Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2456: Xuan Yin Demon Dragon

Shanhe Ding used the method of soft grinding and hard foaming to break the seal of Zulong medicine field. This method is not fierce, so there is no need to worry about destroying the magical medicine in the medicine field.

However, using this method to break the seal of the medicine field will not succeed in a short while. This requires a process.


The void was trembling like water waves. Over the medicine field, billions of divine lights flickered, and runes were imprinted in the void and intertwined into a mysterious Taoist picture.

It was a kind of dragon-shaped Taoist picture, and the runes flashed, like a big golden dragon hovering and dancing over the medicine field, revealing a powerful dragon.

"The ancient Ancestral Dragon's methods are really amazing."

When Gu Fei saw this scene, his heart trembled. The seal under the ancient ancestral dragon cloth was very strong. This is definitely a seal of the Emperor Ji level. From this we can see how much the ancient ancestral dragon attaches importance to this medicine field. .

Even if it is as strong as a mountain and river, it is difficult to obtain the seal of this medicine field in a moment, and can only slowly use the power of chaos and magnificence to wipe away the power of the seal and obliterate the runes that make up the seal.

This is a contest between the Supreme and the Emperor. These two forces are the most powerful forces between the nine heavens and ten earth. Throughout the ages, the battle between these two forces has never stopped.

The ancient supreme can kill the very strong emperor, and the strong emperor can also kill the supreme if he rises up. No one knows who the two most powerful powers are.

But in general, Ji Dao supreme has a lot of advantages in the battle with the emperor.

At this time, Gu Fei had already sat down, and above his head, there was a purple-gold divine sword floating, and purple-gold sword light hung from the divine sword, covering him.

Gu Fei was mobilizing the power of the Zijin Divine Sword to protect his body, isolating the mighty Dao Divine Power and the Emperor Dragon Qi.

Even if he was as powerful as Ancient Fei, he couldn't bear the eruption of Extreme Dao Divine Might and Emperor Dragon Qi. Had it not been for the protection of the Purple Golden Sword, he would have died.

"It seems impossible to crack the seal here in a short time."

Gu Fei watched the scene ahead, and then muttered to herself.

He was not worried, because the Chaos Harmony Qi above the mountain and river cauldron is definitely the nemesis of all the seals in the world. The Chaos Harmony Qi is the ancestor Qi of the heaven and earth, which can refine all the essence.

Even if it is the Emperor Dragon Qi, as long as there is enough time, it can be refined.

An hour passed, and the endless runes branded around the medicated field only dimmed for a while, and there was no sign of collapse.

Two hours have passed, and the imperial seal under the Zulong cloth has not been cracked by Shanhe Ding, but at this time, it can be clearly seen that Shanhe Ding has the upper hand.

The mighty power of the Great Dao on the mountain and river tripod gradually suppressed the Emperor's Seal.

This was definitely a good thing for Gu Fei. You must know that the seven quasi-immortality medicines planted in the medicinal field belonged to him.

However, as a price for obtaining the seven quasi-immortal medicines, Gu Fei wanted to help Shanhe Ding obtain an item in the Zulong Temple.

Gu Fei had an instinctive rejection of lending his own chaotic indestructible martial arts to let the gods in the mountains and rivers enter the lord. You know, no one wants to let others manipulate his body.

However, the temptation of the seven quasi-immortal medicines could not be resisted by anyone, at least it was difficult for Gu Fei to resist such temptation.


At this moment, a loud noise came, which made Gu Fei woke up in thought.

He quickly looked in the direction where the sound came from, and saw a huge figure hidden in the darkness outside the Dragon Palace. It turned out that the giant beast outside was still impacting the seal of the Dragon Palace.

The seal of the Dragon Palace is not so easy to break open. The giant beast outside doesn't know how long it has been guarding outside the Dragon Palace, and it is difficult to enter the Dragon Palace.

In this sea area, in fact, apart from this giant beast, there is no other powerful sea beast. This giant beast dominates the endless sea area for this dragon palace.

However, at this time, this giant beast discovered that someone had entered the Dragon Palace, which made it furious and began to constantly attack the Dragon Palace seal.

However, all this is in vain, even if the power of the scourge does not come and restores this behemoth to its quasi-supreme cultivation base, it may not necessarily break the dragon palace seal.

Not everyone practices the great technique of having ten thousand ways to return to the origin.

At this time, in the Dragon Palace, over the medicine field, the Shanhe Ding was operating the great technique of returning to the original state of the Ten Thousand Ways, constantly consuming the power of the medicine field's seal.

However, because it is necessary to ensure that the seven quasi-immortal medicines in the medicine field cannot be destroyed, Shanhe Ding must be very careful not to be excessive.

This is not as simple as breaking the seal outside the Dragon Palace. You can act unscrupulously and directly without worrying about destroying the things in the Dragon Palace.

Gu Fei no longer paid attention to the giant beast outside, because he knew that the giant beast outside could not break the seal and could not enter this dragon palace.

However, when Gu Fei withdrew his gaze, he suddenly felt that something appeared around him, silently, not even breathed.

However, as a warrior, Gu Fei's reaction to danger was different from ordinary people.

He stood up abruptly, and at the same time, a black shadow appeared beside him silently, and a black claw stretched out and grabbed Gu Fei's head directly.


Gu Fei punched directly to the side, and his right fist directly collided with the black claw that he had caught. However, to his shock, the black claw was not smashed by his own punch.

You know, how powerful the Chaos Immortal Martial Body is, Gu Fei's punch, even a sacred mountain, can explode with one punch.

But the result of this punch was extremely unexpected to him.

On the black claw, there was a cold wave of power, which made Gu Fei feel a chill on his right arm, and his fist was actually covered with a layer of white frost.

Moreover, that yin and cold force also contains a magical nature.

"Xuanyin monster."

Gu Fei's surprise was truly extraordinary.

At this time, the monster that was hidden in the darkness was forced back by Gu Fei with a punch, and Gu Fei could see exactly what the monster looked like.

This is a dragon-shaped monster standing about ten feet away from him, surrounded by black air, but what really shocked him was that there was no flesh on the whole body of this monster, it was actually a dark skeleton. .

Only in the skull and in the eye sockets, there were two **** spots flickering.

"The magic dragon."

Gu Fei's eyes suddenly lit up, and it seemed that this monster was a monster that had not yet derived its wisdom, but only knew to kill, otherwise, this monster would not dare to appear here.

You know, even Gu Fei couldn't bear the coercive pressure from the extremely divine might and imperial dragon energy, and he had to draw the power of the purple golden sword to protect his body.

If directly exposed to these two strong forces, even Gu Fei would instantly disperse his soul, leaving a physical body in the air, becoming a walking corpse.

Only this kind of monster that hasn't derived its wisdom and only knows to kill can be fearless, and there is no need to worry about the soul flying away, because this kind of monster is a soulless thing.

"Why this magic dragon can withstand my punch."

Gu Fei felt a little unbelievable, because even if this kind of undead monster was comparable to a sacred weapon, it would not be able to withstand its own punch and be intact.

"Could it be that this devil dragon was actually a saint or a quasi-superior-level powerhouse before his death."

Gu Fei was guessing.


At the same time that Gu Fei was shocked, the undead dragon turned into a black shadow, and immediately rushed over, a tragic breath surged, making Gu Fei moved.

"Very good, then I will kill you again."

Gu Fei's fighting spirit was like a rainbow, and he took one step directly, his right fist struck out like lightning, and he hit a simple and direct punch.


Gu Fei's fist collided with the claws of the magic dragon again, and a burst of noise broke out in the void, and the powerful force spread.

"Xuan Yin Devil Qi."

Gu Fei was shocked by the power of the devil dragon, and what was uploaded from the sharp claws was actually Xuan Yin Devil Qi, which was the power of Xuan Yin True Devil.

Those Profound Yin Demon Ancestors bred from the Qi of Profound Yin are so powerful that they can be frozen for 10,000 miles with one shot, and even the stars in the sky can be frozen instantly.

However, after the Great Tribulation that year, the Xuanyin Demon Race had long ceased to exist. After that, the Three Realms and Six Paths were sealed by the Supreme Dao Supreme, and the pure-blooded Demon Race had basically disappeared.

However, here, Gu Fei unexpectedly encountered the remains of the Xuanyin Demon Dragon, and the remains of the Demon Dragon turned into a monster that only knows **** but has no wit.

The Xuanyin Demon Dragon is the royal family of the Xuanyin Demon Clan, extremely powerful.

The immortal dragon and Gu Fei shook with a hard blow, only to be shaken back a dozen steps, and then flew toward Gu Fei again.

Such a monster has no intelligence, no soul, and fearlessness. It is just attacking and killing by instinct. As long as the creatures with the breath of life on the body are the targets of such dead objects.

The blood on Gu Fei's body was extremely vigorous, and to this monster, it was as obvious as a beacon in the dark.

"Little guy, do you want to help."

At this moment, the voice of Shanhe Ding suddenly sounded in Gu Fei's heart.

"Hmph, if I can't deal with even such a monster, I don't need to get involved in the cultivation world."

Gu Fei used the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao, and the force of rebelling against chaos came out from between his hands, and the monster immediately flew up, losing his balance.


Gu Fei punched out, and the strong chaotic power exploded from his fist, and this punch blasted on the head of the dragon.


The Devil Dragon Gu Fei flew out with this fist, and the sound of broken bones sounded.


The devil dragon smashed into a pavilion, and then rolled down against the wall, but the pavilion hit by the devil dragon was intact and difficult to damage.

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