, at this time, the majestic pressure just now has long disappeared. It is replaced by a kind of scorn.

The short chubby old man heard the words, his face showed disapproval, but he didn't say more, because he knew the guy's temperament very well.

The dozen or so warriors standing on both sides of the throne did not dare to take a breath, let alone speak.

"Master. I want to go there myself."

The young man under the throne stood up, arching his hand and said.

The man thought for a while, and then said, "That's fine. You can bring those guys with you."


The young man was overjoyed, said quickly, then turned and walked out.

"Now the chaotic world is in chaos. You let them out. This doesn't seem to be so appropriate."

The old man standing beside the throne spoke again.

"Old uncle. You can't clean my ears."

The man said impatiently. The identity of this old man is amazing. Even the master of his shrine has to be respectful and respectful to him. Don't dare to neglect.

However, this old man is always chattering. It is like a swarm of flies buzzing around. The owner of this shrine is very upset.

"Well. I'm not worried about you, a nephew. This is a good seedling. If you cultivate it well, you have never been able to soar to the sky. Become a strong man."

The old man said.

"Furthermore. If he has something short and long, you can't explain to your brother."

"Even if you don't care how to explain to your brother, then my dragon clan will lose a future strong man. Do you think it is."

The old man has to say more.

"Old uncle. How about you go for a run."

The man suddenly interrupted the old man's words and said.

"This one……"

The old man couldn't help being stunned.

"Stop this and that. If you don't worry about it, just go and watch my apprentice in secret."

The man said.


The old man thought twice, and then left the shrine.

"Hey. There's a good show here."

The master of the temple laughed. It would be okay if this old urchin didn't go out. Once he went out, he would surely make a huge wave. This existence is one of the ancestors of the Dragon Race.

At this time, under the sacred mountain where Gu Fei was, a young man in black came.

"Damn. The boss will really find a place. You can find it in such a place."

Hei Tian is the master of the formation. He can tell at a glance. This sacred mountain is not simple. Under the sacred mountain, there is a spiritual cave. The sacred mountain is just suppressing the spiritual cave.

The sacred mountain receives the nourishment of the spiritual aura of the spiritual cave day and night. I am afraid that it is not far from the psychic. If there is no change, this sacred mountain has almost given birth to spiritual wisdom.

At that time, in this chaotic world, there will be an innately bred mountain god.

Inborn gods. Just thinking about it makes Hei Tian excited. You know. As long as the creatures bred by innateness are extremely powerful, they are far beyond the comparison of ordinary acquired creatures.

Hei Tian didn't hesitate. He walked directly to the mountain. He had already seen that Gu Fei had moved some hands and feet on this sacred mountain. If the unknown person rushed up the mountain, he would definitely incur a merciless blow.

Not long after Heitian went up the mountain, a figure appeared at the foot of the mountain.

"It turned out to be here. Gu Fei. Let's see how you escape this time."

This person was wearing a black cloak. It was like a ghost in the darkness. It appeared silently, and then disappeared silently.

The world of chaos will not be calm anymore. Soon after the man in black has left, a message spreads. Someone knows where Gu Fei is.

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