Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2286: A treasure

The Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao, the Immortal Dao Secret Art created by the Supreme Dao Ancestor, this immortal Dao Secret Art was famous in those ancient times, and it was known as an undefeated Secret Art.

The most maddening thing is that to cultivate this kind of secret technique, there are no conditions at all, and it is not limited to only those in the immortal way.

In other words, in addition to the people in the Immortal Dao, other creatures can also practice the Immortal Dao Secret Art.

After reading the memory of Emperor Dongxian, Laogui obtained these two secret techniques, reversing chaos and reversing emptiness. These two secret techniques were simply prepared for battle.

Just when the old tortoise wiped out the mysterious man, in another area of ​​the chaotic world, in a valley, a middle-aged man in a white robe suddenly opened his eyes.

"My demon body was destroyed. Is that old tortoise so powerful?"

The middle-aged man in white robe is talking to himself.

The old turtle guessed right. The mysterious person who fought with him was not the real body, but a demon body, the corpse of a holy demon.

The real behind the scenes is someone else.

Laogui and the others then returned to the temple in the sky. The alarmed ancient sages gradually dispersed when they saw the end of the war. Soon, the world returned to its former calm.

When Laogui and others returned to the heavenly temple, Gu Fei and the others were looking for a place to cross the calamity.

Gu Zhong, the iron-blooded Taoist, Xiao Qing and others have reached the realm of Dacheng Quasi-sage, and are already qualified to attack this realm.

In order to be foolproof, Gu Fei had to carefully find a place suitable for crossing the catastrophe.

"That is……"

Just as Gu Fei was walking towards the depths of the chaotic world, a powerful aura wave came from the front, which made Gu Fei surprised and delighted.

There must be a treasure place in front of a gathering of spiritual energy, this kind of place is exactly what Gu Fei was looking for.

Gu Fei walked in the direction where the spiritual energy came from, and soon, his eyes lit up, and there was no trace of chaotic energy in the space in front of him.

He found that the area a hundred miles in front was full of vitality. At the center of this area, there was a spring. This spring was actually gushing out the spirit of the world.

"Good place."

Just when Gu Fei walked into the vibrant world on that side, a roar immediately sounded, and then a fierce beast turned out from behind a low mountain.

This is a white divine tiger, just like the ancient divine beast white tiger, an extremely powerful suffocation spread from this divine tiger.

"A fierce beast with the blood of a white tiger beast flowing inside."

Gu Fei was talking to himself, he sensed that there was a powerful force in this fierce tiger, which was a force derived from blood.


The fierce tiger stared at Gu Fei, roaring in a low voice, as if it might pounce on Gu Fei at any time.

"Are the Chaos Legacy Seeds so powerful?"

Gu Fei had to get serious.

How could there be no owner in such a spiritual land? This fierce tiger occupies here, guarding this spiritual land, and has not been driven away, which is enough to show that this fierce tiger is powerful.

The powerful Chaos Legacy Seed is not weaker than the Saints, and even some of the Chaos Legacy Seeds' cultivation and combat power are superior to the Saints.

This fierce tiger with the blood of the white tiger divine beast in its body is not simple, it is very powerful, and can compete with the saints in the human race. Even if the ancient sage arrives, it may not necessarily suppress this fierce tiger.


Gu Fei said loudly towards the fierce tiger, there was a trace of great power in the voice, and it was deafening in his ears, and even the fierce tiger stopped.


The fierce tiger roared, his limbs slammed on the ground, turned into a white light and rushed towards Gu Fei, extremely fierce.

"Toast and not eat fine wine, then don't blame me."

Gu Fei wanted to let go of this fierce tiger, but now he couldn't do anything. He punched it forward, shaking in the void, and hitting the fierce tiger's eyebrows.

The fierce tiger roared, flew upside down and fell to the ground, but it was difficult to get up for a while.

"It's a hard bone."

Gu Fei couldn't help secretly being shocked. Even if his punch was in front of a mountain, he would be blown by his punch, let alone a skull.

It can only be said that this fierce tiger is a little different. The bones on his body are nourished by psychic energy day and night, and it has become more powerful.

The fierce tiger received a punch from Gu Fei, but it was uncomfortable. The powerful fist almost blasted his head, making him dizzy, and the corners of his mouth leaked blood.

"Human Race, you have crossed the line."

At this time, a voice sounded in Gu Fei's heart, this was a communication of divine consciousness, and the fierce tiger was transmitting to Gu Fei.

"Over you, if you retreat obediently, you can still live, otherwise, death will be your final destination."

Gu Fei looked at the fierce tiger in front and said such words.


Fierce Tiger was frightened and angry. He knew that he was not the opponent of this human race, but if he worked hard, he still had a chance to die with this person.

However, no one wants to die, and so does the fierce tiger.

"What are you? If you don't roll, you don't have to roll."

The chaotic energy in Gu Fei's body was surging, and a strong wave of the Holy Path erupted from him, and the void around him was shaking.

When the fierce tiger sensed the changes in Gu Fei's body, he couldn't help being taken aback. The opponent actually had the strength to kill him, which made the fierce tiger extremely nervous.

This Chaos Remains pondered for a while, then turned around and left, having to leave the place he had guarded for hundreds of years.

Seeing the fierce tiger retreat by himself, the powerful aura from Gu Fei's body receded, and then he released the four people who had been collected into the inner world.

"this is……"

Gu Zhong and the others were shocked when they came out to see this scene. What they saw was a vibrant area. In the chaotic world, there were definitely not many places like this.

"Master, we are here to cross the catastrophe."

Gu Zhong asked.

"Well, hurry up and practice."

Gu Fei nodded and said.

In the middle of this area, there is actually a sacred spring of life. This is something bred from heaven and earth, and the purest life essence is spewing out.

With the endless life essence, when crossing the catastrophe, there is no danger of exhaustion of vitality.

Gu Fei and the others have lived in this area, and Gu Zhong and others are cultivating. They must be familiar with this place before they can overcome the catastrophe.

More than ten days passed in a blink of an eye, and the fierce tiger who was driven away by Gu Fei wandered outside this area from time to time. The fierce tiger wanted to regain his territory, but he didn't dare.

Later, that fierce tiger actually invited an old Jiao to attack this area together.

This time, Gu Fei was no longer soft-handed, and directly killed the two fierce beasts.

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