Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2458: Unyielding

The appearance of the Golden Spirit Ape in the Sea Dragon Palace shocked Gu Fei. You must know that there have been only a few Golden Spirit Apes that have appeared throughout the ages.

At the same time that Gu Fei was shocked, the golden spirit ape had already attacked him.


The Golden Spirit Ape punched out, and the golden fist moved quickly in the void, pressing the air, causing the void to make a popping sound.


Gu Fei struck out a punch directly, and a layer of chaotic energy was enveloped on his right fist, with chaotic lines looming on it, and his two fists instantly collided.

It was like two pieces of immortal divine iron colliding, and the powerful force exploded. Gu Fei could not help but retreated backwards, his right fist shook slightly.

He was so shocked that the power of the opponent's punch was so powerful that he could push him back. He knew the strength of his martial arts.

And looking at the golden spirit ape, under the punch of Gu Fei, it was shaken five or six steps backwards, and soon stabilized.


As if being stimulated by some kind of irritation, the golden spirit ape suddenly roared up to the sky, and his body was full of evil spirits. The dead gray evil spirit swept from the golden spirit ape in all directions.

The figure of the golden spirit ape loomed in the evil spirit, and a wave of extremely powerful force burst out from the dead body.

"how is this possible……"

Gu Fei was surprised. The original power of the Golden Spirit Ape in the Golden Spirit Ape didn't seem to disappear, which made him unbelievable.

You know, this golden spirit ape died for endless years, became the trophy of the ancient ancestor dragon, and was collected by the ice.

"This clan is really against the sky, and the bloodline power is still there. Even after the endless years of death, it will still be fighting."

Gu Fei was talking to himself that this golden spirit ape was very different from the evil spirits and evil spirits that he had killed before. Although it turned into evil spirits, it still retained a trace of remnant thoughts.


At this moment, the Golden Spirit Ape made another move and stretched out his big hand. The endless evil aura condensed in its hand. A big dead gray hand appeared in the void, and then grabbed it towards Gu Fei.

There is only a trace of remnant thoughts in the golden spirit ape. In instinctive battle, it is an evil thing without a soul. Therefore, the golden spirit ape is not afraid of the breath of mountains and rivers.

"Very good, today I want to see if it is the golden spirit ape's physical body or my martial arts is stronger."

Gu Fei put away the Zijin Divine Sword as he said, just mobilizing the power of the Zijin Divine Sword to protect the body, isolating the extreme atmosphere of the outside world, and then soaring into the sky, avoiding the attack of the Golden Spirit Ape.

"Big hands cover the sky."

Gu Fei let out a low roar, and directly shot the sky-shielding hand, the big chaotic hand appeared in the void, and then slapped towards the golden spirit ape below.


Void shook, and a little golden light flickered above the big chaotic hand. That was the divine ancestor power that Gu Fei had melted into his body, that was the immortal divinity.


The golden spirit ape didn't dodge or evade, and he bombed out with one punch. Simple and direct, the bloodline power in the golden spirit ape was stimulated, and the power erupting from the golden fist suddenly doubled.

This was a big collision, and the two powerful forces shook hard again, and the terrifying force waved out, and a series of dark space cracks appeared in the void.

It stands to reason that this is the palace of the ancient Ancestral Dragon, and the space here is extremely stable, but under the impact of the power of Gu Fei and the Golden Spirit Ape, it is still shaken.

"Okay, the Golden Spiritual Ape line really deserves its reputation."

Gu Fei's eyes lit up, and the strength of the Golden Spirit Ape completely aroused his fighting spirit. Only this powerful opponent can make him have the desire to fight.

The chaotic hand dissipated, and the golden spirit ape resisted the hand of Gu Fei's forehead.

At this time, Gu Fei was already like a big Peng, swooping down from the sky, approaching the Golden Spirit Ape in an instant, and then struck a strong punch.

At the moment when his fist was punched, Gu Fei heard a burst of sound, his muscles and flesh shook, and the power of the chaotic indestructible martial arts burst out.

This is the power of pure martial arts.

The void was trembling, and the ripples spread from Gu Fei's fist. The powerful force was enough to penetrate the void of heaven and earth, but here, the void was extremely stable, and even Gu Fei could hardly punch through the void.


The Golden Spiritual Ape raised his fist to greet him and shook Gu Fei hard. This time, the Golden Spiritual Ape was shaken away, but Gu Fei shook his upper body and did not take a step back.

The strength of the chaos immortal martial arts, even the golden spirit ape was forced to retreat.

However, Gu Fei was not happy because of this, because this golden spirit ape has died for endless years, even if the original power in the body has not completely dissipated, it is not comparable to this golden spirit ape in its heyday.

For example, in the heyday of this golden spirit ape, Gu Fei had no confidence to suppress this **** ape.

The two figures are moving fast, and powerful forces are constantly erupting. As the battle continues, the original power in the golden spirit ape begins to awaken.

The power that erupted from the Jin Spirit Ape's body became stronger and stronger, which made Gu Fei feel a great deal of pressure. Of course, such pressure was exactly what he needed.

"Does this kid want to use this little monkey's hand to sharpen himself?"

The **** in the mountain and river tripod was talking to himself.

The battle between Gu Fei and the Golden Spirit Ape attracted the attention of the gods in the Shanhe Ding.


After fighting for a thousand rounds, Gu Fei hit the golden spirit ape's shoulder with a punch, and flew out the golden spirit ape, exploding his entire left shoulder.

And Gu Fei's body also left five bloodstains traversed by sharp claws, and the five bloodstains were deeply visible in bone.

"Haha, enjoyable."

Gu Fei stared at the golden spirit ape that flew out, with a cruel smile on his face. The blood stains on his body were healing quickly, and his flesh and blood were quickly reborn.

The left shoulder of the golden spirit ape was also reorganizing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the exploded flesh and bones were rapidly regenerating. Within a few breaths, the golden spirit ape's shoulder completely recovered.


The Golden Spirit Ape roared up to the sky, and the voice spread far away. Although there was only a trace of indestructible remnant thoughts left, the strongest war ape in the past was forced to retreat, which made the Golden Spirit Ape crazy.

Even with only a ray of remnant thoughts, the Golden Spirit Ape still has an unyielding fighting will.


There were gusts of wind and thunder from the body of the golden spirit ape, the original power of the golden spirit ape line was exploding, and the powerful blood fluctuations began to appear. The evil spirit power was actually forced out by the power of the golden spirit ape.

The dead gray evil light rushed out of the golden spirit ape, and the golden spirit ape's physical body was gradually returning to life, and a trace of life fluctuations leaked out of its body.

"How is it possible, it is really against the sky, is this a sign of reversing life and death."

Gu Fei was not in a hurry to make a move. He sensed the changes in Jin Spirit Ape. Such changes shocked him to the extreme.

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