Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2255: The power of attracting the sky opens the sky

Li Lingfeng unexpectedly appeared in the chaotic world and triggered the saint's tribulation, which made Gu Fei a pleasant surprise. The great brother of the Supreme Profound Sect was still alive.

"Li Lingfeng..."

Standing on a low mountain, Gu Fei's voice trembled as he looked at the figure under the robbery cloud in front of him. He had never lost his mind like this before. Even when he encountered the most powerful opponent, he was not like this. .

He was afraid that Li Lingfeng would die under the saint's tribulation. You must know that the saint's tribulation is not so easy to get through, and if one is not careful, it is likely to be the end of the disaster.

Even when Gu Fei crossed the catastrophe, he was dead for a lifetime, almost completely destroyed, let alone other people.

Gu Fei wanted to know from Li Lingfeng what happened in Dragon Valley that year, and who among the other brothers survived.

Back then, Dragon Valley was attacked by experts from the ancient Zhao Family and the Eastern Family. The disciples of the Taixuan Sect scattered all around for their lives. Perhaps not many people would survive.

The grievances between himself and the ancient Zhao family have been liquidated. Those who had participated in the attack on Dragon Valley in the Zhao family were all beheaded by himself.

The grievances between Gu Fei and Huanggu Zhao's family have been resolved, but the instigator, the Eastern Family, is unforgivable. This is an unforgivable grudge.

"Who is that, dare to provoke the saint to heaven."

Some of the onlookers were whispering.

"This person is practicing the art of gossip, is it actually the inheritance of the line that has disappeared for endless years?"

There is an old sage talking to himself.

In the distant past, there once appeared an amazing and talented person, who saw the changes in the world and all things, realized the mystery of the sun, the moon and the stars, and created an amazing magical power.

This amazing magical power is the great technique of innate gossip.

The person who pioneered this great art was the legendary human supreme Fuxi. This Fuxi came from the Kunlun ancestor star, an ancestral land of life in the infinite universe of the human world.

The cultivation world on the Kunlun Ancestor Star was once incomparably splendid. The ancient Buddha also manifested his body there, passed down the Buddhist Dafa, and was revered as the Buddha by the beings on the Kunlun Ancestor Star.

Where did Dao Zu's footprints appear? The legendary old man on the Kunlun Zu star who rode a green bull through Hangu Pass is the body where Dao Zu manifested.

Kunlun Ancestral Star has endless legends. Some legends have completely disappeared and no one mentions them. However, some legends can be passed down through the ages and are still chanted by the human race on Kunlun Ancestral Star.

"The inheritance on Kunlun Ancestral Star has reappeared."

The ancient sage was shocked, Kunlun Ancestral Star, in their eyes, had become a legend. In these endless years, in the chaotic world, there has been no monk on Kunlun Ancestral Star.

"This life is really extraordinary."

Someone can't help but sigh.

"That place was once brilliant."

These voices reached Gu Fei's ears, and he couldn't help being shocked. On Kunlun Ancestor Star, it was already difficult to find a powerful monk.

Moreover, the aura on that ancestor star is extremely thin, except for a few places that are suitable for monks to practice, there is no shadow of a monk in other places.

Gu Fei looked at the old man defending Li Lingfeng's road.


He was surprised to find that he could not see the depth of the old man, which surprised him, because it showed that the old man's cultivation base was not below him.

"What happened to Li Lingfeng?"

Gu Fei was very curious, but what he wanted to know more was who among those senior brothers from Taixuan Sect was still alive, especially the news of that person.


At this time, the entire world seemed to be suppressed, and the terrifying coercion from the heaven and the earth shocked everyone's hearts. This kind of majesty was almost irresistible.

This is the saint's robbery, a kind of robbery that almost makes the robbers desperate.

Chaos lightning fell from the sky, bombarding Li Lingfeng below, and every chaotic lightning was as huge as a mountain, tearing the world apart.


The void vibrated, and the Eight Diagrams Dao map floating above Li Lingfeng's head gave out bright divine light. The aura of the great avenue was vast, and each of the hexagrams seemed to have evolved into a world, continuously devouring the power of chaos and lightning.

"This person is terrible."

After seeing this scene, some people couldn't help being shocked. This was a confrontation with the saint's robbery, and it was taking the heaven and earth for good. Few people would do this when crossing the saint's robbery.

Because of the people who chose this path, most of them were destroyed by Chaos Tribulation Thunder before they persisted under the tribulation of heaven.

"I heard that Gu Fei succeeded in this way and became a martial sage."

Someone is whispering.

Confronting the saint's tribulation is regarded as a dead end by most people, but these people also know very well that if they can successfully overcome the tribulation in this way, then the person who successfully overcomes the tribulation will be much stronger than the average saint.

Heavenly Tribulation began to move gradually, and the Chaos Tribulation Thunder blasted down from the Tribulation Clouds became more and more dense. While the power of the Chaos Tribulation Tribulation was constantly being swallowed, the Eight Dao Trigrams were also undergoing subtle changes.

The Eight-Dao hexagram image, like the carrier of the avenue, also appears to be the eight immortal innate dao patterns, and the sacred aura that comes out is unique.

Generally, when monks became holy, the primitive Dao patterns they realized were nine, but at this time, the primitive Dao patterns displayed by Li Lingfeng seemed to be only eight.

Moreover, the original Eight-Dao pattern he realized has been fused with the Eight-Dao hexagram image.

"What kind of path has he taken."

Gu Fei was surprised. It was the first time he saw this kind of thing. Li Lingfeng showed the world another way to become holy. This method could even give him a chance to become the supreme of heaven and earth.

The hexagram pattern is shaking, no matter how powerful the thunder thunder descends from the sky, the Dao map composed of the eight hexagram patterns swallows all these thunder thunder forces.

"It is possible to use the power of heaven to temper the original Dao pattern."

The eyes of some Dacheng quasi-sage-level monks lit up, and Li Lingfeng showed them a way to overcome the catastrophe. This method may succeed or fail.

However, this is a path that predecessors have already walked, and the experience accumulated by predecessors is extremely important to Li Lingfeng.

The power of the tribulation seemed endless, waves of terrifying thunder and lightning fell from the sky, madly blasting towards Li Lingfeng below, and soon Li Lingfeng was enveloped by the endless tribulation.

The divine light from the Eight Dao hexagram patterns loomed in the thunder sea transformed by the robbery.

Gu Fei could sense that Li Lingfeng's vitality was still strong, and there was no sign of weakening of his vitality, which was definitely a good thing for Li Lingfeng.

"Unbelievable, he actually carried it down."

Some people were shocked to the extreme. The Chaos Thunder Tribulation could be said to be the most terrifying tribulation between heaven and earth, but now some people want to devour this power.

Twelve hours later, the Chaos Thunder Tribulation stopped. At this time, Li Lingfeng's body had an unspeakable aura.

The Badao hexagram pattern is still floating above his head, but at this time, there are really eight voids gestating on the Badao hexagram pattern.

"How is this possible."

Everyone was shocked to the point where it could not be added. What's the matter, wouldn't he want to open up eight small worlds?

This is too shocking, eight small worlds, if they can support these eight small worlds, wouldn't he wait for eight inner worlds?

"Not bad."

Seeing this scene, the old man who was protecting Li Lingfeng couldn't help nodding his head secretly. Li Lingfeng's performance had exceeded his expectations.

The supernatural power that Li Lingfeng cultivated was really against the sky.

However, at this time, the tribulation cloud in the sky had not disappeared, and a more powerful and terrifying force than before broke out. A kind of chaotic divine fire that can burn everything in the world to ashes fell from the sky and burned towards Li Lingfeng.

The void was silently annihilated, the sacred fire fell, and the Badao hexagram pattern floating above Li Lingfeng's head immediately revealed a powerful force that enveloped Li Lingfeng.

In the next moment, the monstrous chaos and divine fire completely drowned Li Lingfeng.

Chaos Divine Fire is terrible, claiming to be able to burn all things in the world, but at this time, this Divine Fire has lost its due power.

In the sea of ​​fire, Li Lingfeng is still as motionless as a mountain. The Eight Dao hexagram patterns above his head have been scattered and imprinted in the void around him, revealing the power of the great avenue, blocking all the chaotic divine fire that will flow from all directions. Out.

Not only that, but the Eight Dao Trigram Pattern is still devouring the power of the Chaos Divine Fire.


The eight hexagram patterns are shaking, and the eight voids are constantly expanding, and there are really signs of turning into eight small worlds.

"He is using the power of the tribulation to open the sky."

An ancient sage exclaimed, this is too risky, you know, that is the destructive power between heaven and earth, if you are not careful, you may set fire to yourself.

"Is this guy crazy, the power of the saint's catastrophe dare to use."

The eyes of some ancient sages lit up, and it was the first time that even these super old antiques had seen people who opened up the world in this way.

The gossip hexagrams are like a bridge between the world and the earth, continuously attracting the power of the tribulation, even if the power of the tribulation that day is stronger and more terrifying, it seems that it will not hurt Li Lingfeng at all.

The power of the robbery was drawn away, and he did not receive any shock.

This method of crossing the catastrophe has made many people excited. Seeing others crossing the catastrophe, they can see something, you know, this is experience.

Learning from the experience of others, when crossing the catastrophe, the chance of success will of course be greater. Of course, this is not absolute. Finding the most suitable method for crossing the catastrophe is the fundamental.

Because everyone's situation is different, the method of crossing the catastrophe varies from person to person.

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