Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2444: Holy Emperor

The Kunpeng clan didn't know how powerful Gu Fei was. But the old demon boy wouldn't remind the Kunpeng clan. He hoped that the Kunpeng clan's noise would be as fierce as possible. It's best to smash the sky.

In this way, Gu Fei had to make a move. Once Gu Fei made a move, then the Kunpeng clan would not be far from being annihilated.

The old demon boy knows very well that Gu Fei can even destroy the Sunset Demon Cave. Although the Kunpeng clan is very strong, it is impossible to be stronger than the Sunset Demon Race.

"Block the entire Kunpeng clan ancestral land."

The old demon boy directly gave orders to a group of men. Then, a group of powerful demon races immediately took action, rushed to the four sides, laid a large formation, and sealed the sky and the earth.

Soon, the qi mechanism of the whole world became different. The essence of the world was aroused, and it gathered towards the large formation of the Zhenfeng Kunpeng clan.

Afterwards, the Nantian Divine Sovereign and Ziyang Tiandi also took action. There is no suspense. The ancestral land of the Kunpeng clan is shrouded in large arrays. No one can leave from the ancestral land.

The area where the Kunpeng clan's ancestors was located suddenly shocked the sky, making countless creatures afraid to approach, evading far away.

The old demon boy wanted to trap everyone in the Kunpeng clan to death in his ancestral land. However, he also knew that even if the town sealed the Kunpeng clan’s ancestral land, it would be difficult to truly trap the Kunpeng clan in the ancestral land. .

However, storming is not the solution. It takes a lot of risk.

If you accidentally crossed the red line, the power of Heaven's Scourge would be triggered. The unlucky person is himself. The old demon boy knows the consequences of the strong attack.

"Return. You are not our opponents."

The iron-blooded Taoist came out, and then shouted to everyone in the Kunpeng clan's ancestral land. His voice spread into the Kunpeng clan's ancestral land, and spread throughout the ancestral land.


On the highest mountain among the Kunpeng clan's ancestors. In Kunpeng Palace, there was a sneer. This was the voice of an old man.

As a descendant of the ancient strongest beast Kunpeng, a member of the Kunpeng clan, Kunpeng's blood is inherited in his body. Naturally, he has the capital of pride.

"It's impossible for us to surrender. Don't dream."

The voice of Kun Huang, the holy sovereign of the Kunpeng clan, sounded.

"Really. Then consume it first. Wait for my Patriarch to go out. That's when you wait for the extinction of the clan."

The Jie Xue Daoist is not in a hurry, and said indifferently.

"Haha. It's really funny. What is that Gu Fei? I heard that he is just a little saint king. You actually surrender to him. Be his lackey. You have all the skills. But you live on a dog. Up."

Kun Huang's voice of wanton laughter came from the ancestral land of the Kunpeng clan. The voice was full of disdain.


The iron-blooded Taoist couldn't help furious when he heard this, but he also knew that now, with the exception of Gu Fei, even the unold demon boy can hardly attack the ancestral land of the Kunpeng clan.

"Wait for my master to leave the customs. When you cry."

Chilong said bitterly. The other party dared to underestimate Master. Really knowing how to live and die. In his opinion, Master is definitely not so easy to be bullied. If the Kunpeng clan does too much, it is really in danger of extinction. .

"Gu Fei. It's just a little saint king. If he dares to come, I will just kill him."

Kun Huang's cold words came from the Kunpeng clan's ancestral formation.

"Too arrogant."

Outside the ancestral land of the Kunpeng clan, everyone couldn't help changing their color when they heard such words. It seems that the Kunpeng clan is in bad luck.

Everyone knows. Although Gu Fei is only a holy king. But he has the ultimate sacred soldiers in his hand. Once those ultimate sacred soldiers recover, let alone the Emperor Great Formation, even the Supreme Formation will be blocked. Can't help.

At this time, the iron-blooded Taoist no longer talked nonsense with Kun Huang. He mobilized a hundred thousand army to besiege the ancestral land of the Kunpeng clan.

However, even though they were sealed off by a large formation and surrounded by a hundred thousand army, the members of the Kunpeng clan were not so flustered, they were all calm.

In the ancestral land of the Kunpeng clan. Self-sufficient. It is not a simple matter to trap the Kunpeng clan to death in its ancestral land.

At this time, everyone had no choice but to wait until Gu Fei exited the barrier.

Time is fading. Soon. Five days have passed. During these five days, waves of fluctuations have been heard from time to time in a stone chamber in the ancestral land of the monster race.

In the stone room, Gu Fei had already understood the secret technique of returning to the origin taught to him by the gods in the mountain and river cauldron, and then began to refine the original power of the **** ancestor.

The original power of the **** ancestor is not so easy to refine. He directly used one of the nine secrets of the immortal way, the secret technique of the gods, and entered the flesh shell of the master **** ancestor with his spirit.

Then, the secret technique of returning the ten thousand faculties to the original origin was transported, and this divine ancestor flesh shell was refined from within.

Gu Fei's retreat was more than half a year. The secret technique of returning ten thousand laws to the origin was really against the sky. During this more than half a year, he had refined the original power of the ancestor in the flesh of the ancestor by 40 to 50%.

After the Chaos Martial Body swallowed 40 to 50% of the power of the ancestors, it became even stronger, directly allowing Gu Fei's cultivation to break through from the realm of the holy king to the realm of the holy emperor.

If the ancestor's original power contained in the ancestor's flesh shell can be completely refined, Gu Fei's cultivation will be able to go to a higher level and become a saint.

The chaotic martial arts continuously swallowed the power of the divine ancestor. It gradually transformed. Gu Fei could clearly sense that an immortal divinity began to appear in his own martial arts.

At this time, Gu Fei's martial arts can be considered immortal. Because of the existence of immortal divine nature. Even if Gu Fei does not use the ultimate holy artifact to protect him, the existence of the Saint-level can never really hurt him.

He finally cultivated an indestructible martial art. The martial art is immortal. It is immortal in a thousand catastrophes. It can live forever between heaven and earth.

When Gu Fei cultivated the Holy Emperor Dao Guo, the powerhouses of the entire Demon Race's ancestor land felt the great fluctuations coming from the stone chamber. Even the old Demon Tong and others were shocked.

How long has it been since Gu Fei's cultivation level has broken through again.

Fortunately, when Gu Fei broke through, he had already used the power of the mountains and rivers to seal the four voids, so that the power of the scourge could not sense the existence of Gu Fei. Otherwise, Gu Fei would be in danger.

Shanhe Ding is an extremely sacred tool. It contains gods. Moreover, the gods in the Shanhe Ding were once refined by Gu Fei. However, the imprint of the Supreme is indelible. The gods of Shanhe Ding will eventually recover gradually. No. What will change.

Unless the Supreme Dao takes the shot, the immortal mark left by the Supreme Dao sacred artifact can be truly wiped out.

Gu Fei is not the Supreme Dao Supreme. Although he has refined the sacred artifacts of the Extreme Dao, these sacred artifacts that have been refined by him will not belong to him in the end.

He knew this very well, so he didn't deliberately stop the fact that the gods in the ultimate holy artifact were gradually changing.

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