Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2426: One hundred and eight magic

The ancient tyrannosaurus was a branch of the dragon family, extremely powerful, and the demonized tyrannosaurus was a terrifying tool for killing.

Although this tyrannosaurus golem was not the real tyrannosaurus, it was also extremely powerful. The giant claws shot from the air and directly shattered the void, even the chaotic energy was beaten out.


Gu Fei's indestructible battle body was surrounded by golden awns, like a five-element **** from ancient times, the golden rune in his eyes was disillusioned.

He roared, his right fist struck out directly, his long hair danced wildly, and powerful force was converging towards his fist. The head of his fist turned into a round of golden sun, illuminating the dim world.

This is definitely a powerful combat power comparable to the Holy Emperor, the immortal battle body blasted out with one punch, directly shook the void of heaven and earth, with a big punch that blasted the sky out of a hole.


The fist of the indestructible battle body and the giant claws of the Tyrannosaurus that fell from the sky blasted fiercely together, and the two powerful forces collided together, erupting a loud and deafening noise.

Endless golden runes emerged on the body of the indestructible battle body, the runes were intertwined, and aroused a peerless and powerful force. In the body of the indestructible battle body, there were great sounds of divine sounds coming out, as if the Supreme Supreme was chanting.


The magic dragon and golem were roaring, and the world was shaking in this roar. Above the tyrannosaurus claws, there were similar magic patterns emerging, which aroused the strongest magic power.


The feet of the Immortal War Body sank, and the entire ground shook violently, but it did not collapse. However, the road paved with black boulders around his feet cracked.

"Well, this avenue doesn't seem simple."

In the distance, when everyone saw this scene, they couldn't help but be surprised. You must know that if such a powerful force bursts out, even a mountain may be crushed by the indestructible body.

However, this seemingly ordinary avenue was only cracked with some cracks.

At this time, the indestructible battle body that resisted the blow of the Tyrannosaurus demon was flashed with bright golden lights. These lights, like golden lightning, were around the indestructible battle body. Wind around.

The Immortal Battle Body roared, and a more powerful force burst out from his fist.


The giant tyrannosaurus claws were shaken away, and even this tyrannosaurus retreated more than a dozen steps involuntarily, and the ground that it stepped on was shaking with every step.

Seeing this scene, even Gu Fei was shocked. This indestructible battle body could burst out such a powerful combat power, which was beyond his expectations.

Could this be the true power of this indestructible battle body.

The voice of the Great Dao radiated from the body of the Indestructible Battle Body gradually increased, and it seemed that an unimaginable force broke through a certain seal and was released.

Even Gu Fei couldn't figure out why this change happened in the body of the Undestructed War Body.

At this time, this indestructible battle body was like a supreme God of War descending into the world, extremely powerful, invincible, and capable of slaying all evil demons.

Cracks appeared on the huge claws of the Tyrannosaurus, almost shattered.

The immortal combat body is too strong, like the carrier of the avenue incarnate, the voice of the avenue is heard in the body, and the power of the avenue is surging, he directly kills the magic unicorn.


With just a palm shot, the demon unicorn was shaken away, and the unicorn horn above his head shattered into the void, and numerous cracks appeared on the physical body.

"There is no suspense in this battle."

Seeing this scene, the old Yaotong and others knew that the immortal battle body could sweep these two monsters.

Sure enough, the fierce and violent tyrannosaurus was smashed into tens of millions of pieces by the indestructible body, turned into a pile of broken stones, and scattered on the ground.

And the demon unicorn was also stepped down from the sky by the immortal war body, and the huge stone body smashed into the avenue leading to the sunset magic cave.


On a mountain peak in front of the sunset, there was an exclamation. On the mountain peak, stood a figure, a mysterious person wrapped in black clothes, surrounded by demonic energy, the pair exposed outside. Scarlet pupils are watching the battle ahead.

"These people are much stronger than imagined."

The black demon was talking to himself, with blood flickering in his pupils.

At this time, the Indestructible War Body pushed forward, and the golem revived, and it fought against the Indestructible War Body.

However, the battle power of the immortal battle body was still soaring, and soon broke through the holy emperor's realm, and entered the threshold of the holy emperor. The powerful combat power made the world tremble.

The two golems were still bombarded and killed by the indestructible battle body, and the trace of the magic path imprint contained in the golem disappeared into the void.

By this time, the Immortal Battle Body had already wiped out the six golems, and the more you go forward, the stronger the golems you encounter.

When the immortal battle body came in front of the fourth pair of golems, two magical auras that made the world tremble came out from the two golems.


One of the golems roared up to the sky, and the huge sound wave actually roared the void out of a series of pitch-black space cracks, almost breaking.

"this is……"

When everyone following the immortal battle body sensed these two magical auras, they couldn't help changing their colors.

"Beyond the holy emperor's monster, the background of this sunset magic cave is really terrifying."

Gu Fei was muttering to himself that these two golems were actually powerful existences at the Sovereign level. It seemed that the Immortal War Body had encountered a powerful opponent this time.

He looked forward, and there were still huge figures standing in front of him. Before reaching the sunset magic cave, he didn't know how many such golems could be encountered.


Without any hesitation, the Indestructible War Body shot directly, and fought against the two powerful golems of the Sovereign Grade.

This battle was extremely fierce. After half an hour, the Immortal War Body paid the price of being shattered by half of its body, finally smashing the two monsters to pieces, cutting off the marks of the two magic paths.

The immortal divinity in Indestructible Zhan's body, the shattered half of his body healed in a blink of an eye, as if he had never been injured.

This kind of combat power shocked the three great sages such as the Old Demon Tong. You know, even if he took the shot, it would not be easy to destroy the two stone statues.

The immortal combat body pushed all the way, the fifth pair, the sixth pair, until he reached the seventh pair of golems, he had to use the human emperor's mace.

As soon as the human emperor's divine mace came out, the disadvantages of the immortal war body were immediately gone.

However, on both sides of this avenue, there were a total of 108 stone statues. It was not easy for Gu Fei and the others to enter the Devil's Cave of the Sunset.

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