Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2419: The price of awakening the soul

Gu Fei urged the Three Boundary Monument to take the magic monument into the Three Boundary Monument and suppress it with the Three Boundary Monument.

However, just as the three hazy worlds emerging from the Three Realms Monument were about to envelop the magic monument, the magic monument suddenly exploded.


The heaven and the earth shook, it seemed that the entire demon earth shook together, and the endless demon energy came out, and instantly enveloped the whole world.


Amidst the billowing demon energy, there was a creepy demon roar, and a series of black shadows loomed in the demon energy, hideous and terrifying.

The three hazy worlds emerging from the Three Worlds Monument were directly dissipated in the void by this magical power. The Three Worlds Monument shook and flew back to Gu Fei's hands.

At this time, the Ziyang Heavenly Emperor had already retreated far away. Seeing this scene, Ziyang Heaven and Earth was shocked to the extreme, and the aura of Demon Dao Supreme erupted.

Demon Ancestor Supreme, that is the most powerful existence in the world, a ray of Qi is enough to crush the entire world.

The devilish energy tumbling violently, finally condensed into a huge head, that is the head of a vicious devil with double horns.

The aura of the supreme demon ancestor appeared between heaven and earth, shocking everyone to the extreme. The powerful demon aura gave people a feeling of collapse.

Too strong, even a saint can hardly give birth to a thought of resistance at this moment. This is an absolutely powerful force, and no one can compete with it.


The Three Boundary Monument shook in Gu Fei's hands, and a wave of fluctuations spread from the Three Boundary Monument, and instantly enveloped everyone in it.

At this moment, all the talents breathed a sigh of relief, and the breath of the supreme demon ancestor that could suffocate people immediately disappeared.

"what happened."

Some people open the heavenly eyes and want to see the devil qi, but even those who have cultivated into the heavenly eyes can hardly see the devil qi, and don't know what's going on inside.

Even Gu Fei's martial arts eyes could hardly see the devilish energy.


Gu Fei stared at the huge devil head in front of him, and he could feel that this demon aura was the same as the aura of the supreme demon ancestor that appeared in the devil city.

Is there a demon body of the Supreme Demon Race in the demon stele?

In the black coffin in the devil city before, there was a hand of the demon ancestor, which almost caused the iron-blooded Taoist to suffer a great loss, and also made the Southern Sky God Venerable incomparable.

"Are those things again."

Heavenly Emperor Ziyang was shocked to the extreme at this time. Although he was an ancient immortal, a closed disciple of the Supreme Dao ancestor, when faced with this kind of existence, he knew that he was definitely not much better than the ant.

Once followed the Supreme Dao ancestor, Ziyang Tiandi knew very well the power of Supreme.

Sunset Demon Ancestor In the era of Yaoyue, one of the most powerful demon ancestors in the world, the Sunset Demon Race once prospered incomparably and dominated one side.

However, when the ancient catastrophe came, the Sunset Demon Ancestor died in battle.

Legend has it that some people were afraid that the demon ancestor of the setting sun would resurrect in the future, so they buried his demon identity in different places. However, at this time, the Ziyang Emperor felt that this legend might be true.


The devilish energy was mighty, the huge devil's head dissipated in the void, however, a stronger devilish breath broke out from the devilish energy.


A big foot stepped directly out of the devilish energy, and they stepped down towards Gu Fei, and the black magic patterns lingered on the big foot.

"The right foot is a right foot."

The Jagged Taoist exclaimed.

Mozu's right foot.

Gu Fei's heart was shaking. He had a bad premonition. It seemed that someone had arranged all this in secret, and then let himself jump in. He had a feeling of being calculated.

At this time, everyone gathered behind Gu Fei, even the three holy ones.

"How to do."

Yan'er, who was standing next to Gu Fei, looked at the big foot that had stepped down from the sky and said.

"I want to know who is behind the scenes."

When Gu Fei was talking, he directly triggered the power of the Three Realm Monument to protect his body, and then, a mouthful of Gu Ding rushed out of his body and quickly grew in size.


With a vibrating sound, a great chaos and majestic aura came out of the ancient cauldron. The chaos and majesty aura formed a whirlpool and swallowed it toward the big foot that had stepped on it.


A wave of divine consciousness uploaded from the big foot, and a magical shadow emerged from the big foot, looking at the big cauldron below in surprise.

"Shanheding, I didn't expect endless years to disappear, and then reborn."

Moying said such words.

At this time, Gu Fei bit the tip of his tongue and sprayed a mouthful of blood on the mountain and river tripod.


When Shanhe Ding absorbed Gu Fei's sip of blood, the swallowing power that came out of the Shanhe Ding instantly increased several times, and it had the power to swallow the entire world into the cauldron.


The demon shadow that emerged from the right foot of the demon ancestor roared, shattering a void, and directly rushed out, out of the envelope of the power of Shanhe Ding.

"So strong."

Gu Fei was taken aback. Although the Ding Soul in the Cauldron of Mountains and Rivers hadn't awakened yet, such power was enough to swallow the Lord into the Cauldron.

This can only be said that the right foot of the Demon Ancestor is really too strong, although there is a trace of the Demon Ancestor's remnant soul, it is not comparable to that of the Lord.

"Where to escape."

Gu Fei roared, and then spit out another mouthful of blood. He wanted to use his blood as a guide to awaken the sleeping Ding Soul among the mountains and rivers.

Once the Ding Soul awakens, it is like a supreme being appearing between the heaven and the earth, unless the true Demon Ancestor of the Extreme Dao descends, otherwise, the remnant soul of the Demon Ancestor will be unlucky.

"Huh, do you want to wake up the soul of the device."

The knowledge of Demon Ancestor Remnant Soul was extraordinary, but in an instant, he knew what Gu Fei wanted to do, and it was absolutely impossible for him to successfully awaken the Cauldron Soul.

"Purgatory Devil Heaven."

The Demon Ancestor Remnant Soul roared, and directly used the supreme great technique, countless magic lines rushed out of the devil soul, and then imprinted between the heaven and the earth.


The void was shattered and annihilated. The void of heaven and earth that was shrouded in magic patterns turned into a terrifying demon realm in an instant, and the demon shadows loomed in the demon energy, rushing towards Gu Fei and the others.

At this time, Gu Fei and the others felt that the universe had turned upside down, as if they had entered another world. The remnant soul of the Demon Ancestor had directly evolved into a Purgatory Demon Heaven.


At this time, the Three Realms Monument that Gu Fei had bought suddenly flew up and hovered over the people's heads, and the bright light spread from the Three Realms Monument, enshrouding everyone in it.


A magical shadow rushed and directly hit the hazy light shield outside the people, and was shocked by the power from the light shield and dissipated into the void.

Seeing this scene, everyone was relieved, at least they are not in any danger now.

"What's the matter, why is this ghost so familiar."

In the darkness, the fluctuating spirit of the demon soul spread over, and a voice rang in everyone's hearts.

"Gu Fei, there are so many good things on your fellow."

Yan'er said enviously, although she also has a sacred artifact, her own Qiankun Ding and Gu Fei's supreme sacred artifact are not at the same level.

"Well, my luck is better than others."

Gu Fei said.

Everyone couldn't help feeling very depressed. Gu Fei's luck was not better than others, but he didn't know how much he got better. You must know that even the existence of the Saint-level Saints of the Extreme Way is difficult to possess.

But Gu Fei was just a holy king, but he mastered the four great sacred artifacts. Such luck is definitely against the sky.

At this time, the remnant soul of the demon ancestor seemed to think of something, but he was not so sure. The memory of a remnant soul was very limited. Unless all the remnants of the soul were merged together again, this demon ancestor could completely restore the memories of the past. Come.


The power of the Demon Ancestor level came from all directions towards Gu Fei and the others, and the magic pattern sealed the void of heaven and earth, turning a void into a demon purgatory.

The power of Shanhe Ding was suppressed, and the vortex formed by the gasification of the chaos and magnum showed signs of dissipating.

"Master, this..."

When did Chilong and Yaoyue witness this scene? They seemed to be trapped in a world of heaven and earth, unable to escape at all, only waiting to die.

"If this goes on, we will all die."

Zhuge Liang's voice trembled, and he, who had always been calm, couldn't sit still at this moment.

The expressions of the three great sages were also extremely solemn. They knew that if Gu Fei couldn't awaken the Ding Soul in the mountains and rivers, they would confess their lives here today.

The old Yaotong flipped his right hand, and the Xuanwu seal appeared in his hand immediately.

Nine small worlds emerged from the body of the Nantian God Venerable, which was a kind of heaven-defying divine art cultivated by the Nantian God Venerable, the nine realms of the gods.

On the top of Ziyang Tiandi's head, there was a purple divine stele suspended, and nine immortal patterns emerged on the divine stele, and a breath of supreme immortality came out from the divine stele.

His monument is not simple, it has the aura of the Supreme Immortal Dao.


The Three Realms Monument was shaking, and the divine light outside everyone was shrinking, suppressed by the magical power of the outer world, which kept shrinking the space that could be enveloped.


Gu Fei was fierce in his heart. He gritted his teeth and spewed out eleven mouthfuls of essence and blood one after another. In addition to the original mouthful of essence and blood, he spewed out a total of twelve mouthfuls of essence and blood.

These twelve mouthfuls of blood all fell on the mountain and river cauldron, submerged in the mountain and river cauldron, and the void was filled with a **** smell.

After spitting out these twelve mouthfuls of blood, Gu Fei's face had become extremely pale, without a trace of blood.

"Why wake me up again."

At the moment when the twelfth mouth of blood was sprayed on the mountain and river tripod, a voice rang in Gu Fei's heart. Hearing this voice, Gu Fei suddenly sighed in relief, revealing a voice that is worse than crying. Come with a smile.

Nima, the price is too high.

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