Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2300: Pit a demon ancestor

After Gu Fei entered the Lord's Undead War Slave, he knew how powerful and terrifying this killing tool was. This battle body could display all the techniques of a person who entered the Lord's battle body.

Of course, this battle body can only perform the Immortal Dao technique, perhaps the person who made this immortal battle body is the strongest among the immortal Dao.

Gu Fei's immortal war slave used one of the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao's Dao Sword secret technique, and successfully severely damaged the Blood Fiend Demon Ancestor, but he knew that the Blood Fiend Demon Ancestor was not so easy to deal with.


The blood evil demon ancestor was roaring, he couldn't believe that he was actually injured, and this was injured by the Great Dao Divine Sword, the wound was difficult to heal, and black demon blood was flowing out.

"Dare to hurt my demon, I will kill you."

Under the anger of the blood evil demon ancestor, he directly attacked Gu Fei's undead war slaves. The endless blood evil spirit was surging, and the power of the entire demon formation was guided by this old demon to his hands.


The old blood evil demon punched out, the power of the magic way burst, the sky and the earth shook, and a series of cracks in the dark space that could not be seen broke out in the void.

The endless magic pattern went towards Gu Fei's immortal war slave.

"Return to the truth."

Gu Fei’s undead war slave displayed another celestial secret technique, an unpredictable power spread from his body, wherever this power went, a large amount of blood evil spirit was biochemically transformed. All heaven and earth auras seem to have turned into the most primitive state.

This is the horror of the Secret Technique of Returning True, any great power can be dissipated.


The blood evil demon ancestor could feel that the power of the fist he was hitting was rapidly losing, and the blood evil demon energy was melted into the void.

"Inverse chaos."

Just when the blood evil demon ancestor was shocked to the extreme, Gu Fei's undead war slaves even defeated and displayed another secret technique. The power of rebellion guided the fists struck by the blood evil demon ancestor to move. The fist of Blood Fiend Demon Ancestor turned back and hit himself.


The blood evil demon ancestor was really moved this time, he roared again and again, desperately urging the blood evil magic power, the fist that hit him back finally stopped before it hit him.

"You are a descendant of Taoism."

The Blood Fiend Demon Ancestor roared, back then, the grudge between him and Dao Ancestor was not small, the reason why he is today is directly related to that Dao Ancestor.

Gu Fei's undead war slave did not speak, but his aura soared in an instant to the point where the blood evil demon ancestor would feel palpitation.


Gu Fei's undead war slave directly played the Immortal Dao's supreme killing technique Huatian hand, and the nine primitive Dao patterns were intertwined into a dao hand, suppressing the blood evil demon ancestor.


The endless blood evil devil qi is biochemically transformed, this is the supreme magic of the immortal way, claiming to be able to destroy the world, and the void under the big hand is silently annihilated.


The big hand fell, and the blood evil demon ancestor was photographed from the sky by the hand of the great road, the blood evil demon energy dissipated all over his body, and the smaller half of his body was spent by the Huatian hand.

"It's the Nine Secrets of Immortality..."

The blood evil demon ancestor was frightened and angry. He suffered a great loss under the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao. Not long after he got out of trouble, he met the undead war slave of Gu Fei who mastered the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao.

The war slave used the secret technique of ascension to heaven, and his combat power was raised to the limit. At this time, Gu Fei truly exerted the true power of this undead war slave.

The combat power of this killing tool is not weaker than Xianzun Dao.

"Drive me."

At this time, Gu Fei took control of the Zhan Slave and slapped a Heavenly Transformation Hand into the sky. The endless **** magic patterns were wiped out by the Heavenly Transformation Hand, and the blood evil demon array was broken.


When the old demon saw this scene, he couldn't help being shocked. How could this guy break through his big formation?

Although it was unbelievable, it was a fact. Gu Fei didn't hesitate, soared directly into the sky and rushed out of the blood evil demon formation.

"Damn it."

In the Blood Fiend Demon Formation, the Blood Fiend Demon Ancestor looked up to the sky and roared, his small half body that had been transformed by the Heavenly Hand had healed, and his muscles and bones were reborn as if he had never been injured.

"Where to escape."

The Blood Fiend Demon Ancestor didn't hesitate, he directly controlled the devil formation and chased and killed Gu Fei's undead war slave.


Gu Fei's undead war slave rushed directly into the chaos channel and disappeared inside.

The old demon also followed into the chaos channel, and continued to hunt down Gu Fei's undead war slave, dense **** magic patterns intertwined around him.

A demon aura that made the world palpitations spread from this old demon.

"What's the matter, how can that magical aura suddenly become so powerful."

The chaotic channel was around the exit of the chaotic world, and the ancient sages were shocked to the extreme. They sensed a strong magic power coming from the other end of the chaotic channel.

At this time, a figure flashed at the exit of the Chaos Channel, and a person rushed out of the Chaos Channel.

"Big Brother."

Xiaoqing, who was waiting near the exit of the Chaos Passage, couldn't help being surprised and delighted when he saw the man.

"If you want to pit me, let's see who pits who."

Gu Fei ignored Xiao Qing, but saw his right hand flipped, and an ancient bronze cauldron appeared in his hand, and then he directly placed the ancient cauldron in front of the exit of the Chaos Passage.


The ancient tripod shook, and the ancient bronze tripod turned into a giant tripod as huge as a hill, and the mouth of the tripod was facing the exit of the Chaos Passage.

After setting up all this, Gu Fei's real body retreated with Xiao Qing.

It didn't take long for a figure to rush out of the chaotic passage and directly into the ancient bronze cauldron, and the demon who was chasing after the man did not hesitate, and rushed directly into the ancient bronze cauldron.

Soon, Gu Ding shook, and the powerful Demon Dao power exploded. The Blood Fiend Demon Ancestor knew that he had been fooled, so he rushed out of the Cauldron desperately.

However, the Blood Fiend Demon Ancestor was intercepted time and time again, and Gu Ding's exit was blocked by a mixture of Hongmeng Qi, unless Gu Feiken released the people, otherwise, the Blood Fiend Demon Ancestor would be a tragedy.

The ancient tripod shook, and a series of avenues of gods loomed on the ancient tripod. The birds, beasts, insects and fish on the ancient tripod seemed to come alive, revealing an incomparably long-lasting aura that seemed to come from the ancient times.

"That is……"

The ancient sage was shocked to the extreme, and the aura from the ancient cauldron made their heart palpitations.

"The Supreme Thing."

Some people have guessed something, but they are not sure. You know, that thing is a legendary existence, and it has disappeared in the ancient times.

Gu Fei jumped onto the mountain and river tripod, and then triggered the power of the mountain and river tripod, the interior of the mountain and river tripod gradually calmed down, and the blood evil demon ancestor was sealed.

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