Time was fading, and the sacred mountain where Gu Fei was located became silent. After Gu Fei killed the old sage of the Ji family, no one dared to come here to go wild.

This allowed Gu Fei and the people on the mountain to spend a quiet time.

In the blink of an eye, two years have passed, and there is no sun or moon in his cultivation. Gu Frisbee is sitting on the top of the sacred mountain. He rarely opens his eyes, as if he is too imaginary.

Only he himself knew that his body was undergoing transformation, and the nine chaotic lines had been branded into every part of his body.

The muscles, bones, and flesh have become stronger, especially the bones. Under the tempering of the chaotic essence, they have turned into a chaotic divine bone with the lines of the nine chaotic patterns imprinted on it.

This is a kind of transformation, at this time, Gu Fei's martial arts can be called a veritable chaotic martial arts.

He could feel that he was already a saint king, and the king among saints, his understanding of the chaos nine lines of chaos had gone deeper.


In Gu Fei's thoughts, the void vibrated, and the nine chaotic lines appeared directly around his body, looming around his body, revealing an aura of great power.

The chaotic divine light loomed, and among the nine chaotic lines, there seemed to be a chaotic world evolving, with endless mysteries.

Gu Fei felt that if he could fully comprehend the mystery of these nine lines and push his chaotic avenue to the extreme realm, he would also become the supreme Supreme Dao invincible in nine days and ten places.

Throughout the ages, there have been many saints, but Jidao Supreme is very few. Among the human races, there are too few who can become Supreme.

To become the supreme has always been Gu Fei's goal.


Just when Gu Fei was meditating on how to make his cultivation level higher, a strong wave of fluctuations passed from afar. Although it was far away, this type of fluctuation was incomparable to Gu Fei. Familiarity.

At this time, on a rocky mountain a million miles away from the sacred mountain, there was a man in Tsing Yi sitting cross-legged. He was a young man with sword eyebrows and star eyes, very handsome.


Another loud noise suddenly appeared, and a bright electric light flashed over the young man's head. This electric light made the dim world suddenly light up.

A strong and powerful force, enough to make all Dacheng quasi-sages desperate, swept down from the depths of the sky, shocking the world.

"Heavenly Tribulation, someone caused the saint's Heavenly Tribulation."

At this time, Gu Fei opened his eyes on the top of the sacred mountain. After two years, another person caused the saint's tribulation, and some people were about to overcome the tribulation.

The world has changed dramatically, and there will be more than one saint in this life.

Someone has calculated with great magical powers that this life is unique, with countless geniuses, and there will be more than one saint in this life.

This calculation was fulfilled. After Gu Fei became holy, the Chaos World did not close. Everyone wanted to be holy, but everyone was very cautious.

After all, the risk of triggering the saint's calamity is too great. If it fails, it will be destroyed, disappear completely in this world, and can't even be a ghost.


Gu Fei opened the inner world, and a powerful figure walked out of his inner world. This person had exactly the same appearance as Gu Fei.

This is Gu Fei's celestial body.

Gu Fei’s Immortal Venerable Body sat on the boulder instead of the Ancient Frisbee, guarding the sacred mountain on behalf of Gu Fei, and then his true body left the sacred mountain and headed towards the direction of the wave of the heavens.

Gu Zhong, Heitian and others are still in retreat, and it has reached a critical juncture, Gu Fei can't be careless.

Especially Hei Tian and Xiaoqing, as well as the Jagged Taoists, they have already stepped into the holy steps with one foot, and as long as they can make progress, they will be saints.


At this moment, above the rocky mountain, above the young man's head, thunders blasted one after another, the sky and the earth shook, and the pressure of terror fell violently. This is the power of heaven and earth.

There is a layer of divine light circulating in the young man's body, and he is resisting the power of the world.

On another rocky mountain thousands of miles away from young people, there was an old man sitting cross-legged, an old man with white beard and hair.

This old man is exactly the protector of the young man who is inspiring the saint to heaven.

Some outstanding people from superpowers will have guardians guarding them when they cross the robbery, so as to prevent someone from attacking the people who cross the robbery.

The saint crossing the catastrophe is absolutely sloppy. This is a contest with only two results. The two results are life and death.

No one has ever heard of the fact that when the saint crossing the catastrophe fails, there are still people who can survive. Once the crossing the catastrophe fails, the only thing that will end up is the destruction of form and spirit.

When Gu Fei came to the nearby area, many people in the nearby area were already watching.

"that person……"

When Gu Fei saw the young man on the stone mountain ahead, his eyes suddenly lit up, and his hands trembled because of his excitement.

"what happened."

Gu Fei was muttering to himself. He couldn't understand why this person appeared here, what happened in Dragon Valley back then.

On the top of the stone mountain, the young man sitting on the ground was actually Li Lingfeng, who had disappeared for countless years, the big brother of Taixuanmen back then.

Gu Fei almost couldn't help but rushed forward. He had a lot of words to ask Li Lingfeng, but at this time, the catastrophe came, not the time to reminisce.

He wanted to know what happened in Dragon Valley back then, where the other seniors were, and it was Gu Fei's obsession to rebuild Taixuanmen.


The robbery cloud in the sky was hanging down, suppressed from the sky, and chaotic thunder and lightning struck out from the robbery cloud, briefly illuminating the world.

"Li Lingfeng, don't die."

Gu Fei was talking to himself. Although he was in the sacred mountain, the news was still very well-informed. In this chaotic world, no one had successfully crossed the calamity and became a saint except for the fact that he and the fellow from the sacred mountain were sanctified.

This is why it took so long for someone to trigger the saint's robbery.


At this moment, a chaotic electric light struck down from the robbery cloud, and bombarded Li Lingfeng above the stone mountain, and the saint's robbery started.

The appearance of Li Lingfeng made Gu Fei's idea of ​​rebuilding the Supreme Profound Gate revived again.


The void around Li Lingfeng's body was shaking, and the gossip image rushed out of him, and then formed a gossip pattern on the top of his head.

The chaotic electric light blasted on the gossip map, and was actually absorbed by the gossip map.


Seeing this scene, Gu Fei couldn't help being taken aback. Li Lingfeng's gossip technique seemed more powerful and terrifying, and it could even swallow the power of Heavenly Tribulation.

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