Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2443: Kunpeng hits the sky

There is no doubt that the Kunpeng clan is powerful. The black-robed middle-aged Kun Huang is an extremely powerful saint. There are two saints of the Kunpeng clan.

This is something that other big clans on Luoxingzhou can't imagine, one clan and two holy veterans, this is why the old demon boy is also scrupulous about three points of this clan.


At this time, the immortal demon boy shot, and a big seal flew from his hand, and the mighty emperor's power came out. Around him, a black sea emerged, and a basalt shadow loomed in the black sea. .


Without hesitation, the old demon boy sacrificed the Xuanwu seal and blasted towards the large formation in front of him. The emperor's power exploded, and the Kunpeng ancestral formation in front shook.

Amidst the monstrous black waves, a basalt burst out of the waves and directly rushed into the ancestral formation of the Kunpeng clan.

This scene shocked everyone, and they all watched this scene nervously. Even the holy sovereign of the Kunpeng clan, Kun Huang, was staring at the Xuanwu seal that had arrived after the bombardment.


With a muffled sound, the huge basalt shadow instantly slammed into the Kunpeng clan's ancestral formation, the powerful emperor's power erupted, and the entire Kunpeng ancestral formation shook.

In the void, a series of ancient Dao patterns emerged, intertwined into a series of mysterious Dao pictures, which drew the strongest emperor's power and resisted the blow of the Xuanwu Seal.

"Don't waste your effort."

Kun Huang said coldly, the ancestral formation of the Kunpeng clan has guarded the Kunpeng clan for endless years, and it is not so easy to be broken.

"is it."

In the Black Sea, the old demon boy stood on the waves, his eyes became cold and severe, the whole body bloomed with demon light, and the nine saints' Dao patterns appeared on his body.


The Xuanwu seal flew up, and the spiritual energy from all directions of heaven and earth gathered like crazy. The Nine Daohuangji Dao patterns emerged on the Xuanwu seal, like nine small Xuanwu, flowing on the Xuanwu seal.


The Xuanwu Seal turned into a huge Xuanwu like a mountain, the whole body bloomed with the emperor's Daoguang, and the whole world seemed to collapse.

The emperor **** stunned the heavens. At this moment, the endless creatures on the entire Falling Star Continent felt a kind of fear that originated from the depths of their souls.

All the creatures knelt down in the direction where the Xuanwu Seal was, as if they were knocking their heads towards the Supreme Emperor.


At the same time, the Kunpeng clan’s ancestral formation made a sound of trembling, endless Dao patterns were intertwined, a giant fish appeared on the Kunpeng clan’s ancestral formation, and then turned into a big Peng, soaring towards the sky. Xuanwu rushed away.

The Kunpeng clan's ancestral formation can not only defend, but also counterattack. This is the strongest Kunpeng power, the power of a collision, even the stars in the sky will be directly crushed.

This is Kunpeng's world-destroying power that strikes the sky, terrifying to the extreme.

The two imperial powers collided together. This was definitely a disaster. The mighty aftermath shook the entire Luoxingzhou, and even Gu Fei, who was in retreat, was shocked.

"what happened."

In the stone chamber of the ancestral land of the demon clan, Gu Fei was cultivating the great technique of returning to the original state. At this time, the emperor's coercion came and made him almost into the devil.

This kind of supreme-level great technique, when practicing, cannot be disturbed, it is as strong as Gu Fei, but it is still affected, and a trace of blood oozes from the corner of his mouth.

Two brilliant lights burst into his eyes. At this time, how could there be such a powerful force on Luoxingzhou.

Gu Fei didn't know about the Kunpeng clan before retreating.

"It's the Xuanwu Seal, who is the immortal demon boy fighting with?"

Gu Fei was talking to himself, he was not familiar with the breath of Xuanwu Seal, but another wave of power that was not weaker than Xuanwu Seal was very strange.

"what's going on."

Yan'er also walked out of the cultivating place. This kind of imperial coercion made her feel a great pressure, and it was difficult for her to calm down and cultivate.

"The Kunpeng clan has rebelled."

Some old demons among the demons were talking to themselves.

At this time, outside the ancestral land of the Kunpeng clan, the Jagged Daoist led the army back and avoided thousands of miles away, but even so, the emperor's coercion was still extremely powerful, making him feel suffocated as a saint.

Luoxingzhou is different from the sunset magic cave, where the power of chaos is shrouded and isolated from the power of the scourge, and here, the power of the scourge still exists.

No one dared to unlock the seal on the body here and restore the cultivation of the holy rank.


There were bursts of thunder from the sky, and dazzling lightning appeared on the sky. This is definitely not a good thing. This is a sign that the power of the sky is about to come.

The power of the Xuanwu Seal and the power of the Kunpeng Ancestral Array have surpassed the holy ranks, and the power of the scourge of the human world has been touched.

No one can surpass the power of the Scourge, not even an enlightened saint, unless he has the most powerful means like the Emperor Jiang, to ignore the power of the Scourge.

However, in this human world, there are so many supreme existences like Jiang Renhuang. The reason why Jiang Renhuang is still in the human world is an accident.

At this time, the old demon boy had already felt the threat from above the sky, and above the sky, it was as if a supreme being was looking down at him.

The old demon boy felt his heart palpitations. He knew that he was about to cross the red line. Once he crossed the red line, the power of Heaven's Scourge would ruthlessly obliterate himself.

The power of condemnation that day is beyond the existence of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth. Even if it is as powerful as a holy sovereign, it is difficult to contend with this power. If there is no accident, the power of condemnation will be lowered, and the immortal demon boy will be destroyed.

"Damn it."

The old demon boy was very unwilling, but he was unwilling to take risks. The power of the scourge was terrible, he had a certain understanding, not that he knew nothing.

He can only take back the Xuanwu seal.

The powerful emperor's power retreated like a tide, and then sank into the Xuanwu Seal.

At this time, Kun Huang, a black-robed middle-aged man of the Kunpeng clan, also sensed the fluctuations in the power of Heaven's Scourge, which shocked him extremely, and this power shocked his mind.

The overwhelming emperor's coercion was dissipating, and at this time, the entire creatures on Luoxingzhou breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hmph, I said, don't waste your effort."

Kun Huang stared at the old demon boy who retreated and said.

"The imperial power has disappeared."

When the Immortal Demon Boy took back the Xuanwu Seal, in the ancestral land of the Demon Race, Gu Feigang wanted to get out of the retreat, but he sensed that the emperor's power retreated like a tide.

After that, he didn't step out of the stone room, and then sat down again, cultivating ten thousand laws to return to the soul.

"Kunpeng clan, you are less proud."

The old demon boy said, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

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