Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2269: Chaos War Promise

A figure appeared outside the sacred mountain. It was a man with a cloud of purple air covering his body. He couldn't see his true appearance, but the powerful pressure radiating from this man made the whole world alive. shock.

In the gate of the sacred mountain, several members of the Meng clan were horrified to the extreme. The coercion radiating from that person was too strong, making their souls tremble.

"Who dares to come here to be wild."

A loud shout sounded from the mountainside, and a vigorous figure appeared on a large rock on the mountainside, looking towards the void beyond the mountain.


In the void, the person just snorted coldly, and then the person on the mountainside of the mountain snorted, vomiting blood and flew upside down.


At this moment, on the top of the sacred mountain, a figure sitting on the boulder opened its eyes, and two rays of light came out of this person's eyes.

In the next moment, the figure on the top of the mountain disappeared.

"The Lord has finally come out..."

Above the sky, the mysterious man was talking to himself.


At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of this mysterious person, as if it had suddenly emerged from the void.

"A member of Ziwei Zuxingji's family."

The person who appeared in front of the mysterious person was Gu Fei, and he could see at a glance that the aura on this person was very similar to the aura on the Ji family that he had killed before.


The mysterious man didn't seem to think that the other party could actually be in one face, and he saw his origin, which made him feel a little passive.

"Why come here."

Gu Fei didn't want to waste his words with this person, so he asked directly.

"Hand over Ji Changkong."

The man said such words.

The Ji family has a very good way to track the enemy. The previous Ji family always left a secret mark along the way when he was chasing and killing Ji Changkong.

This is a unique method of the Ji family, and only the people of the Ji family can see the marks.

The imprint left by the elder Ji points to this sacred mountain, that is to say, Ji Changkong should be on top of this sacred mountain.

"Are your Ji family members so arrogant?"

Gu Fei was a little upset, the other party was actually talking to him in a commanding tone.

"Hmph, I originally wanted to keep a whole body of you, but now it seems that there is no need for that."

The mysterious person said coldly, as if he had already eaten Gu Fei.

"Without further ado."

As Gu Fei said, he slammed his fist towards the purple figure on the opposite side. The powerful punch shook the void, causing the void to tremble.


The mysterious man yelled, but he also punched him and greeted Gu Fei's fist.

"This guy is crazy, he dared to shake Gu Fei hard."

Above the sky, some ancient sages were shocked when they saw this scene. You must know that Gu Fei's chaotic martial art is as strong as the pure-blooded wild beast.

Under the gaze of some ancient sages, the two fists were quickly approaching, and then crashed together. At that moment, the vast void was collapsing.

A horrible energy storm swept in all directions.


Void shook, and Taoist **** patterns emerged on the sacred mountain, and the **** patterns were intertwined into a huge mask, covering the entire sacred mountain.

The destructive force that had exploded was blocked by the light shield emerging from the mountain, and the mountain was not affected by the slightest.

The two figures separated quickly.

Gu Fei was shocked, the other party could actually shake him hard, and the other party's physical body seemed to be extremely powerful, not much inferior to him.

"Who are you, why are you protecting that Ji Changkong."

The mysterious person covered in purple air seemed to be more shocked than Gu Fei, but at this time, he didn't dare to be big, because the opponent this time was very strong.

You must know that your physique is definitely the first physique on Ziwei Zuxing, strong enough to chill all enemies.

However, in this chaotic world, there was an opponent who could withstand his own punch, which really surprised him.

"Unexpectedly, after ten thousand years, the Promise Fighter appeared on Ziwei Zuxing."

A voice was uploaded from the mountain, and a figure appeared on the top of the mountain.

"You are that Ji Changkong."

Said the mysterious man.

"You, what you look like..."

At this moment, Ji Changkong on the top of the mountain was shocked to the extreme, as if he had seen the most incredible thing in the world.

Ji Changkongxiu has a special supernatural power that can see through all illusory appearances. This is a great technique in Ji's family, which is slightly better than Heitian's yin and yang divine eyes.

You know, the Ji family on the Ziwei ancestor star, but once had the ultimate supreme way, this ancient art, legend is that the supreme ancestor of the Ji family created it.

"You can see through my body protection power, have you cultivated that kind of great technique."

The mysterious man was surprised.

"What is your relationship with that person."

Ji Changkong's voice trembled. He was not afraid, but angry. His eyes were red, and blue veins appeared on his forehead.

"It seems that my father made an extra effort back then. How can a trash like you be his opponent?"

The man said disdainfully.


Hearing this, Ji Changkong was so angry that he almost vomited blood. If he hadn't been tricked by that person, he would have been the current Patriarch of the Ji family. Where would he live here, he would think about how to survive every day.

He was the proud son of heaven, but ended up like this, which made Ji Changkong hate and mad.

"Lord, please don't hurt this guy's life and leave him to me. In the near future, I will step on these two fathers and sons severely."

Ji Changkong asked Gu Fei.

"Collaborate with outsiders to murder the clan, Ji Changkong, you have violated the clan rules, come and die quickly."

The mysterious man was aloft, with an extremely arrogant tone.

"And you have to die."

The mysterious man pointed to Gu Fei and said.


Gu Fei smiled. Since he was sanctified, no one has dared to speak to himself like this. This person really thinks he is invincible in the world.

"Little boy, you are really too tender, even if your old man comes, he dare not be so presumptuous in front of my Patriarch."

Ji Changkong said.

"Hmph, the former Ji family saint son turned out to be a slave to others, which really embarrassed our Ji family."

The mysterious man sneered again and again.

"Why do you say so much, fight if you want."

As soon as Gu Fei said, he blasted at the mysterious man with a fist. The powerful chaotic force condensed on his fist, and nine chaotic lines appeared.

"Chaotic Body."

Seeing Gu Fei's move, the mysterious man was shocked.

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