Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2271: Wanhua Promise

Ziwei Zuxing has produced an infinite body, which is enough to make other forces on Ziwei Zuxing despair. In the years to come, no one can shake the Ji family.

Ji Fan, as the parent and child of the Patriarch of the contemporary Ji family, is uniquely blessed, and he is also born with a non-polar body. He was appointed by the elder of the Ji family as the heir of the Patriarch at birth.

The Ji family can control the entire life ancestor star, which is enough to show that it is strong. There are many factions in the Ji family, and in general, it can be divided into three branches.

Patriarch’s reign does not last forever. Every ten thousand years, there will be tribesmen challenging the contemporary Patriarch, and as long as someone can defeat the contemporary Patriarch, he can replace him.

At this time, the contemporary Patriarch of the Ji family was in power for 8,000 years, and there were still 2,000 years left. During this time, Ji Fan was able to grow up.

Facts are also sufficient to prove that Ji Fan's identity is a non-polar body, and it does not take two thousand years to show up, and with his own power, he has swept the entire Ji Clan Nianqiang generation.

Among the younger generation of Ji Clan, no one can compete with him for the position of Patriarch.

This time, when the chaotic world reopened, Ji Fan didn't think much about it, and he entered the perilous chaotic world, and then cultivated the Promise Saint Body.

He crossed the robbery in a very special place, so it didn't cause much movement, and no one even knew that he was sanctified.

After being sanctified, Ji Fan was supposed to leave and return to Ziwei Ji's house, but his protector discovered Ji Changkong's whereabouts, so he chased him down.

It was also unlucky for the elder of the Ji clan to meet Gu Fei, so it was a tragedy.

Ji Fan followed the imprint left by the elder who helped him protect the road, and went to the sacred mountain where Gu Fei was. He found that Ji Changkong was on the sacred mountain.

Therefore, Ji Fan and Gu Fei are destined to have a battle.


The two shocking powers collided, and Ji Fan's body appeared with great lines of gods, and each of the lines revealed the powerful aura of the holy order.

"How can this guy have the breath of Old Zixiao's body."

Above the far sky, the ancient sage was extremely shocked, and the nine purple lightning patterns that emerged on Ji Fan's body were the purple lightning road patterns cultivated by the ancient sage Zixiao.

"That is the power fluctuation of Old Sage Agni..."

Someone was exclaiming.

Ji Fan's body is looming, and an ancient sage recognizes this kind of power.

"I heard that someone was chasing the Old Sage, could it be this kid."

Someone whispered that the power fluctuations radiating from Ji Fan's body were too weird. There seemed to be more than a dozen different powers in his body.

How could this be.

The strangeness of Ji Fan made everyone unbelievable. There were more than a dozen different great powers in one person.

"Could it be the physique in the legend."

An old sage from Ziwei Zuxing seemed to have seen something, but he was not sure. You know, that physique appeared only once in Ziwei Zuxing's cultivation history, the only time.

"Smelt the world, what kind of supernatural powers are you."

Gu Fei said while fighting Ji Fan.

He had already seen that this guy actually used his own body to nourish the nine lines of other saints. This was too bad, and if the power of a dozen saints was gathered on this guy.

"Hmph, this is not supernatural power, but talent."

Ji Fan said, the other party doesn't know his physique, so it's just that the so-called knowing oneself and the enemy can survive a hundred battles, knowing the reality of the other party, this is definitely an advantage for him.

However, Ji Fan didn't know that Gu Fei's Chaos Martial Body was no longer the kind of Chaos Body he thought.

"Talent, you mean your physique."

When Gu Fei was talking, his right fist shook Ji Fan's left palm, and a muffled noise broke out. The two quickly separated, and then rushed up again.

"You shouldn't be a person on Ziwei Zuxing, why offend the entire Ji family for a Ji Changkong."

Ji Fan said, Gu Fei is the most powerful saint he has ever encountered since he became a holy. For a while, it is absolutely impossible to kill this person. The opponent has a cultivation base and combat power that is no weaker than himself. .

On Ziwei ancestor star, Ji Fan is definitely the proud son of heaven. What he wants and what he has, the huge Ji family provides him with a steady stream of cultivation resources.

The Ji clan governs the entire Ziwei ancestor star, requires magical medicine and magical medicine, and magical materials. Ji Fan can say that he lacks everything and can practice with peace of mind.

Moreover, Ji Fan is not the kind of person who is content with the status quo. He will conduct a trial every once in a while, enter the barren land and hunt down barbaric beasts.

His combat experience is no worse than Gu Fei.

"Funny, Ji Changkong is now mine. You want to kill him, but you offend me first."

Gu Fei said.



The two figures are moving fast, so fast that even the existence of the holy steps can only capture the shadows that disappeared in that moment.

Gu Fei was a little surprised. This Ji Fan also cultivated an extremely fast body technique, which was no worse than his own Bahuang pace.

Being able to meet such a well-matched opponent, the blood in Gu Fei's body began to boil. This is a rare opponent, and he has to get serious.

"Chaos covers the sky."

Gu Fei stopped suddenly, and then pressed his right hand toward Ji Fan.


The endless chaotic energy was surging, a strong force appeared between the heaven and the earth, and a big chaotic hand rushed out, revealing the terrifying power of suppressing the heavens, and came towards Ji Fan.

"Wanhua Promise."

Ji Fan waved his hands, and a circle of energy fluctuations spread from his hands. With the naked eye, he could see the transparent ripples of the void covering the chaotic hands of Gu Fei.

A shocking scene appeared, Gu Fei's great chaotic hand was dissipating, and the chaotic power was quickly dissipated into the void.


Gu Fei's eyes suddenly brightened, and the great technique displayed by the other party was somewhat similar to one of the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao's Returning True Secret Technique.

However, Gu Fei knew that there was an essential difference between the opponent's great technique and the secret return technique. The opponent's great technique should be a killing technique he cultivated himself, corresponding to his physique.

Only the opponent's physique that can smelt all things in one can cultivate this killing technique.


Gu Fei took one step, and instantly came to the sky above Ji Fan's head, and then stepped down, and fierce power emerged from his feet.

At this time, Ji Fan had completely cleaned up the chaos-shielding hand that Gu Fei had played.

"Wanhua Promise."

Ji Fan still did this trick, a transparent vortex emerged between his hands, and then swallowed towards Gu Fei above his head, covering Gu Fei with a force that seemed to be able to melt the world.

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