Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2253: The story of Ji Changkong

An elder of the Ji family was forced to blew himself up by Gu Fei.

The saint's blew up can be said to be earth-shattering, even in those ancient years, it was also an extraordinary event, because the saint's blew up was too destructive.

If in the human world, if the saint blew himself up, I am afraid that one life ancestor star could be destroyed directly, and one star field would be completely destroyed.

However, this is a world of chaos, which is extremely stable, and Gu Fei also sealed this space of heaven and earth with nine chaotic patterns in advance.

Ji Hong's whole person turned into a ball of golden light to the extreme, the nine golden primitive Dao patterns shattered, and a destructive force that exterminated the world was born.


The golden light was expanding, the sky and the earth were shaking, the chaotic energy within a radius of millions of miles was dispersed, the earth was cracking and sinking.

A wave of horror swept away, and the stone mountains exploded, turned into dust, and dissipated between the heaven and the earth.

In just an instant, the golden light had expanded to hundreds of miles in diameter, and all the things covered by the golden light were directly obliterated.

Even under the seal of Gu Fei's nine chaotic patterns, it would be difficult to completely suppress this force.

"So strong."

At this time, Gu Fei couldn't help but feel shocked, Gu Sage blew himself up, and the final power displayed was too strong, which was even more powerful than Ji Hong's full blow.

Ji Hong wanted to bring Gu Fei to the funeral, but unfortunately, this level of power could hardly threaten Gu Fei.


The heavens and the earth shook, and the nine chaotic lines set in the void were blooming with the divine light of chaos, as if they had connected the heavens and the earth and attracted infinite chaotic power.

This is Gu Fei's advantage. In this chaotic world, his chaotic martial art is naturally close to that chaotic power. Here, he seems to have inexhaustible power.

The chaotic essence madly gathered from all directions towards Gu Fei's nine chaotic patterns.


The nine chaotic patterns vibrated together, revealing the power of the chaotic avenue, and gradually sealed the burst of golden light, making it difficult to expand.

At the same time, Gu Fei held the mountain and river tripod in his hand, igniting a trace of the force of the mountain and river tripod, causing the mountain and river tripod to produce a force of swallowing the sky, continuously devouring the strong and powerful golden power.

The power of Shanhe Ding is amazing. The golden power that was sealed by the chaos Nine Dao Pattern Town immediately turned into a golden beam of light, rushing towards the Shanhe Ding in Gu Fei's hand, and then submerged in the cauldron.

This golden power that was strong enough to wipe out the saint was of great use to Gu Fei, it would be a pity to let it dissipate in the void like this.

At this time, above the sacred mountain, Ji Changkong was staring at this scene with a stunned mouth. He never expected that Gu Fei was already so powerful and terrifying right after he became a holy, he could force Na Ji Hong to explode.

Before ten thousand years ago, he was originally one of the most outstanding figures in the Ji family. As the elder of the Ji family, Ji Hong naturally knew the strength of this elder.

Back then, Ji Changkong's people also wanted to win Ji Hong's support, but unfortunately, Ji Hong finally chose another person.

"It seems that my revenge is hopeful."

Ji Changkong muttered to himself.

The battle between Gu Fei and Ji Hong caused a lot of movement. It is absolutely impossible not to disturb other people. Moreover, even in normal times, there are some mysterious people around the mountain.

These mysterious people are monitoring the mountain.

"Since Ji Hong died like this..."

Above the sky, someone was muttering to himself, this person was obviously from Ziwei Zuxing, otherwise, it would be impossible to know Ji Hong, the elder of the Ji family.

The man quickly retreated.

Gu Fei is too strong, can kill the saint, among the same rank, it is almost invincible, I am afraid that only the great saint can be qualified to fight him.

This is how powerful and terrifying Wu Sheng is. As long as he is successful in his cultivation, he can be proud of his peers and is almost invincible under the same rank.

Gu Fei's prestige was killed. At this time, even some famous ancient sages were very jealous of Gu Fei and didn't want to provoke him easily.

After an hour or so, the endless golden power that Ji Hong blew into was completely swallowed by the mountain and river tripod, and the extreme coercion between heaven and earth disappeared.

All the creatures who sensed the pressure of this holy order breathed a sigh of relief.

The nine chaotic lines flew back to Gu Fei, and then sank into his body. He put away the mountain and river tripod, then turned back to the sacred mountain and climbed to the top of the sacred mountain.

This battle did not alarm those who were in retreat on the mountain, and Gu Zhong and others did not leave the retreat.

"This is a cruel person."

Above the sky, there were still some people who did not leave. They were all shocked to the extreme. The powerful Old Sage was not even Gu Fei's opponent.

"The Wuzu line is really terrible."

Someone was whispering, at this time, everyone already knew that Gu Fei was a martial sage and a chaotic martial sage.

"Invincible of the same rank is not a lie. The martial ancestor of the year, but once killed more than one demon ancestor."

Someone sighed that Wuzu is definitely the most powerful human supreme in the ages. There is no doubt that one person challenged the entire demon clan and killed more than one demon ancestor. Such a record is beyond the reach of other human supreme. of.

There is the figure of Wuzu on Gu Fei's body.

In the end, everyone retreated.

Ji Hong blew himself up and left nothing, but Gu Fei had collected the destructive power generated by the self-destruction into the mountain and river tripod, but he did not get nothing.

But it is a pity that Ji Hong's black iron spear was destroyed. This sacred artifact is very suitable for Gu Zhong, because Gu Zhong's repair is a golden martial art.

You know, it's not easy to find a holy soldier who is worthy of your hand.

"Lord, please be the master for me."

After Gu Fei returned to the sacred mountain, Ji Changkong immediately stepped forward and fell at Gu Fei's feet.

"This guy……"

Gu Fei glanced at Ji Changkong, his eyes full of meaning.

After that, Ji Changkong told a piece of his story.

"That's it."

Gu Fei knew the ins and outs. It turned out that something like this happened to Ji Changkong, who was framed by his family and trapped in this chaotic world for ten thousand years.

Ten thousand years, it was a long time, precisely because that person suddenly shot Ji Changkong when he was crossing the saint robbery, making Ji Changkong almost dead.

Although he finally survived, the foundation of sanctification was indeed destroyed, so he had to practice from scratch and rebuild the foundation.

"I'll take care of it, you can withdraw."

The ancient flying disc sat on the big rock on the top of the mountain, then waved and said.


Ji Changkong quickly retreated.

Seeing Ji Changkong retreating, Gu Fei said to himself: "If Ji Changkong can become the head of the Ji family, it is not a bad thing for me."

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