Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2410: Xeon Mowei

Under the high platform in the center of the magic city, endless magic patterns emerged, densely packed, and even the void was branded with black light and black energy.

These magic patterns originate from the black coffin on the high platform.

In the black coffin on the high platform, something seemed to have been revitalized by the imperial aura emanating from the Phoenix Tribulation.

On the entire black coffin, the magic patterns light up one after another, and then rushed out of the coffin, branding it between the world.

"Outrageous, what is it..."

Under the high platform, the iron-blooded Taoist supported him, he finally understood the words of the two sunset demon clan demon people, the things in the black coffin were really unimaginable for him.

At this time, the power of the Phoenix Tribulation had been completely suppressed by the power of the Demon Dao. No matter how powerful the phoenix real fire was from the nine Phoenix Dao patterns, it could only dance in the void of the Jie Xue Dao human body.

The power of Phoenix Jie has been compressed to about three feet in radius.

According to reason, the emperor's power was enough to contend with the power of the supreme demon ancestor, but the soul of the weapon within the Phoenix Tribulation was still asleep, and there was no sign of recovery.

But the things in the black coffin are recovering.

The iron-blooded Taoist now can only protect himself. He is trapped in the magic formation. Around him, the nine magic shadows are looming, and he does not attack him.

"Do you want to kill me?"

The heart of the Jie Xue Daoist shook, and the magic pattern sealed the void of the heaven and the earth, making it difficult for him to absorb the spiritual energy of the heaven and the earth from the outside world. If this continues, it can really kill him.

"How to do."

The Jie Xue Dao people couldn't help being a little impatient. You must know that this magic formation is not simple. Although Phoenix Tribulation said that it is difficult to exert the true power of the strongest emperor, but that ray of emperor's power can not be withstood by any formation.

If you guess right, this is a supreme-level magic array, and the supreme-level magic array is used to guard the black coffin on the high platform. What is in the black coffin?


Just when the Jagged Taoist was anxious, a roar came from the street in the direction of the city gate.

"Why did he come in."

Hearing this voice, Jie Xue Dao Ren couldn't help being surprised, because he had already recognized the owner of that voice.

At this time, Nantian Divine Venerable desperately tried his best to mobilize the Holy Venerable Divine Dao power in his body. Nine Primitive Divine Marks rushed out of his body, and then broke through the surrounding demon Dao power and rushed out of the ancient city. , Very embarrassed.

I have to say that the aura of the Supreme Demon Ancestor is really terrifying, even the Nantian God Venerable, who has lived for endless years, can't really compete with it.

"too frightening."

After rushing out of the magic city, Nantian God Venerable sighed in relief. The outside and inside of the city are simply two worlds, but the demon aura outside the city is not known how weak it is.

"The supreme wisp of air can crush a world, it doesn't seem to be an exaggeration."

The Nantian God Venerable was talking to himself, if he hadn't made a decisive decision just now, I'm afraid that the uncontestable demonic aura in the magic city would destroy the foundation of the road.

He doesn't have the imperial weapon in his body, which can resist the strong demon nature. Once the demon nature invades the soul, it will be demonized and become a puppet of the demon.

No one wants to be the puppet of the devil, lose himself, and become a tool of killing.


Above the sky, everyone saw Nantian Divine Venerable only go in for a while and rushed out, and they looked embarrassed, and seemed to suffer a big loss.

"what happened."

Gu Fei couldn't help but be a little surprised when he saw the Nantian Godzun returning in embarrassment.

At this time, the happiest thing is the Immortal Demon Boy and Ziyang Heavenly Emperor. You know, these three are dominating one side in the Sea of ​​Fallen God, fighting for endless years.

It's rare to see the Nantian gods deflated, and the immortal demon children are naturally happy.

"Maybe there are big guys in the magic city."

The Nantian God Sovereign said to Gu Fei, that the old Yaotong and the others were gloating, but he did not see it.

"big guy."

Gu Fei couldn't help being stunned. Could it be that there is a supreme-level demon ancestor in the devil city?

It seems that the only existence that can make Nantianshen Zun worry is the Supreme or Human Emperor.


The magic city was shaking, and an extremely powerful magical aura spread from the magic city. The whole world suddenly changed color, endless magic clouds appeared above the magic city, and blood-colored lightning flashed in the clouds. Now.

"What's the matter, there are really signs of evil."

After all, the eternal demon boy and the Ziyang Tiandi are the sages who have been enlightened in the ancient years, and they couldn't help changing their colors when they saw this scene.

This is the sunset demon realm, anything can happen, if a supreme demon ancestor really jumps out of the demon city ahead, then they will be in bad luck.


Gu Fei couldn't help being stunned when he heard the words, he couldn't help but remember the scene when the Fire Demon Ancestor was born in the Northland.

"It seems that I still have to take action."

Gu Fei was talking to himself, this kind of supreme-level aura, not everyone can bear, only by possessing the ultimate holy artifact, can he be fearless of this kind of strong magical nature.


In Gu Fei's mind, a figure directly walked out of the void in front of him, and then immediately disappeared into the void.

Everyone saw a flash of figures outside the gate of the magic city, and they couldn't see anything.

Only the powerful existence of the Immortal Demon Boy and the other three saints can truly see that figure, that is Gu Fei's indestructible battle body.


As soon as Gu Fei's indestructible battle body entered the magic city, the indestructible battle body fell directly from the air, and was pressed onto the ground by a strong magical power, unable to move.


Outside the Devil City, Gu Fei's eyes lit up immediately, and there was an inexplicable reaction between him and the Indestructible War Body. He was shocked. There really was a big guy in the Devil City.

Gu Fei was able to sense that the strong magic power was pressing on the body of the Indestructible War Body like a big mountain, making it difficult for the Indestructible War Body to move a finger.

Fortunately, at this moment, the body of the Indestructible War body suddenly rang out, and a bronze divine mace rushed out of the body of the Indestructible War Body.

A human emperor's power spread out from the divine mace, and immediately blocked the great magic power, making the immortal war body feel relieved, and the strong sense of oppression immediately disappeared. Traced.

The Immortal War Body stood up from the ground, and then held the Human Emperor's Divine Mace in one hand.

"What's going on, how can these people have such a powerful sacred artifact."

Such words came from a very ordinary house in the magic city.

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