Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2256: Ferocious old man

Li Lingfeng showed a powerful cultivation base, the Eight Dao hexagram patterns seemed to communicate the heaven and the earth, attracting infinite power, and eight voids were opening up. This was a shocking scene.

"He actually opened up the inner world at this time."

The old sage was shocked to the extreme. It was easy to open up the inner world with Li Lingfeng's cultivation base, but he chose this time.

The endless power of the tribulation is constantly converging toward the eight voids, and the voids are constantly being opened up. It is not the real world, just a void before the formation of the world, there is nothing.

Li Lingfeng's eyebrows gradually lit up, and a group of divine light flickered, like a divine sun, fixed on his eyebrows, blooming with brilliant divine flowers.

"What is he doing..."

Many people were shocked. Some people had already guessed what Li Lingfeng was going to do next. This was definitely an amazing thing.

The robbery cloud in the sky became heavier and heavier, almost pressing directly onto the ground from above the sky. The terrifying sky was majestic in all directions, and everyone was hiding far away.

Even the old sages are the same, because they feel the danger, and they have a wrathful spirit that locks them and makes them scrupulous.

"Is that man's protector?"

There is an ancient sage whispering, how could there be no protector like the one in front of him, such a person, among the major forces, a person like this is definitely the key training object.

Of course, this person's protector must be strong enough, otherwise, not only will the person who crosses the Tribulation be threatened by some ancient sages, even this person's protector may also be in big trouble.


Just when the divine light in Li Lingfeng's brows reached its brightest, the void around him suddenly shook, and then a small figure the size of a finger came out of Li Lingfeng's brows.

"That is……"

Seeing this scene, everyone's hearts were shaken, that was Li Lingfeng's soul, and powerful waves of the soul came out from the little figure.

Then, the little figure sat in front of Li Lingfeng's eyebrows. Behind the little figure, there was a round of divine sun, like a supreme **** descending to the world.

"This is not a fairy road."

At this time, Gu Fei realized that Li Lingfeng did not cultivate the Immortal Dao, but was essentially different from the Immortal Dao. This seemed to be the Divine Dao, which was an inheritance from the Kunlun ancestor star.

Shinto is extremely mysterious, and there are few inheritances since ancient times. Moreover, the inheritance of Shinto is thought to have been cut off as early as ancient times.

Even if there are some divine Taoism techniques handed down, they are still some common styles, and they are not unpredictable.

In particular, the inheritance of the Kunlun Fuxi line had disappeared in the ancient years, and the Fuxi, who was revered as the ancestor **** by the creatures on Kunlun Ancestral Star, also disappeared for endless years.

Some people say that in the distant past, before the great catastrophe that swept across the entire ancient primordial world, Fuxi had already died in battle.

Of course, this is just a rumor, and no one has seen Fuxi fall with his own eyes.

The ancestor god, that is the existence that can stand shoulder to shoulder with the supreme, the battle of the kind, not everyone can see, even the saint, it is difficult to withstand the supreme pressure of the supreme rank.

"Fuxi Ancestor God's gossip supernatural powers finally have descendants."

The old man sitting on a rocky mountain was talking to himself. There seemed to be hexagram patterns looming in his eyes. Although the old man did not reveal any strong aura, no ancient sage dared to look down on the old man.

"It seems that Li Lingfeng has a great opportunity."

On a low mountain outside the stone mountain Belle where the old man is, Gu Fei was muttering to himself that Li Lingfeng is really extraordinary. If he succeeds, he will be a powerful holy god.

However, not everyone wants to see Li Lingfeng become a holy.


At this moment, a black hand suddenly appeared, breaking through the cloud of tribulations, and patted Li Lingfeng under the sky. A powerful holy rank pressure blasted away from the big hand.

"You really dare to wait."

The old man sitting awkwardly on the stone mountain stood up abruptly, and then two divine lights rushed out of his eyes, turned into two hexagram patterns, and headed towards the **** hand to seal him.

There are two hexagram patterns, one black and one white. The black one is the Kun hexagram and the white one is the Qian hexagram. As soon as these two hexagram patterns appear, the power of the sky and the earth is immediately attracted, converging like the two hexagram patterns like crazy Away.


The void vibrated, and the two hexagram patterns showed strong power fluctuations, directly positioning the **** hand in the void, making it difficult to shoot down.


The two hexagram patterns are intertwined, and the forces of heaven and earth collide and entangle each other to form a yin and yang diagram. The **** hand is sandwiched between the yin and yang diagrams, and is born and wiped out by the power of the sky and the earth.

At this time, the figure of the old man had disappeared.

Soon, there was a scream from above the sky, and a figure shattered into the void and fled directly into the chaos, and Da Peng's blood spilled from the sky.

The old man quickly turned back, and his hand was actually holding a **** severed arm.

"What a cruel old man."

When everyone saw this scene, they couldn't help being shocked, and the broken arm held by the old man's hand revealed an extremely powerful aura of the Holy Path.

This is the saint's broken arm. Obviously, just now, the old man tore off the arm of the saint who was secretly trying to kill Li Lingfeng.

If it hadn't been for the saint to escape fast, I'm afraid it wouldn't be as simple as being torn off an arm by the old man.

The old man returned to the rocky mountain, and then left the broken arm in his hand on the ground. He sat cross-legged on a large rock, as if he had done a normal thing, his face was still calm.

Seeing that old man was so powerful, some old sages who were already ready to move, at this time did not dare to act rashly. You know, that old man is very cruel.

The old man's ability to easily hit the saints severely shocked the old saints.


Just when the old man severely inflicted the saint who shot in the dark, Li Lingfeng suddenly roared, and his face became extremely hideous.

The primordial spirit sitting in front of Li Lingfeng's eyebrows suddenly became blurred.

"what happened."

Gu Fei could not help being surprised when he saw this scene with martial arts heavenly eyes. This was a sign that the soul was about to collapse, and Li Lingfeng was in crisis.

The importance of the soul, needless to say, whether it is Shinto or Immortal Tao, the soul is the foundation of its enlightenment. If the foundation is destroyed, no matter how amazing a person is, it will be difficult to become holy.

Li Lingfeng was in danger.

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