Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2417: A monument to kill you

"It's weird."

Gu Fei slammed a punch on the wordless stele, but the stele remained motionless, and he felt a suction force that swallowed the power of his punch completely.


Everyone was shocked to see this scene. You know, Gu Fei is a holy king, and not an ordinary holy king, even if it is a big mountain in front of him, it will be broken instantly by his fist.

However, this seemingly unremarkable stone stele was so big that it could withstand Gu Fei's punch without even leaving a trace on it.

"I'll try it."

The old demon boy walked up, and then he also slammed his fist towards the stone tablet. His fist was a little different from Gu Fei's. A monster pattern appeared on his fist, which had already aroused the power of the Dao Dao.

However, a scene that stunned everyone appeared. The fist of the old demon boy hit the stone tablet, and it was difficult to shake the stone tablet.

"Outrageous, dare to steal my power."

The old demon boy screamed, and then, he stepped away and walked away, his eyes twinkling, staring at the stone monument in front, as if he wanted to look into the stone monument.

"what happened."

Everyone was amazed, but at this moment, a figure appeared silently on this stone monument, looking down at everyone.

The moment that person appeared on the stone tablet, Gu Fei and the others sensed the existence of the other party and looked up at the same time.

"Hmph, I didn't expect you to come here."

An icy voice came from above. It was a white-haired demon wearing black clothes. The demon's body was filled with black air, and a pair of blood-colored pupils were looking at everyone.

"It's you."

At this time, the iron-blooded Taoist's heart shook. He sensed the magical aura of the white-haired demon, and immediately recognized that this demon was the same demon who had been shocked in the magic city.

"I didn't think you could survive, it surprised me."

The white-haired demon also saw the iron-blooded Taoist, with blood flashing in the blood-colored pupils.

"You recognize this demon."

Gu Fei asked the Jagged Taoist.

"Well, this demon once appeared in the magic city."

The Jagged Taoist nodded and said, his face was extremely solemn, this demon once haunted the devil city, now it is here again, it is definitely not simple.

"Little devil boy, come and kill him."

Ziyang Tiandi walked out, then looked at the white-haired demon on the stone tablet, and said calmly, he really didn't put the demon in his eyes.

"Ziyang Xianzun, in the ancient times, you were considered a character, but now it is unexpected that you have become a dog under someone else's."

The white-haired demon said with a sneer.

"what did you say."

Ziyang Tiandi couldn't help being furious when he heard the words, and the other party's words were like a bayonet stab in his heart, which made him feel extremely ashamed.

He used to be a lofty Immortal Venerable, a leader among the Taoist sects, but now, he has become someone else's subordinate, which makes him embarrassed.

However, he knew that this was a fact, and he still had no ability to change this fact.

"If you want to instigate discord, your method is outdated."

Gu Fei couldn't help laughing.

"I'll kill him."

As he said, the Emperor Ziyang turned into a purple light and rose into the sky, rushing towards the demon standing on the stone tablet, killing the sky.


The white-haired demon sneered, and then raised his right hand, and a black magic net immediately spread out and enveloped a world.

The Ziyang Heavenly Emperor who was rising into the sky immediately became a fish that threw himself into the net.

"A brick slaps you to death."

The Emperor Ziyang roared, and flipped his right hand, a purple **** monument appeared in his hand, and then the **** monument quickly grew bigger and smashed upward.


The void vibrated, and a series of pitch-black space cracks appeared in the void, like black lightning, instantly spreading in all directions.

The magic net shrouded from the sky was suddenly shattered under the suppression of the purple **** monument, and then turned into black energy and dissipated into the void.

"this is……"

The white-haired demon couldn't help being shocked when he saw this scene. He couldn't think of the other party's body with such a powerful holy magic weapon.


Ziyang Tiandi directly drove the purple monument in his hand to suppress the white-haired demon on the monument. On the purple monument, nine immortal patterns emerged, motivating the power of the heavens.

However, the white-haired demon didn't evade, just stepped on the stone tablet with his right foot.


A vibrating sound suddenly sounded in the void, and then a group of magic light emerged from the white-haired demon and enveloped the white-haired demon inside.


The divine stele in Ziyang Tiandi's hand smashed fiercely on the mask of the white-haired demon's body, and an unexpected scene appeared. Ziyang Tiandi was shocked and moved away. The purple divine stele in his hand Almost took off and flew out.


When everyone saw this, they were all shocked. You know, Ziyang Heavenly Emperor is a saint, and with a blow of anger, he can't break the magic light of the demon's body.

Under the protection of the magic light of the protective body, the white-haired demon didn't seem to have received any impact at all, and there was a sneer of disdain on his face.

At this time, the person who was most shocked was definitely Ziyang Tiandi. He never thought that the other party was so powerful, could it be that he was a peerless great demon in the realm of Emperor Ji.

He immediately denied this idea of ​​his own. You must know that if the opponent is a peerless great demon of the Emperor Extreme rank, it will not take any effort to kill them. He will definitely not talk so much nonsense with them.

"If you have any ability, just show it off."

The white-haired demon said that he hooked his finger towards Ziyang Heavenly Emperor and said disdainfully.

"you wanna die."

Ever had Ziyang Tiandi ever been so despised, his eyes were red, and then he smashed the white-haired demon standing on the stone with the **** monument in his hand.

This blow was more powerful than the previous one. There were hundreds of millions of purple lights on the purple monument, like a round of purple sun appearing between this dim sky and the earth, covering the area of ​​100,000 miles. The devilish energy dissipated.


At this moment, there was a roar of beasts in the depths of the devil earth, and I don't know how many powerful and terrifying beasts were alarmed.

"Xianzun is ruthless, really terrible."

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked, and then Gu Fei and the others protected everyone back to the distance, avoiding the mighty fluctuations of power from the sky.

However, this time, the **** monument in Ziyang Tiandi's hand passed through the magic light on the head of the white-haired demon in an instant, "touch." With a sound, a powerful force erupted from the **** monument, the demon's head It was hit directly into the chest cavity.


When everyone saw this scene, their eyes almost fell to the ground.

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