Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2411: Terrorist

Gu Fei's indestructible battle body carried the human emperor's divine mace. This human emperor's divine majesty was not simple. It was a human emperor soldier who was sacrificed by a certain strong emperor in ancient times.

Moreover, this man's emperor's mace is an indispensable emperor's divine tool, which can compete with the strongest magic power in the magic city.

This is not to say that the phoenix robbery of the iron-blooded Taoist is weaker than the human emperor, but the phoenix robbery given to you by the iron-blooded Taoist was not lightly wounded in the ancient catastrophe, and the soul is still sleeping and has not recovered. .


At this time, Gu Fei’s indestructible battle body clenched the human emperor’s divine mace, and the emperor’s power was uploaded from the divine majesty. Dense runes appeared on his body immediately, and a pale golden figure was on his Emerging from the body.

Although it was just a faint figure, the breath of the invincible emperor who was gazing at the world from that figure made the hearts of all beings in the world palpitate.


Just as the emperor’s scent of the emperor exuded the strongest imperial aura, the black coffin was shaking on the high platform in the magic city, and countless black magic patterns emerged on the black coffin, intertwined. A series of mysterious magic pictures come.

"what happened."

Under the high platform, the iron-blooded Taoist was uncomfortable, and the emperor's supernatural power emanating from the human emperor's divine mace confronted the strongest demonic power that erupted from the black coffin.

This made the Jagged Daoist so depressed that he almost vomited blood. Had it not been for the protection of the Phoenix Tribulation, he would have disappeared long ago, and he could not die again.

The Jagged Daoist felt an unprecedentedly strong pressure, and the space outside his body was compressed again, and the fire phoenix formed by the nine phoenix patterns almost collapsed under the pressure of two strong forces.

The Phoenix Jie in his hand wailed.

The instrument soul of the phoenix was severely injured during the Great Tribulation of the Ancients, and it was difficult to recover from its deep sleep. It could only rely on instinctive reaction to protect the Jagged Daoist.

"Is the Lord coming up."

The Jagged Daoist desperately contended with the strong magic power, a trace of blood oozes from the corner of his mouth, and the saint was not enough to see under this supreme magic power, just as weak as an ant.


In the magic city, in an ordinary room, a black shadow stood behind a window, and in the darkness, two spots of blood lit up.

At this time, Gu Fei’s indestructible battle body had already held the human emperor’s divine mace, and pushed towards the direction where the strongest magic power erupted. The powerful emperor’s aura erupted from the human emperor’s divine majesty. With the battle body as the center, all devil energy was dissipated within a radius of a thousand feet.

This magic city is really weird, and even the fluctuation of the emperor's power can hardly cause any damage to it.

Soon, Gu Fei's immortal battle body had arrived in front of the high platform in the center of the magic city, and he saw the iron-blooded Taoist who was still supporting it.

"Lord, save me."

As soon as the Jie Xue Taoist saw Gu Fei's immortal battle body arrives, he screamed, the strong magic power is really terrifying, making his Dao heart unstable.

If this continues, the Jagged Daoist will be in danger of being demonized. He doesn't want to stay here for a quarter of an hour, and wants to leave this ghost place as soon as possible.

"Something is at fault."

The indestructible battle body was surrounded by golden light, and the runes were disillusioned in the void around him. He seemed to merge with the human emperor in his hand, and the whole person gave a feeling of invincibility.




On the high platform, there was a bang from the black coffin, as if something was about to break out of the black coffin.


With a wave of the left hand of the Indestructible War Body, a golden avenue immediately appeared in the void, instantly extending to the Jagged Daoist's body.

The Jagged Daoist didn't think much, he directly set foot on this golden avenue, and was immediately led to Gu Fei's indestructible battle body.

"Thank you, Lord."

The iron-blooded Taoist breathed a sigh of relief. If it weren't for the indestructible battle body to make a move, it would be more difficult for him to break out of the magic formation than to climb to the sky.


In the magic formation, the nine figures were roaring. Although they were not flesh and blood, they could not make a sound, but the wave of divine consciousness caused the whole world to shake.


A demon shadow took one step directly from the demon formation, and then stretched out its big hand, and grabbed it towards the iron-blooded Taoist and the indestructible body. The black air above the dark demon hand engulfed the whole world in an instant.


The Immortal War Body snorted coldly, took a step forward, and then stretched out a big hand. A big golden hand appeared in the void and patted the demon hand.


With a loud noise, the two big hands slammed together, and the power of the Emperor Ji and the power of the Demon Ancestor broke out in an instant, a group of golden light and a group of black light appeared, and then dissipated into the void at the same time.

The magic shadow that stepped out of the magic formation was forced back into the magic formation.

"Send you out first."

The immortal war body once again attracted the emperor's power above the emperor's divine mace, and the golden avenue appeared again. This time, the golden avenue rushed directly out of the magic city.

The Jagged Daoist didn't say anything, he immediately set foot on the Golden Mile, and was immediately picked up by the Golden Mile and led out of the magic city, leaving this terrifying place.

The golden avenue dissipated, and the iron-blooded Taoist had already left the magic city and appeared in the sky thousands of miles away.


Just when the Immortal War Body sent away the iron-blooded Taoist, the black coffin on the high platform suddenly exploded, and a group of devilish energy rushed out from the high platform and swept away in all directions.

The entire dim world became even darker.

The terrifying demon ancestor aura swept across the sky and the ground. Almost at the same time, there was a stern demon roar in the devil city, as if countless monsters were awakened.

Suddenly, some powerful figures began to appear in the magic city.

"Could it be that this is a magic nest."

The face of Gu Fei's indestructible battle body was extremely solemn, and in the black coffin that exploded, there were no corpses, only one hand floating on the high platform.

It was a left hand, with magic patterns looming on it constantly, and the magic shadows looming around the magic hand, like a flock of demons dancing.

The strongest demon ancestor aura between heaven and earth was transmitted from the left hand of this demon. This demon ancestor aura stunned the heavens and made all beings panicked.

Seeing this scene, Gu Fei's indestructible combat body was shocked. That demon hand, I am afraid that the supreme in the demon way left behind, otherwise how could this demon hand have the breath of the supreme demon ancestor.


The demon hand patted directly at the indestructible battle body, the wound on the demon hand, and the dripping of black demon blood, there was a faint smell of blood in the void.

As the magic hand shot forward, the void in front of the magic hand was annihilated directly and silently, the high platform was shattering, and everything the magic hand passed by was ruthlessly obliterated, leaving nothing behind.

(Recommended a book "Emperor Xuantian", friends who like fantasy can go and read it.)

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