Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2418: Demon monument broken

The demon standing on the stele was very powerful and didn't seem to put everyone in his eyes at all. However, it was such a demon who was smashed into his chest by the stele of Ziyang Heavenly Emperor.

"Little devil boy, crazy in front of Lao Tzu, you are not qualified."

Ziyang Tiandi shook the right hand of the divine stele. He wanted to obliterate the white-haired demon directly. Nine immortal patterns were intertwined on the divine stele, which aroused the power of immortality.


The **** monument shook, and a wave of destruction spread from the **** monument, and the white-haired demon's body instantly cracked and cracked.

However, at this moment, a powerful and boundless magic power erupted from the white-haired demon, and a black light emerged on his body.


The powerful magic power is like 100,000 volcanoes erupting at the same time, and the unimaginable magic power directly shook Ziyang Tiandi away.


The surprise of Ziyang Tiandi was really extraordinary. At this time, he finally knew why this devil boy was so confident and daring to contend with everyone.

It turned out that this huge mountain-like stone monument at the feet of the white-haired demon contained an unimaginable magic power.

The white-haired demon is using the power of the stone tablet to contend with himself.


Ziyang Tiandi couldn't help changing its color. At this moment, the head of the white-haired demon that was smashed into the chest rose from the chest again, and the collapsed frontal bone was quickly repaired.

But in an instant, the white-haired demon recovered completely, as if he had never been injured.


Above the sky, everyone was surprised to see this scene. This demon's demon body is very powerful and has a strong ability to repair itself.

"It was the most mysterious and unpredictable "No" among the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao, but today I have gained insights."

There was blood flickering in the blood-colored pupils of the white-haired demon, his words were extremely cold, and a series of magic patterns loomed on his pale face, very strange.

It turned out that Ziyang Tiandi was able to break through the protective magic light outside of the white-haired demon, not because the power of his blow was so great that he ignored everything, but because he secretly used the word "no".

The "Wu" character in the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao can turn everything in the world into nothingness. It is the power of the "Wu" character to break the magic light of the body of the white-haired demon.

"'No' word secret."

Among the crowd, except for Gu Fei, the Bulai Yaotong, and the Southern Heavenly God Venerable, everyone was shocked. They knew that Ziyang Heavenly Emperor had the nine secrets of immortality, and it was the most mysterious and unpredictable one.

"Since I know that I have the secret of the word'nothing,' then you devil boy can't come to die."

Ziyang Tiandi was shaken thousands of feet away by the demon power that erupted from the white-haired demon. He stood in the void, coldly looking at the white-haired demon standing on the stone tablet, and there was something in his eyes. Purple Dao patterns are looming.

"Hmph, although the word ‘No’ is powerful, it is not an invincible supreme skill."

Above the stone tablet, the white-haired demon said coldly, with a hint of arrogance on his face.

Didn't this demon actually put the "Wu" word secret in his eyes? Could it be that this demon actually mastered a magical secret technique that could compete with the "Wu" word secret.

Everyone couldn't help but feel shocked.

The Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao are the supreme great art created by the Supreme Dao Ancestor's Evolution Dao. The mystery art that can compete with this supreme immortal art can only work with the secret art created by the supreme demon road.

The supreme demon in the magic way is the supreme demon ancestor bred from the chaos.

"is it."

Hearing the words, the Emperor Ziyang said in a deep voice, and then, he stopped talking nonsense with the white-haired demon, he directly forced the white-haired demon standing on the stone tablet step by step.


When Ziyang Tiandi took the first step, the whole world began to shake. When Ziyang Tiandi took the second step, his aura had soared to its peak state.

When the third step was taken, Ziyang Tiandi had already arrived in front of the white-haired demon standing on the stone tablet and pressed his hands forward.


Void shook, and a mighty immortal power came from the hands of Ziyang Heavenly Emperor, and instantly enveloped the entire world, enveloping the white-haired demon with the stone monument at his feet.

Then, the void was silently annihilated, everything that was enveloped by this immortal power was destroyed, and even the void of heaven and earth was turned into nothingness.

Under this immortal power, nothing can remain.

"This is the power of the word'no' secret."

When everyone saw this scene, they were very nervous. You must know that the power of the most mysterious first secret among the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao was unfolding before their eyes.

Throughout the ages, I am afraid that not many people have seen the power of the word "wu" with their own eyes.


The white-haired demon sneered. He stepped on the stone tablet with his right foot, and the entire stone tablet as huge as a mountain shook slightly. The next moment, a peerless and powerful magic power erupted from the stone tablet.


The white-haired demon aroused the power of the stele, and the next moment, his body was shining with magic light, and the terrifying magic power erupted from his body.

"Devil destroys the world."

The white-haired demon roared and displayed the great magic of the demon clan, only to see that between his hands waving, a wave of destruction that would change the color of the heavens came from his hands.

A huge demon shadow emerged on the body of the white-haired demon, and the demon shadow roared up to the sky, revealing a terrifying demon power that destroys the world.


The white-haired demon attracted the strongest magic power. It is really hard to imagine how powerful this power is. The endless magic patterns are imprinted in the void, and it actually resists the power of "no" secret.

"What..., how could it be..."

At this moment, Ziyang Tiandi was really moved. He was not shocked by the opponent's methods, but by the stone monument at the feet of the opponent.

No matter how strong the little demon cub in front of him is, he is just a demon, but the stone stele under his feet is very extraordinary, and there is an extremely weak aura of the supreme demon.

Even though this strand of Demon Dao Supreme's energy is very weak, it is enough to make Ziyang Heavenly Emperor feel great pressure and threat.

You know, in front of the Supreme, all creatures are ants, no one can challenge the supreme majesty, of course, no one dares to challenge the supreme.

"I don't believe that I can't turn you demon boy."

Ziyang Tiandi said angrily, the strength of the opponent aroused his fighting spirit, his hands danced, and a series of immortal patterns flew out of his hands, branded into the void.

The power of the word "Wu" was exploding, and the magic patterns in the void began to dim, and then was completely wiped out by the power of the word "Wu".

"What a secret of the word'no'."

Seeing this scene, the white-haired demon couldn't help feeling awe-inspiring. This Ziyang Immortal Venerable is indeed a well-deserved reputation. Although it is a closed disciple of the Supreme Dao Ancestor, it is definitely not weaker than other Immortal Venerables.

The Nine Immortal Venerables under the Ancestor Seat of the Supreme Dao are powerful immortals who have followed the Ancestor of the Supreme Dao for endless years. Every immortal Venerable possesses great supernatural powers and can be the overlord of one party.

Of course, throughout the ages, there have been many immortal Dao people who can become immortals, and these people are all disciples and grandchildren of the Supreme Dao Ancestor.

The Nine Immortal Venerables under the ancestor seat of the Supreme Dao were the first immortal Venerables between the world and the earth, and they were called the Primitive Nine Immortal Venerables by later generations.

Although the white-haired demon's background is not small, he did not dare to be careless when facing the Ziyang Emperor.

Seeing the Ziyang Emperor's cruelty, the white-haired demon immediately mobilized the magic power in his body, stimulating the magic power contained in the stone stele under his feet, and the magic pattern imprinted in the void around him immediately gave out a bright black light.

The two forces were colliding and canceling each other, and for a while, no one could help anyone.

However, Gu Fei and others have already seen that the long battle is very detrimental to the Ziyang Emperor. You must know that the white-haired demon stepped on the stone stele, and the stone stele can continuously provide the white-haired demon with strength.

"What it is."

Gu Fei asked Nantian God.

"This one……"

The **** of Nantian pondered. He didn't know why there was a powerful magic power hidden in this stele. There was absolutely weirdness in this stele.


Gu Fei flipped his right hand, and a stone tablet appeared in his hand, the same as a stone tablet, but there was an inexplicable Taoist rhyme in the stone tablet in his hand.

This is Gu Fei's Three Boundary Monument from Huangquan Demon Region.


Without hesitation, Gu Fei directly urged the Three Boundary Monument in his hand, and a powerful wave immediately erupted above the Three Boundary Monument in his hand.


Void shook, and three hazy heavens and earth appeared around the Three Boundary Monument, and a force capable of piercing the void of the heaven and earth came out from the Three Boundary Monument.

When he got this stone tablet, Gu Fei had already guessed that besides the Tongtian Taoist platform, this stone tablet should be another supreme sacred object that could open the way to the sky.

These Three Boundary Monuments are not attack-type supreme sacred objects, but they can evolve into the void world.

Void trembles, and the three hazy worlds are rapidly expanding, and then they all shrouded in front of the huge stone monument like a mountain.

Gu Fei wanted to put the stone tablet into the Three Realm Tablet, and then suppress it with the Three Realm Tablet.

"this is……"

The white-haired demon who was confronting Ziyang Tiandi saw the Three Boundary Stele in Gu Fei's hand, and couldn't help feeling shocked. He seemed to know the origin of the Three Boundary Stele.

While shocked, the white-haired demon desperately attracted the power of the demon stele at his feet, and then directly shattered the void with his tyrannical force, escaped into the void, and disappeared.


When everyone saw this scene, they couldn't help being very surprised.


Just as the three hazy worlds emerging from the Three Realms Monument enveloped the magic monument, there was a loud noise above the magic monument, and the whole magic monument collapsed.


Everyone can't help being surprised when they see this scene.

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