Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2270: Defying physique

Ziwei Ancestral Star is one of the five ancestors of life known in the human world. It has an extremely glorious past. On this ancestral star, two strong physiques have appeared.

Promise body and chaotic body, these are two supreme physiques. Promise body cultivates to the realm of Dacheng, and the power of the physical body is extremely strong. Even if it does not use supernatural powers and great arts, it can be comparable to the supreme.

The chaotic body is the only physique that can contend with the infinite body, the chaotic body is great, and it also has the supreme power.

Once these two physiques become successful, they can compete with the Supreme and become the uncrowned Supreme.

However, throughout the ages, human races of the two physiques of Infinite Body and Chaos Body have only appeared once, and in this world, there has been an Infinite Eucharist on Ziwei Zuxing.

But what shocked Na Ji Fan was that he encountered Chaos Eucharist in the chaotic world.

At this time, Gu Fei punched out, and the chaotic energy was vigorous, and nine primitive chaotic patterns appeared on his fist, attracting the power of the chaotic road.

The chaotic spirits from all directions gathered madly. In this chaotic family, Gu Fei was like the chaotic war **** who came from the ancient times, and with just one punch, the whole world was shaken.

"The Chaos Body is naturally close to the Chaos Essence, and it really is."

Ji Fan Wuji Saint Body shook. He was very confident and punched directly. Nine Dao patterns that were almost invisible were looming. His punch also drew the power of the Dao.

The Promise Eucharist is a kind of supreme Eucharist, which can smelt all paths and transform the existence into the Extreme Promise. It can be said that the Promise Eucharist is already invincible to some extent.

This is the horror of the Promise Eucharist, smelting ten thousand ways, turning ten thousand ways of supernatural power for one's own use, and itself is like a super **** hole that can swallow everything.

Tolerance is great, and Promise Eucharist is very strong, but when he encounters Chaos Body, Ji Fan has to take it seriously. Although he is arrogant, he is not stupid.


Just as two ancient invincible saints were in a duel, the two fists had not collided, and the whole world had already shaken under the collision of two supreme forces.

The original Dao patterns are emerging and then dissipating. The power of the Dao is colliding, pressing down the Dao of Heaven and Earth.

The two fists had not really collided with each other before they had such power, which shocked all those who watched the battle to the extreme.

"Unexpectedly, this little boy turned out to be the Promise Eucharist."

Above the sacred mountain, Ji Changkong was shocked. The Promise Saint Body, that is the Supreme Saint Body, who can compete with the Supreme Body against the heavens after practicing to the realm of Dacheng.


The two fists collided, the world was directly penetrated, and the two figures were moving fast.

"What about the Chaos Body, when you meet Ji Fan, kill me."

Ji Fan roared, his strength reached the extreme, and Gu Fei's face was stunned, and his body was full of immortal light. There were more than a dozen great auras in his body that resonated.

This is the Infinite Body, which can accommodate others' avenues, nourish it with one's own body, and become one's own avenue. Only the Infinite Body can master this kind of supernatural power.

"Good guy."

Gu Fei sensed the dozen or so great auras in the opponent's body, and couldn't help being shocked. This person was not simple, and could even be called a heaven-defying man.


The avenue was resonating, and Ji Fan could arouse the power of the avenue nourished in his body without a punch. It was the power of the holy rank, and the power of a dozen holy ranks gathered together was absolutely amazing.

Except for the Promise Eucharist, I am afraid that no one can master such power.



The figures of Gu Fei and Ji Fan continued to flash in the void, and every time they flashed, they would shake once, high above the sky, and the void was constantly being penetrated.

"These two guys..."

Above the sky, some of the old sages who were startled looked dumbfounded, too strong, and the combat power displayed by Gu Fei and Jiang Fan had surpassed these old sages.

These two people can really compare with the ancient gods.


Gu Fei's right leg swept toward Ji Fan like a divine whip, and the void made a popping sound, and the air pressed by the powerful force was bursting.


Ji Fan hit with a knee and directly blocked Gu Fei's right leg, and then his right hand turned into a magic sword, slashing towards Gu Fei's neck, and the sword energy directly cut the void.


Gu Fei stretched out his big hand and squeezed it straight forward. In the palm of his hand, there was a chaotic pattern looming, and an extremely powerful chaotic force immobilized the void.

The powerful chaotic force directly shattered Ji Fan's sword energy, and then printed on Ji Fan's chest.


Ji Fan snorted coldly. In the next moment, a powerful thunder force burst out from his body, and countless purple electric lights rushed out of his body.

This is a great technique in Immortal Dao, named Zixiao Divine Thunder. The purple thunder and lightning tore through the void of heaven and earth, breaking through the mighty power of sealing from Gu Fei's hand.

Ji Fan rushed out.


Ji Fan roared, he drew the thunder avenue in his body, it was a kind of avenue power that he seized by killing a saint who cultivated the purple thunder avenue.

He nourishes the power of the Purple Thunder Avenue with his Promise Saint Body, making this power much stronger than the original Purple Heaven Saint.

Nine purple electro-optical lines emerged from Ji Fan's body, and then turned into nine purple thunders, bombarding Gu Fei, the destructive power is mighty.

Gu Fei rushed up directly, letting the power of the nine lightning strikes on him, directly ignoring the bombardment of this kind of purple sky divine thunder, a purple electric light instantly enveloped him.

However, his body just shook slightly, and the purple electric light that enveloped him was all shaken away.

"What a strong chaotic body."

Ji Fan didn't feel surprised, the Chaos Body should be so tyrannical, otherwise, it wouldn't be an anti-celestial physique that could compete with the Supreme.

Of course, it is not easy to cultivate this kind of physique to the realm of great achievement. Throughout the ages, it seems that the chaotic body that was once hasn't gotten that far.

If the Promise Eucharist and the Chaos Eucharist can cultivate to the realm of Dacheng, they can become the most powerful beings other than the Supreme. They are not the Supreme, but they can compete with the Supreme.

However, it is not easy at all to get there, just like achieving the Supreme Taoist Fruit, it is extremely difficult.

"I want your Chaos Avenue."

Gu Feiyue is powerful, and Ji Fan is more excited. If Gu Fei's Chaos Dao can be gained, wouldn't he be able to fuse the two strongest physiques of Chaos and Promise, and become the strongest person in all ages.

Thinking of this, Ji Fan was so excited, his eyes flickered.

"Huh, do you want it."

Gu Fei said with disdain, his own way belongs only to himself, it has already been integrated with his own life, how can others take it away.

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