Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2457: Jin Jing Xie Sha

Gu Fei made a decisive move and fisted the dragon with only one skeleton left.

However, what shocked Gu Fei was that on the skull of this magic dragon, there were only cracks and cracks that were not smashed by his punch.

"Good guy."

The hardness of the bones of the Xuan Yin Demon Dragon moved Gu Fei's face. You must know that even if it was a holy artifact, it would break apart even if it was hit by a punch.

At this moment, the skull dragon that had fallen under the wall stood up again, shook his head, and rushed towards Gu Fei again.

The skull and keel body was completely dark, with traces of black demon aura lingering, and a powerful and incomparable demon aura spread from the bone.

Although the Xuanyin Devil Dragon has died for endless years and its flesh and blood are decayed, the Devil Bone is immortal, and it still contains incomparably powerful demon nature.

Moreover, what caused Gu Fei's headache was that this kind of monster had no intelligence, no spirit, and just attacked the creatures with powerful vitality by instinct.


The black shadow flickered, and the Xuanyin Devil Dragon rushed to Gu Fei again.

Gu Fei directly stretched out his hand and took off the purple gold divine sword suspended above his head, and then without hesitation, with a straight wave, the purple gold divine light flashed from the body of the Xuan Yin Devil Dragon.

The next moment, the movement of the monster stopped, and then, the dark monster bone began to turn into dust and gradually dissipated, like ice and snow in the sun, and soon only a pile of black dust remained on the ground.

No matter how hard your bones are, it is difficult to withstand a blow from the Purple Gold Excalibur.

Gu Fei held the Zijin Divine Sword in his hand, glanced at the pile of black bone meal on the ground in front of him, then turned and walked back, where the powerful monster was cut off.

It's not that the monsters are not strong, but that the Zijin Divine Sword is too powerful. In this world, there are definitely not many things that can withstand a blow from the Zijin Divine Sword.

Even if the gods in the Zijin Divine Sword did not recover, the power of this Divine Sword was equally terrifying.


The void was shaking. At this time, the void above the medicine field was rippling like water waves, the mountain and river tripod was suspended in the sky, and the chaos and majestic spirit descended vigorously, constantly consuming the sealing power of the medicine field.

The seal of the medicine field began to become unstable, and countless runes became dim, but, after all, this was a seal laid by the emperor's strongest person, and even the existence of Shanhe Ding was difficult to crack in a short time.

"how much longer."

Gu Fei said to Shanheding.

"It's estimated that it will take a long time, I might, you have to be careful, there are some ominous things in this shrine, don't walk around."

Shanhe Ding reminded.

"You mean that kind of thing just now."

Gu Fei couldn't help but look at the place where the Xuanyin Devil Dragon was cut. On the ground, only a pile of black bone meal was left.

"It won't be that simple, just be careful."

Shanheding's voice sounded in Gu Fei's heart, and then it stopped speaking.


At this moment, a deep roar came out from the depths of the divine palace, and at the same time, Gu Fei sensed that a suffocation enveloped the entire underwater dragon palace.

This is not the evil spirit, but the evil spirit. There are peerless evil things entrenched in the depths of the divine palace. How is this possible? You know, this is the palace of the ancient ancestor dragon.

Ancient Ancestral Dragon is not a demon, nor is it a demon.

Soon, Gu Fei sensed that a powerful evil spirit quickly moved from the depths of the divine palace toward where he was, and a **** gaze appeared in the dead gray evil spirit.

This Xie Sha is also the same as the Xuan Yin Demon Dragon just now, and he is not afraid of the extremely Dao aura that looms over the mountains and rivers, approaching Gu Fei.

"What is this again."

After Gu Fei saw the figure in the evil spirit, his pupils couldn't help but shrink, he didn't sense any soul fluctuations in this evil spirit.

Even the weakest divine mind fluctuates.

This suffices to explain that this evil evil spirit, like the Xuanyin Demon Dragon just now, is an evil creature without a soul, a walking corpse.

Of course, this kind of walking corpse has no soul, but this is the most terrifying, because it has no soul, can't think, only knows to kill, and uses the blood of sentient beings as nourishment to strengthen oneself.

Living beings with qi and blood are the prey of this kind of thing, and this kind of thing does not know what fear is at all, even if the Supreme Dao Supreme comes in person, this kind of soulless thing will not be afraid, and will like the Supreme Supreme. Shot.

Gu Fei discovered that this was a humanoid creature, but this creature's body was densely covered with a layer of scarlet scale armor, with black claws growing on its hands. The black claws were extremely sharp, and black light was circulating.

The evil creature's feet were not standing on the ground, but standing in the air, with their feet about one foot away from the ground.


Suddenly, the evil spirit was violent, and the evil thing had no signs, and it shot in an instant, and it floated to Gu Fei's body, two sharp claws directly grabbed Gu Fei.

"It's so fierce before deriving the wisdom."

Gu Fei was taken aback, and then waved the purple gold sword in his hand. As the sword light flashed, the two arms of the evil thing fell off and were directly cut down by the purple gold sword.


The evil thing roared, and it actually continued to pounce towards Gu Fei, opening a big mouth and biting at Gu Fei's neck.


Gu Fei's figure flashed, and the purple gold divine sword in his hand turned into a dazzling sword light, slashing across the void, and the evil head immediately flew up.

At this time, the terrifying murderous aura contained in the Zijin Divine Sword began to show off, and this unknown evil thing was like the mysterious dragon that turned into flying ashes and dissipated into the void.

The killing power contained in the Zijin Divine Sword is terrible. It is a powerful force that can slash all vitality and obliterate all forms. As long as it is slashed by the Zijin Divine Sword, even Quasi Supreme will die.

Gu Fei had a sword in his hand, no matter what evil or monster he was, he would slash it with a single sword.

"It's vulnerable."

Gu Fei held the divine sword and looked into the depths of the divine palace. A powerful wave of vitality and blood spread from his body. He was using himself as a guide to move the immortal evil spirits wandering in the divine palace with The monster attracted, and then cut off one by one.

"Boy, don't blow, if you don't have a Dao sword in your hand, you will definitely not be able to kill these things so easily."

The voice of Shanheding suddenly rang in Gu Fei's heart.

Gu Fei did not speak. Shanhe Ding was actually right. With his current cultivation base and combat power, it would not be so easy to kill the evil evil spirit just now.

Soon, several powerful evil spirits emerged, and Gu Fei sensed them for the first time.

"What's going on, dignified ancestor Dragon Palace, how can there be so many evil spirits and evil spirits."

Gu Fei couldn't help feeling a little unbelievable. Those evil spirits and evil spirits were great powerhouses before they were alive, but why did the bodies of these powerful people appear here.

"The owner of this palace has a very special hobby."

Shanheding said.

"What hobby."

Gu Fei is very curious.

"In fact, it's nothing. The ancestral dragon seems to like to freeze the enemies it killed, make it into an ice sculpture, and then store it."

Shanhe Ding explained.


Gu Fei was surprised when he heard this. The ancient ancestor dragon had such a hobby. No wonder there are so many powerful evil spirits and evil spirits in this dragon palace.

Over the years, the corpses of the ancient powerful creatures that were sealed by the ancient ancestor dragon ice have undergone abnormal changes, and then they have become evil spirits or evil spirits.

Just when Gu Fei was shocked, another devilish evil spirit came out from the opposite street. It was a devil snake.

This demon snake is not bone. The scales on its body are black and shiny, and its body is as thick as a bucket. It is seven or eight feet long, giving out a powerful devilish breath.

The eyeballs of this demon snake are all black. Such a demon evil spirit can't see anything at all, and can only tell the direction by the blood on Gu Fei.

Only creatures with blood flowing in their bodies are the targets of such evil spirits.


The demon snake rushed towards Gu Fei directly, like a huge black arrow, so fast that even Gu Fei was startled.

Gu Fei didn't move, he just erected the purple gold sword in front of him, and purple light was circulating on the purple gold sword.

The demon snake rammed into it, opened its mouth wide, and bit towards Gu Fei, completely ignoring the purple-gold divine sword standing in front of Gu Fei.


As soon as the demon snake rushed past, it was split in half by the purple golden divine sword erected in front of Gu Fei, and the two halves of the snake body quickly turned into dust.


Just when Gu Fei cut off the demon snake effortlessly, a roar came out from the shadow of a nearby house.

Then, Gu Fei saw that a human evil evil spirit came out of the shadow.

When Gu Fei saw this evil spirit, he couldn't help being shocked, and saw that this evil spirit was an ape, an ape with golden hair all over his body.

The golden ape was like a group of golden flames, pushing towards Gu Fei step by step, and a powerful fighting intent came out of him.

"how can that be……"

Gu Fei was shocked, this kind of fighting spirit, is it a natural instinct.

He had already seen the origin of this golden ape, this ape was actually a golden spirit ape, the golden spirit ape, it was the most powerful kind of beast in the world.

Unexpectedly, the master here had once killed the Golden Spirit Ape. Such a record was enough to shake the Three Realms.

The ancient ancestor dragon dared to kill the golden spirit ape, which is enough to explain the strength and strength of this ancestral dragon, and what about the golden spirit ape, kill it.

However, at this time, Gu Fei was a bit embarrassed. You must know that he and the monkey in the heavens are brothers. Although this golden spirit ape has become an evil spirit, it is a golden spirit ape after all.

If he cut off the evil spirit that was transformed into a golden spirit ape, he would be a little bit upset about the monkey in the heaven.

However, just when Gu Fei hesitated, a golden fist had already smashed towards Gu Fei.

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