Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2285: War ended

The old turtle was finally in a very strange place in the chaotic world, blocking the mysterious black hand and fighting with it.

However, what surprised Laogui was that this mysterious black hand was so powerful that he could fight endless battles with him. This was a powerful saint.

A mysterious Taoist rhyme was shrouded in this mysterious person, and even Laogui couldn't see his true face.

"who are you."

The old tortoise broke through the heavy wind and directly forced the mysterious person in front of him. Then he punched the mysterious person in the chest, and the powerful punch crushed the void.

The mysterious man didn't speak, his body suddenly became blurred, as if he was about to hide in the void, and the punch of the old turtle passed directly through the mysterious man.

At this moment, the old tortoise felt the danger, his hair was standing upside down, his hair almost exploded, like a cat that was suddenly stepped on its tail.


The old turtle rushed forward without thinking about it.

Just as the old tortoise rushed forward, a **** hand silently patted out of the void, instantly piercing the place where the old tortoise had stood.

"You are a demon."

The old turtle was shocked. From the black hand shot from the void, he sensed a trace of magical aura. Only demons have magical properties.

The mysterious man still didn't make a sound. He walked out of the void. The figure that the old turtle punched through just now was just a shadow of him.


Sensing that there was a magical aura in this mysterious person, the old turtle was finally about to get serious, he roared, stretched out his big hand, and grabbed the mysterious person directly.


A purple dragon claw rushed out of his hand, bursting out a powerful wave of demon power, and the whole world trembled under the impact of this demon power.

This is derived from the power of the bloodline of the Supreme Emperor of the Monster Race, the purple dragon claws showed terrifying power, directly tore through the void of heaven and earth.

The black energy on the mysterious person was mighty, and the magical black energy instantly condensed into a black hand, welcoming it towards the purple dragon claw.


The two forces collided together in an instant, the **** hand collapsed, the black Dao patterns dissipated in the void, and the purple dragon claws directly blasted the black hand away, and then grabbed the mysterious man.


Void shook, the mysterious man was grabbed by the purple dragon claws, and the sound of broken bones sounded.


The mysterious man roared, and a strong holy power burst out all over his body. Nine black Dao patterns rushed out of him, Shengsheng opened the purple dragon claw, and then rushed out.


There was a sound of bone rubbing from the mysterious body, and the broken bones continued to connect, but in an instant, they completely recovered.


The old tortoise is extremely powerful. At this time, he has a solemn expression, directly showing the strongest combat power, and pushing toward the mysterious person step by step.

"The cultivation base of the clan leader has improved again."

Outside the battlefield, Fire Qilin Baron couldn't help being shocked when he saw this scene.

Laogui's cultivation speed is really too fast, he is improving almost every day, especially after he became holy, when he became holy, he didn't alarm anyone.

Although the movement of the saint's robbery is very big, ordinary people can't conceal this extreme fluctuation of heaven and earth, but this is only for ordinary people.

Laogui is not an ordinary person. He has the seal of the Supreme Emperor of his father Yaozu, and the seal of the Taihuang seals a world. Even if the old turtle makes a greater movement, absolutely no one can feel it.

"Such a cultivation base is far from his peak period."

An old voice suddenly came from the side, which surprised Barong, and turned around to take a look. I didn't know when, the ancient demon among the demon race was already standing beside him.

This ancient demon had once followed Tai Huang, and the big ones could scare people to death.

You know, the age of Emperor Taihuang has been incomparably long ago, and it is hard to imagine that the powerful monsters of that period actually lived to the present.

As an ancient demon who had once followed the Emperor, this old man naturally knew the cultivation base and strength of the old turtle. Back then, the nine sons of the Emperor were a powerful presence in the entire prehistoric world.

Laogui is the eldest among the nine sons of the emperor. One can imagine how powerful it was in its heyday.

The eldest among the nine sons of the emperor became fierce, and the mysterious person immediately became a little bit unstoppable.

"I have sealed ten places with the Imperial Seal of the Ethereal, let's see how you escape this time."

Old tortoise said murderously, this guy had already made black hands on him several times before, making himself ashamed, and also ruining several warriors among the monster race.

The mysterious man didn't speak, but the devilish aura on his body was getting stronger and stronger, as if there was a supreme real demon lurking in his body.

In the end, the mysterious man was directly shattered by the old tortoise, and forced out his soul.


The Great Emperor's Seal hung high in the sky is shaking, and the mighty force under the mighty force is obliterated towards the mysterious person's soul. This is the power of the Emperor's Seal, and the mysterious person's soul is directly dissipated in the void. in.

"how is this possible……"

At the moment when the primordial spirit of the mysterious man was wiped out, Laogui suddenly felt something in his heart, and his face became a little difficult to look like. This mysterious man was strange and did not seem to be his real body.

Such a method is really unbelievable. Such a powerful existence is not yet a real body. If this is the case, then the real body of this mysterious person is beyond imagination.

Old tortoise couldn't be happy, he vaguely felt something was wrong.

At this time, the battle between Emperor Dongxian and the old monster of the monster clan had already ended. Emperor Dongxian had been captured by the old man. Although the old turtle said that this person was no longer useful to him, the old man still left this person to the old turtle. Disposal.

The Ancient Demon Sage was so powerful that even the Heavenly Tribulation of Emperor Dongxian's saint was broken up.

Emperor Dongxian survived, but his cultivation base has been sealed by the ancient demon with secret methods. At this time, Emperor Dongxian was like a mortal without cultivation base and combat power.

"Do not kill me."

At this time, Emperor Dongxian still had the kind of tolerance that the Emperor should have. His voice was trembling, and he was even more shocked when he saw Laogui walking towards him with a murderous body.

Laogui didn't pay attention to Emperor Dongxian. He came to the front of Emperor Dongxian, and then directly placed one hand on Emperor Dongxian's heavenly spirit cover and read his memory directly.

"The Nine Secrets of Immortality."

The old turtle was moved, and the rumors were true that the Dongxian Emperor actually mastered the two kinds of secret techniques of immortality, but now it is cheaper for himself.

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