Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2284: Behind the scenes

The chaotic world is a big world, no one knows how vast this big world is, even if it is stronger than a saint, they don’t know where the end of this world is.


The endless purple thunder was raging, a cloud of thunder light enveloped thousands of miles, wrapped in a figure, quickly passed from the high sky, and instantly disappeared into the dim world.

Just when the thunder light disappeared, a figure appeared above the sky. It was a powerful creature with the head of a dragon. There was fire flickering around this creature.

"The ancient Yuan ghost runs so fast."

Fire Qilin Barong said cursively, and then his figure disappeared from the sky, chasing in the direction where the purple thunder light disappeared.

Just as the fire unicorn Baron was chasing down, an old man also walked past the high sky and followed Baron.

At this time, Emperor Dongxian Yuan Gu was in a panic. He had sensed that a strong man was tracking behind him, and he did not dare to stop.

Moreover, the immortal emperor Yuangu felt threatened by the saint's robbery he had triggered. He knew that he could not stop to cross the robbery, otherwise he would be overtaken by the people behind him.


The ancient immortal emperor sneered, he went directly to a special area in the chaotic world, where is the mysterious person he took refuge in.

He knows the power of that mysterious person very well, because when he met that person, he was crushed by the palm of his hand, and the other party wanted to kill him, it was as easy as pinching an ant. .

Those people who were chasing after him were definitely not their opponents.

The ancient immortal emperor wanted to borrow a knife to kill.

At this time, the chaotic world suddenly shook, and the chaotic channels that appeared in the ancestral land of life began to become unstable.

"Is the Chaos World going to close."

Someone exclaimed.

This is not a good thing for everyone. Once the chaotic world is closed again, it will take another ten thousand years for this chaotic world to appear again.

The changes in the chaotic world have made everyone unable to sit still.

You must know that there is no sanctification in the outside world. Only in the chaotic world will there be an opportunity for sanctification. However, if all the monks who enter the chaotic world do not leave in time, they will be lost and trapped inside.

However, this seemed to be just a false alarm. The chaotic world shook for a while, then calm again, and the chaotic channel stabilized again.

However, everyone knows that this is a sign that the world of chaos is about to close, and some people are starting to leave, especially those ancient sages.

In the chaotic world, there is nothing but infinite chaotic energy. Although it can be sanctified here, it is not the stage for the ancient sages.

The Three Realms and Six Paths are the stage for the power of the holy rank.


The sky and the earth shook, and the endless purple thunder bombarded a figure on the ground from the sky. The aura of destruction made one's heart palpitating. This was the power of the sky and the earth.

The ancient times are crossing the robbery.

This is a red area, in this area, everything the eyes can see is red, and even the chaotic energy is dyed red.

"How can there be such a place in the chaotic world."

Outside the scarlet region, the fire unicorn Balong stood in the void, staring at the figure that was crossing the catastrophe thousands of miles away, with fire flickering in his eyes.

Baron is a divine beast, fire unicorn, and he is naturally sensitive to the breath of danger. He instinctively sensed the danger, so he stopped outside the red world.

At this time, in another direction, an old man appeared outside the red area.

"Hey, this is..."

The old man seemed to see something, shocked.

Yuan Gu chose to cross the catastrophe here, he knew very well that as long as the two outsiders dared to enter this area, his mysterious master would definitely take action.

"Trash, it's shameful to be chased and killed by these two little guys."

Suddenly, a divine thought came out from the blood-colored area, and a voice rang in everyone's heart.


Just when the Proterozoic was about to speak, a loud laugh came from the horizon, and then a shrine appeared in the sky, quickly approaching the red area.

Laogui came, and after he received the news, he rushed over immediately, which made the fire unicorn Balong very surprised, and Laogui came in person.

"What's so funny about you old turtle."

In the red region, the mysterious person continued to transmit his voice.

"I want to see who dares to be my enemy."

Laogui's words came from the divine palace, and then a figure rushed out of the divine palace and directly entered the red area in front of it.


A blood-colored mountain exploded, the old tortoise shot mercilessly, the terrifying power of the holy rank erupted, and the entire scarlet area shook.

He wanted to force the mysterious man who was against himself everywhere.

"Want to fight?"

A vague figure appeared above the sky, and a breath of peerless horror spread from above this figure.


Laogui didn't want to talk to this person too much, and directly attacked that person.


The man stretched out his hand, and the void shook. Nine mysterious Dao patterns rushed out of his hand, turned into nine divine arrows, and pierced towards the old turtle hole.

"This time I see how you escape."

The old turtle was drinking.

This mysterious man has fought against the old turtle several times before, but every time he escaped, this guy will inevitably run away when he sees that the momentum is wrong.


Yifang Dayin rushed out of the old turtle's hand and slammed forward directly.

The nine divine arrows that shot towards the old tortoise were all directly shattered by this big seal, and on that big seal, there was an extremely dainty aura lingering.

"The Emperor's Seal."

When the mysterious man saw the ancient tortoise, he used the Taihuang seal, and he couldn't help being taken aback. This big seal was an extremely demon soldier.

Laogui didn't directly use Taihuang Seal to kill his opponent. The big seal rose to the sky, set in the mighty sky, and a powerful force sealed the sky and the void.


The old turtle’s ethereal imperial seal suppressed the void, and then directly killed the mysterious man.


The mysterious man unfolded his body skills and disappeared in place. When he appeared in the next moment, he was already thousands of feet away. The speed was so fast that Old Guidu's heart was shaken.


Laogui's hands were sealed, and the nine primitive Dao patterns rushed out, intertwined into a Dao map, and headed towards the mysterious man.


The mysterious man yelled, and an extremely powerful force burst out of his body, rushing towards the Dao map from the seal.


Like thunderstorms, two terrifying forces above the holy rank were colliding and canceling each other. A wave of destruction swept across, and the two powerhouses suddenly changed color, and the sun and the moon were dark.

The earth cracked into a series of hideous cracks, and continued to sink.

This mysterious man could fight endless battles with the old turtle, and his cultivation was so powerful that everyone was shocked to the point where it could not be added.

Moreover, this mysterious person did not show his true colors from beginning to end, he was surrounded by the aura of great avenues, and no one could see his appearance clearly.

When the old tortoise was fighting with the mysterious man, the fire unicorn Balong and the old man also stepped into this red area, and then pushed towards the ancient immortal emperor.


Under the tribulation of the sky, Immortal Emperor Yuangu couldn't help being surprised when he saw this scene. There were actually two powerful men who were staring at him, and the fire unicorn was not a problem.

However, the old man made the Immortal Emperor Yuangu feel threatened.

"That guy is useless to me."

The old turtle spoke to the old man.

The old man didn't say anything. He stretched out his right palm and pressed it forward. In his palm, there were nine primitive Dao patterns intertwined, attracting great power.

This is the method of the holy rank, the old man is actually a demon saint.

The endless robbery thunder continued to collapse in front of the old man's palm, and the old man's palm directly hit the depths of the heavenly robbery, wanting to kill the ancient immortal emperor in one fell swoop.

However, this ancient immortal emperor was not so easy to die. When the old man's palm came, he had already retreated.

"Old guy, it's not that easy to kill me."

The ancient immortal emperor was coughing up blood. Although the palm of the old man did not really hit the ancient immortal emperor's body, the wind of his palm had already caused the immortal emperor to be greatly impacted.


The ancient immortal emperor directly held the Flying Immortal Sword in his hand, and slashed at the old man.

The power of Heavenly Tribulation was driven by this sword, and madly gathered towards the Flying Immortal Sword.


The old man just shot a punch seemingly at random, but a powerful force exploded from his fist, shattering the flying sword light that had been slashed.

Primordial Immortal Emperor is not an opponent at all, you know, the opponent is a demon saint of the demon race.

There are not many demon saints of the demon clan, and it is hard to imagine that this old man, who has followed the Taihuang once, is the old department of the Taihuang, and only obeys the old turtle.

"Inverse chaos."

Regardless of that much, Immortal Emperor Yuangu directly used one of the Nine Secrets of Immortal Dao's Inverse Chaos Secret Art, and most of the opponent's fist strength was removed.

Even so, the Immortal Emperor Yuangu was still blown out again.

At this time, Fire Qilin Baron could only watch the Proterozoic Immortal Emperor being abused and unable to stand up, but he did not dare to walk into the scope of the saint's tribulation.

He is not ready yet.

The saint's tribulation is not a normal tribulation. There are too many people who have failed. The mud of the chaos world has been stained red. Only a very small number of people can break through the shackles of cultivation, survive the saint's tribulation, and fly into the sky.

"Your subordinate is dying, you don't want to save it."

At this time, the old turtle said while shooting at the mysterious man.


The mysterious man snorted coldly, and the nine original Dao patterns were intertwined. The power of the great road turned into a storm of destruction and swept towards the old turtle.

The old tortoise broke through the heavy wind, and instantly forced to the mysterious person.

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