Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2299: Blood Fiend

Sure enough, there was a problem with the chaotic passage leading to Kunlun. There was a peerless great demon guarding the chaotic passage outside, waiting for the monks from the chaotic passage to jump into the magic formation.

The ancient sage who had fallen before was probably the result of this blood evil demon.


The blood rushed to the sky, and the whole world was reflected in a **** color. This was simply an endless sea of ​​blood on one side, the blood evil spirit was mighty, and white bones could be seen floating in the blood sea.

This is not something that really exists, just some illusions, but it is also amazing enough, this magic circle is really scary and terrifying.


At this time, a large blood-colored dragon rushed up from the sea of ​​blood, and rushed towards Gu Fei above the sea of ​​blood, which was Gu Fei's undead war slave to be precise.

This killing tool, which had a reputation on Ziwei Zuxing, fell into Gu Fei's hands.

"Town seal."

Gu Fei's undead war slave stretched out his big hand and pressed it down, the Nine Dao Immortal Dao **** pattern appeared in his palm, and then rushed out, aroused the power of the great road, and went down to seal it.


The power of the avenue shook the world, and the nine immortal Dao patterns turned into a supreme road map, covering the entire sea of ​​blood, and the dragons rushing out of the sea of ​​blood were all blocked by the road map. .


The Dao map formed by the intertwining of the nine Dao patterns was shaking, an extremely powerful holy rank force descended from the Dao map, and the blood-colored dragons exploded into the void.

"Yes, you are much better than the guy just now."

An old voice came, and the **** demon shadow loomed in the endless blood light, revealing a devilish aura that made Gu Fei's heart palpitating.

There is no doubt that this demon is definitely a demon ancestor.

Gu Fei realized that he was really in big trouble, Demon Ancestor, that was not comparable to an ordinary demon, this was the strongest among the demon.


He soared into the sky, and wanted to enter the chaos channel and leave this magical formation. He didn't want to fight with a demon ancestor somehow, it was not worth it.

"Hey, want to go, late."

Just when Gu Fei's undead war slave broke through the heavy blood and quickly approached the entrance of the Chaos Passage, he suddenly felt a whirl of the sky, and the entrance of the Chaos Passage disappeared.

And he was shocked to find that he had actually returned to the endless sea of ​​blood transformed by the power of the blood evil demon formation.

"If you want to fight, then fight."

Gu Fei knew that the other party had already imprisoned a party of heaven and earth, trapping himself in it, unless he could break through this magic circle, otherwise, it would be impossible to leave this ghost place.

Want to break the formation, it is very simple, that is to kill the old demon.

However, it is one thing to know how to break the formation, but it is not easy to kill the old demon. You must know that this is a demon ancestor.

This demon ancestor gave Gu Fei the feeling that it was extremely powerful, not at all weaker than that of the demon ancestor.

When the war broke out, Gu Fei took control of the undead war slaves, displayed various immortal killing skills, and attacked the figure in the blood sea, and immortal gods appeared between his hands.

The mighty Immortal Dao force drove away mightily, blocking the blood evil spirit around Gu Fei's undead war slave.


A blood-colored fist struck out of the endless **** demon gas transformed into a sea of ​​blood. On the fist, the blood-colored devil pattern lingered, attracting the strongest magic power.

Gu Fei's undead war slave was directly knocked out by this **** fist.

However, the Immortal War Slave is known as immortal and possesses immortal divinity. Gu Fei's Immortal War Slave rushed back from a distance in an instant and continued to shoot.

The immortal **** pattern rushed out from Gu Fei's undead war slave, branded into the void, and then exploded in the void, and the large blood evil spirit was dissipating.

An old demon covered in blood fell out of the void.

"Good boy, you can actually sense where the demon's true body is and how you did it."

The Blood Fiend Demon Ancestor was a little surprised, you know, he was in the formation, and no one had ever forced his true body out, not even once.

This old demon is very curious, why this human monk knows where he really is.

"Huh, where is so much nonsense."

Gu Fei's undead war slave forced towards the blood evil demon ancestor with endless fighting intent. He already regarded this old demon as the most powerful opponent he had encountered since his debut.

"This combat body is very good."

When the blood evil demon ancestor saw that the undead war slave was so powerful, he couldn't help but shake his heart. Someone even made such a terrifying tool for murder.

If you can obtain this combat body and then study the Dao patterns on its body, you may be able to create countless such killing tools. By then, the demons will unify the three realms and six realms. I am afraid it is only a matter of time.

Thinking of this, the **** eyes of the Blood Fiend Demon Ancestor suddenly lit up. The unification of the Three Realms and Six Paths has always been the ultimate goal of the powerhouses of the Demon Race.


The large array shook, and the blood evil demon ancestor mobilized the power of the entire large array. The endless blood and light were intertwined, turning into a **** magic net and shrouded towards Gu Fei's undead war slave.


The **** magic net was so fast that it instantly caught Gu Fei's undead war slaves, and the **** magic light intertwined into the magic net was drawn into the flesh and blood.

The **** magic light was like the blade of a peerless magic knife, slashing directly on the undead war slave, cutting the body of the undead war slave into hundreds of pieces.

However, a ray of immortal divine light flashed, and Gu Fei's undead war slave recovered again, the blood stains on his body disappeared, and the strongest fluctuations also appeared on his body.

"Immortal battle body."

The old demon was obviously taken aback when he saw this scene. The opponent's combat body was very unusual, and it was not something ordinary saints could sacrifice.

"Could it be..."

The devil ancestor of learning seemed to become a little gloomy after thinking of something.

Just when the old demon was distracted, Gu Fei's undead war slave had already forced him in front of him, and a purple divine light rushed out of the undead war slave's eyebrows, turned into a great sword, and slashed towards the old demon.

"this is……"

The old demon was shocked when he saw Gu Fei's undead war slaves displaying this kind of celestial magic.

The power fluctuations surging from the Great Dao Divine Sword caused the old demon's heart to palpitate, and he immediately retreated.

But the Great Dao Divine Sword followed like a shadow, chasing and killing the old demon, forcing the old demon to dodge in the magic array, and did not dare to let the Great Dao Divine Sword get close.

However, the speed of the Great Dao Divine Sword reached the extreme, and it finally penetrated the old demon's body, causing the old demon to suffer severe damage.

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