Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2425: Indestructible warfare

The moment when the demon spider stone statue and another demon statue holding a big sword stepped on the road leading to the sunset devil's cave in Gu Fei's immortal battle body, it seemed to be alive, and it was extremely powerful. The fluctuation of the power of the magic way.

The Demon Spider pushed Gu Fei's indestructible body back with one shot.


Seeing this scene, everyone's mind was shaken. You must know that Gu Fei's immortal battle body is a powerful existence of the holy order, with immortal divinity inside, and its combat power is far more powerful than ordinary saints.

Even if it is against the existence of the high-ranking saint, even if it can't win, it will not be cut off.


Gu Fei's indestructible battle body roared, directly showing the eight-step speed rising into the sky, and then stepped down towards the huge magic spider.


The void shook, and a destructive force came out from under his feet, and the entire void under his feet collapsed downwards, and then collapsed, transforming into a more powerful destructive force and shrouded towards the demon spider.


Without any suspense, the devil spider was too huge, Gu Fei's immortal combat body stepped on the devil spider's back with one foot, and the powerful force burst out instantly.

Countless cracks appeared on the demon spider's back immediately, as if it was about to break apart in the next moment, and traces of demonic energy were vented from those cracks.


Just when the Immortal War Body stepped on the back of the Demon Spider, a dull light slashed towards the Immortal War Body from the side.

The demon stone statue shot, the big sword in his hand turned into a black light and flashed quickly in the void, wherever it passed, the void was split into a pitch-black space crack.


The Indestructible Fighter swung his fist without dodge or evade, and greeted the sword light that came from the chopping, and hit the fierce sword light with one punch.

A strong force was uploaded from the sword of light, and the sleeve on the right arm of the Immortal Battle Body was instantly shattered into hundreds of pieces, flying in the air.

Indestructible Zhanti flew over a thousand feet away. When he stabilized his body, he looked down and saw that there was a sword mark on his right fist.

"What a powerful magic sword energy."

The indestructible battle body can't help being surprised. You must know that this battle body of yours is immortal, and few people can hurt this indestructible battle body.

At this time, the sword light in the hand of the demon stone statue rushed for tens of thousands of meters, chasing and killing the immortal war body that flew out horizontally, smashing the whole world with a sword in half.

The sky-shaking sword light descended from the sky, reaching its extreme point. The Immortal War Body hurriedly stepped out with both hands and clamped the sword light that had been split with both palms.


The sword light shook, and a wave of sword light that was extremely powerful was swept away, almost shaking the palms of the indestructible battle body.


The Indestructible War Body felt a great deal of pressure, and the sword light caught between his palms almost fell off, and the sword energy had already penetrated into his arms.


The immortal war body roared, his head full of long hair dancing frantically, a shocking power erupted from his body, and endless runes loomed on his body.

The next moment, the arms of the Indestructible Battle Body gave out brilliant golden lights, and the sword light was actually "Boom!" It was broken by the Indestructible Battle Body, turned into a little magic light, and disappeared into the void. Among.

The big sword you gave in the hands of the demon statue shattered.


The demon sword shattered, and then directly hit the indestructible battle body with a fist, blasting the indestructible battle body thousands of feet away, almost falling apart.

"So strong!"

This fist of the demon almost shattered the wisps of spirit of Gu Fei who had settled in the body of Indestructible War.

"Give me!"

The Indestructible Battle Body hurriedly used the "No" word mystery to remove all the demon energy that had invaded his body, and endless runes emerged on his body, intertwined with mysterious and mysterious patterns.


The power of the indestructible battle body was recovering, and the sound of wind and thunder came from his body, and the earth-shaking fighting spirit erupted from his body.

"Unexpectedly, the power of the Indestructible War Body is so powerful."

At this moment, even Gu Fei couldn't help being moved, and he realized that his understanding of this immortal battle body was still far from enough!


The immortal combat body stepped on eight wild steps, showing the world's extreme speed, turning into a golden light, and instantly rushed to the front of the demon stone statue, pressing a palm on the stone man's head.


Void shook, a cloud of celestial light spread from the right hand of the immortal battle body, and instantly enveloped the entire huge stone statue of the demon.

Then, a scene that stunned everyone appeared. The huge stone statue of the demon started from the head, but was gradually melted away. From the head to the shoulders and body, the entire statue of the demon disappeared into the void. Among.


Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked to the extreme, an extremely powerful stone statue of a demon was so mysteriously secreted by the immortal war body with the word "None".

Just when the indestructible battle body transformed the stone statue of the demon, the demon spider had already killed it, and the eight sharp claws pierced the void towards the indestructible battle body.

The power of the "Wu" word secret spread from the body of the indestructible combat body, and the void was annihilated, and the eight sharp claws of the devil spider directly pierced into the misty light of the "Wu" word secret.

Without any suspense, the eight sharp claws of the Demon Spider were also directly destroyed by the power of the word "No".


The indestructible battle body rushed up and blasted out with a punch, directly blasting the demon spider to pieces, and the magic patterns dissipated in the void.

The powerful and incomparable monster stone statue was destroyed by the indestructible body, which made the twelve great bandits and others stunned, even the iron-blooded Taoist had been unable to speak for a long time.

The indestructible battle body is full of golden light, like a round of golden divine sun appearing between the dim heaven and earth, the aura from the four directions converges, and all of it sinks into his body.

Without any scruples, the Indestructible Battle Body continued to move forward, only a few hundred meters away on the avenue, and two stone statues on both sides of the avenue came to life.

This time, the magical aura from the two stone statues of monsters is much stronger than the two stone statues before, and it is impossible to compare with them.

Compared with the two stone statues, the two stone statues just now looked like small ones, but the two stone statues were big ones.


A unicorn golem moved, and directly stepped on the immortal combat body.

The Immortal War Body quickly avoided.


At this moment, a demon claw fell from the sky and grabbed it toward the fast-moving indestructible battle body. Above the big hand, a demon fire leaked out, burning the void. If it was caught by this demon claw, it would be burned to ashes by the demon fire.

Another stone statue was shot. This is a tyrannosaurus golem. The huge claws are as big as a hill, and all the way out of the indestructible battle body is sealed.

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